nohope part one

Though there was one more crucial fact, it was going incredibly slow. it wasn't predicted to hit/land for another hour and a half.thats why i was preparing for the worst-case scenario[do to the fact i watched prometheues] very big thing having an even bigger

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Royal Flush

I wasn't sure that i had actually done it until i realized that the fact that i got a grip at all meant that i did it.

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Springtide: Berry Inconvenient

He did run into one problem exploring though, and that was the simple fact his clothes were now too big. judging from the fact that the meadow was actually filled with piles of abandoned clothing, he wasn't the only one with this problem.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 8

Damos, who was gehen's interpreter and occasional bodyguard, did not seem to enjoy the fact that the ashes were once people, but it wasn't the case for gehen.

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29: Thinking and Plotting

Of course, there was a bit of irritation at the fact those hunts were, well, easy.

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Frost- Part #1 the Beginning

Completely surprised with the fact that he'd found something new about himself as he used his new ability to pan over the battle field, noticing that their enemies were in fact humans which had surprised him as well.

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Typheks Origins

What was surprising most of all is how he viewed humans not by name or age, but the fact they in fact just meagrely served as another animal, he did not view them differently nor did he care, in fact due to his high testosterone and curiosity he sometimes

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Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 2

In fact he almost seemed... serene, peaceful, almost happy that he had done it, but absolutely no fear or shame, remorse or regret showed itself in any measure.

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A Bronze Rising: Investigative Dragon

The fact that the knight had been brutally slain in one of my private sanctuaries was too much to ignore. i would find the perpetrator of this crime and deliver unto him a dragon's vengeance.

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He'd never heard anything about it, other than the fact it was the deciding point in your life. _"i've trained all my life for this"_ he thought, anxiously waiting. _"what are we supposed to do in here anyways?"

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Half of a Heritage Held By Our Thin Shared Line

Plenty of times i'll reflect on things had and lost or that were just never there among those things is the complicated relationship with a heritage that through blood we share it's hard to know where to even begin but i suppose i should start with the fact

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part E

Thus, aside from the fact that it was unlikely he had antlers or horns, didn't tell me much.

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