Not Just Another Day

Story by Sarkrin on SoFurry

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The continuation of Just Another Day.

Byris woke up or thought he did still dreaming. Warm and comfortable pressed against a warm body of soft scales and enticing scent. This was nice he thought drifting between sleeping and waking, a nice dream, as he hugged the warm body to him his paws spreading out to feel the soft scales. Too bad it is probably just my pillow he thought until his eyes snapped wide open at the soft voice of the dragoness he was indeed actually hugging.

"Getting a bit touchy there aren't you." She whispered with a sly grin. Cysia watched him cry out in surprise and push himself away and right off the edge of the bed to land with a thump on the floor. She giggled down at him peering over the edge as he scrambled to his feet.

Byris backed away from the bed and the dragoness he immediately recognized from last night, "Why are in my room? How did you get in?" he demands to know heart pounding hard in his ears and his body a tingling numb from the rush of blood and adrenaline. This was shocking to him that she had showed up like this and left him feeling nervous and weak in the legs.

Cysia smiled widely, "I climbed in through your window." she says looking towards his window where indeed a few claw marks marred the sill where she had climbed up, "It was unlocked so I let myself in." she says as though it was a normal and perfectly acceptable thing.

"You can't just break into the castle at night and certainly not my room!" Byris protests alarmed and backing away for the door before he stopped himself. This is stupid he thought, I shouldn't be afraid of her she is just some crazy or weird lady, he stood more firmly and opened his mouth to speak again.

Before he could speak however she darted up in front of him and faster than he could react in his surprised state grabbed him by the horns and pulled him into a kiss, her muzzle locking onto his and her tongue warm against his lips and then in his mouth as he gasped in shock. She pulled away a second later and grinned at him, "that got you to be quiet." she says a blush showing through her lightly colored scales, "I'll go alright.. but you got to agree to come talk to me proper."

He stuttered at loss for words before simply nodding back to her. This had never happened before or anything remotely like this.

With a sharp nod she turned and headed back to his window to pull it open and slip out, "I'll see you later then." she said climbing out and dropping the window back down behind her with a pull of her tail while Byris just stared after her completely dumbfounded by what had occurred.

"H-hey wait!" he calls going to the window and opening it to call out, "where do we meet?" he asks to no one. She was gone already and he sat back staring out his open window wonder if he had dreamed it after all or if that really did just happen. He shook his head and turned away closing the window and went through is usual morning routine that would normally wake him up fully but now he was already awake from that surprise.

He headed out not bothering to check the halls for anyone waiting for him this time and went straight for the kitchen. He was still very distracted and didn't notice he missed the turn to the kitchen until he at the end of the hall. He hurried back and reminded himself to stop getting lost in thought that was probably what was causing all this to happen. He still didn't feel quite right either, he felt shaky and nervous for the first time in a long while, his head spinning for the mix of rushing and stagnant thoughts in his mind.

Lyra instantly noticed something was off with Byris was he finally made it to the kitchen for breakfast. He was never this late under ordinary circumstance and she noted with a slight concern he looked very out of it almost troubled. She sighed and straightened her apron and made her way over to him calling out and barely getting his attention.

"Byris are you alright?" Lyra asked him as she made it to him keeping quiet so they didn't draw any extra attention. He looked at her and nodded quickly his expression clearing up from a muddled confusion to something more approaching his normal self. She was still concerned however and pressed the issue, "You looked very out of it for this early and you are late."

Byris shook his head, "no, no I am fine, just well I will tell you later alone." he replied definitely intending on telling her. Though some part of him wanted to keep Cysia sneaking into bed with him secret and the meeting he had agreed to come to somewhere in the city. He felt kind of stupid not finding out where to go actually, he assumed the markets like where he usually went, but if there was somewhere else he was suppose to go he was clueless.

The cat lady watched him closely for a few seconds, "well I don't think you are getting out of here without an explanation." she says rather sternly and with a malicious cheer as she ushered him to the table, "Best eat fast and talk if you don't want to be stuck eating with everyone else." she says sauntering to sit opposite of him and motioning to have breakfast brought out to them.

Byris sighed, "I'll tell you later ok?" he grumbled lowering his head to the table and giving her a sullen look not wanting to be stuck here right now recounting what happened. He would tell her just not here and now. He hoped she would understand that and let it drop for the time being.

Obviously she wouldn't however as her curiosity had been roused and she continued to pester him until he relented with a large sigh in the middle of his breakfast that had been brought to him. "fine, I'll tell you but don't tell anyone else." he says starting to tell her about waking up to Cysia having snuck into his room and told him to meet her somewhere today.

Lyra listened closely seeming in as much surprise as he had been in the moment, "wow, that is unexpected." she says ears twitching in thought as she scratched her chin. Certainly meeting her wouldn't do any harm she figured especially if she got to go with him and see for herself. Not that she doubted him of course but after last nights teasing she wouldn't dismiss a story to lead her on for a laugh.

"So?" He asks after explaining what happened and his plans to go out into the markets again and look for her on the chance that was where he was suppose to go.

"What? I think this is cute and I am so going with you." she says with a feline grin at him showing there would be no changing her mind on this.

"Why?" Byris asks taken aback but also really not wanting to make a fool of himself in front of Lyra and this strange dragoness.

Lyra smiled and purred out, "You know just in case this is some convoluted plot to hold you for ransom." She answers not believing it for herself but was one of many excuses she would think of if she needed to justify watching what she personally considered a date.

Byris sighed and shrugged figuring there would be no getting rid of her, "Alright fine just don't spoil anything I guess."

"I doubt I will mess it up for you." Lyra says reaching across the table to tap his nose, "If anything I will be saving you from making a fool of yourself." she told him confidently, "not that I think you will do bad clearly you both are a bit dysfunctional." she jokes as Byris sighed and gave her a slightly disgruntled look.

He stood up finishing the last of his food, "well I am going now and I'm not waiting for you." he says getting up and rushing for the door, "not carrying you either, you got to walk." he called back not watching where he was going for a second. A second just long enough for him to look back and smash headfirst into another dragon of deep green and yellow scales, their heads smacking together with a thud of skulls meeting.

They both fell back with Byris landing on his haunches as the other dragon only stumbled with a startled and annoyed growl. "Damn it Byris... watch where are going." he grumbled rubbing his head and looking down at the slightly smaller dragon that was his brother.

Byris got up and winced, "you're the one who always use to headbutt me when we were younger. Thought you would be use to it bu now Vaelnor." he says trying to laugh it off and hoping Vaelnor wouldn't delay him very long.

"Whatever, go on you are clearly in a hurry, just stay out of trouble." Vaelnor said shaking his head and walking past them ignoring the two swiftly departing behind him.

"That was close." Lyra said joining Byris in the hall the delay letting her make up for his initial head start, "he usually wants to chat." she laughs as Byris looked at her surprised. Far as he could remember Vaelnor was never very talkative. Of course it had been a while since they had actually sat down and talked about anything with Byris always keeping to himself.

"I didn't know you two talked." He says just walking now as he normally would. "Do I really isolate myself that badly?" he asks feeling a bit guilty now. It wasn't quite a good feeling to have and he looked at the walls as they passed and the colorful tapestries hanging there.

Lyra stayed quiet for a few moments letting him distract himself, "Vaelnor and I chat not as much as you and me but yes you really do try to avoid everyone but me and Ivar." she says elbowing his side hard enough to get a slight yelp, "Could always try to fix that you know." she reminds him.

Byris walked on outside into the courtyard he usually took flight from, "I should." he says mostly to himself, "I'll think about it right now though have to go. See ya when you get there." he says with his more customary grin and almost knocking Lyra over with the rush of air as he took flight leaving her fur ruffled and cursing after him, though smiling the whole time.

Byris spent the few minutes he was flying to think in peace. He truly was not quite sure what to think now. His usual routine and comfortable sense of what to expect had been completely ripped out from under him. Now he was flying out to meet some 'ness that had snuck into his bedroom to sleep with him and he had very little concern over what might happen from this. It was very different from what he was used too and he did not know what to feel except maybe some kind of nervous excitement or tension.

Byris was soon wandering the market keeping an eye out this time for Cysia and intentionally trying to stay away from where Ivar had his stall set up, no need to complicate matters by having to explain to him just yet this strange date. He paused thinking why he now considered this a date, she might not want anything to do with him like that, probably was just seeking to use him for something. He hoped not though.

He was pleasantly surprised to quickly spot her hanging around outside of a cafe away from the central market area where it was quieter and more serene. He only spotted her first because he was skirting the edge of the crowds and busy areas looking for her figuring she would stay where she could easily watch for him,

She spotted him approaching and smiled brightly and with a small hop made her to him. "I wasn't sure if you were actually going to come." she says clearly glad that he had come out to meet her.

"It would have helped if you told me where to find you." Byris replies reserved, "Had to hope you would be around here."

Cysia paused in what she had been going to say and muttered a soft curse to herself, "I really should have considered that. I am sorry." she says sounding rather formal with that apology complete with a slight bow to where it was hard to tell if she was being serious or not.

He stood there taken aback again, "There is no need for that... just ummm..." he said helplessly and fidgeting as a few passerby's staring at them, "please stop." he pleads in a near whisper, " maybe we can get something to eat." he says his wing gesturing to the cafe she had been waiting in front.

She looked up and back at the cafe, "Good idea!" she says happily and spun around. Her sweeping tail smacking Byris in the forelegs and almost knocking them out from under him eliciting a small yelp as he stepped back with a wince. Cysia winced as well but kept going hoping he would follow and not leave over that. She only made it a few steps before looking back at him.

Byris followed pulled along by curiosity more than anything. He just had to know if she really was interested in him or if there was something else she had in mind with this. He paused as she looked back and tilted his head, "everything all right?" he asks slightly concerned.

She smiled back and nodded, "yeah, just got worried you weren't coming. Sorry about hitting you." she says before continuing much more confident now.

The green prince shook his head and followed into the cafe letting her choose a place to sit in the pleasantly quiet interior. An interior that was rather cooled compared to the sunny streets and had a number of tables placed a discreet distance apart.

Cysia took a seat at corner table away from the door for a tad bit more privacy and gestured for Byris to come sit next to her. He paused for a second before taking a seat across from her instead. She could understand that however; she was already possibly on thin ice far as she knew with everything up to now. Still she managed a smile and waited for him to speak.

He sat there for a long minute not sure what to do or say before finally broaching the subject of why he was here and why she was so interested in him, "What is it you want with me? Why did you sneak into my room and more importantly how? And why invite me out here? I don't get it." he says asking his questions all at once.

Cysia took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh, "Oh boy. Where to begin?" she mumbles and took another breath before beginning. "Alright, so what I want with you... I guess a friend... maybe more but lets get to know each other more first." she says smiling, "and to the rest well, sneaking in was easy those guards are kinda lazy and I wanted to see how you would react, I don't like confrontation so inviting you here kinda ended that." she explains with a shrug.

Byris stared for a few seconds processing what she had said before he replied slowly at first, "That is very convoluted." he tells her, "You are not, umm, very good with people are you?" he asks gently, "Like I get it, I am not very good either, and I guess that does make you do weird things." he quickly adds nervously trying not to offend her.

"its not quite like that." she protests, "Okay, maybe a little bit like that." she admits with a sigh, "It is also I ran into you last week and just felt a connection and I always believed you should pursue that no matter what so that is why I kinda picked you out of everyone else. Also not quite familiar with things outside of the Wilds so there you have it." she says idly spinning the menu around with claw on the table.

Byris was quiet for a minute as he thought and also glanced at the menu, he was hungry even though he had ate breakfast not long ago and figured a small snack couldn't hurt. "How about we have a snack and give me time to think." he suggests looking up from the menu to her to see her nod.

Almost as soon as Byris put his menu down having decided what he wanted a waiter was there leaving very little for conversation which was what he wanted while he thought things out. He knew that even coming from the Wilds that she would know better than to sneak into someones home but he did want to let that slide. He was pulled to her in an odd way and wanted to see where this might lead, he wanted that very badly in fact, a lonely longing he didn't realize was there until now.

He was facing the wrong way to notice Lyra enter though Cysia quickly saw her and looked down trying not to draw attention though they were obvious. She watched from the corner of her vision as Lyra took a small table across the room. Cysia pretended not to take notice and focused on what was her breakfast.

"Alright, so I think I can give you a shot. Well I am just being here I guess." Byris says finishing his snack, "No more weird stuff though like sneaking in and using me like a landing pad." he adds quite seriously much to her delight clearly as she broke into a big grin.

Cysia grinned continuously, "Since you are giving me a chance you want to have dinner sometime?" she asks boldly, "Like tonight alone."

He blinked and laughed, "wow, that was fast." he replies to her, "not wasting anytime. How about we just chat here for a while get to know each other better first and then we can make other plans." he suggests.

"I can go for that." She says, "Where should we start?" she asks tail and wings twitching with excitement as she waited eager for his reply and just to talk more with him as silly as she found it. Her enthusiasm was rather contagious and overwhelming leaving Byris almost stammering out his reply to her.

"W-well just start talking about yourself I guess." He says, "I'll go first..." he says pausing for a few seconds to think of where to start, "obviously you know about well who I am, but I don't really like being heir to all this or all the boring work involved so I always try to sneak off and hope it gets passed down to one of my siblings instead." he offers and continues to tell more about himself and his friends. He found himself surprised just how open he was being. He already felt comfortable talking about this stuff to someone he had just met and hardly knew anything about.

Cysia listened closely to him talking fell into a comfortable trance of listening and replying with a word here and there. Soon enough adding some of her own story in return. She told her journey from the Wilds to the city of Kyzan where they were now, not that it amounted to much for the lack of excitement in her trip. Much more interesting to Byris was what she said about herself, her love of magick, her curiosity at meeting him and new people. Perhaps most of all was her way of just doing whatever she felt like no matter what it was, he found himself envious of this.

They ended up sharing hours together just chatting first about each other and then just whatever came to mind. Barely noticing the time pass until as they left to walk around the markets and continue their talk. Neither noticed the cat lady following them nor would they much care if they did. Only Lyra physically imposing herself between them gathered their attention and slight protest.

"Lyra what are you doing?!" Byris says surprised to see her before he remembered that she had decided to follow him.

Lyra shook her head amused, "I know you two are having a great time but it would probably be a good idea for you to head back now Prince Byris." she says emphasizing his title to remind him that he was probably expected back.

Byris sighed, "I suppose so..." he mumbles wings drooping down a bit before he lifted them back up and looked to Cysia, "See you later Cysia. It has been nice I'll see if I can get out later and introduce you to Lyra and Ivar better." he says happy again before he left feeling awkward with his departure but not really sure how else to manage it.

The two watched Byris leave smiling and looked at each other slowly starting to laugh. "I told you it would work." Lyra purrs out patting Cysia on the side and grinning widely, "I knew you two would be perfect for each other." she continued on satisfaction filling her words.

The dragoness looked over at her feline friend happiness warming her smile, "You are quite a matchmaker." she replies, "This went a lot better than I thought but your plan was still crazy." she tells her. She looked off in the direction Byris had went and smiled knowing she would be seeing him later, "You got something else planned or are we done with the crazy ideas?".

"You wish." Lyra says tweaking a finger for her to follow and set off, "Besides I'm not the one who thought of sneaking into his room in the middle of the night. You did that all on your own."

"That is true."