Frost- Part #1 the Beginning
#1 of Backstories
all right, so here's the first of the two that I'm uploading tonight
Our story starts in the north inside a large 200 foot tall by 1000 feet wide and long ice cave in the Polar Ice Cap with a somewhat paler than normal Frost Drake egg. It's within this egg where our Heroine is born. His parents, worried for the egg's health as that ended up being their clutch for the next hundred years or so, and with each clutch anywhere from one to four eggs consulted the shaman of the village to find out if the egg was in fact dead, or if it was alive. The shaman simply answered with, "it will come to do great deeds, but not before it reaches the age of 150 000 years."
Now we come back to the egg, which did indeed hatch though it was almost a month after his brothers, and when he came out of the egg he looked different from his brethren, for one there was the fact that his eyes looked like pools of liquid ice, swirling around in their sockets. Another being that he seemed able to control the weather in the winter months. His parents promptly named him Frost Bite in honour of what he was able to do. Now we go to his perspective after he finally gained sight which took about a day and a half after he had hatched.
Frost heard giggling coming from one of the corners of the cave, he promptly chased after it, his head knocking into the wall as one of his sisters dodged out of the way at the last second, "owww!" he whined, being somewhat of a complainer as a result of not being able to see yet, "that really hurt."
The sister giggled and slowly walked over, sniffing over the part of his head that had hit the wall, "oh hush Frost Bite. Try to be braver hey?"
The young drake shook his head, before turning it towards his sister, his eyes focusing on her, "I-I can see!" he laughed and bolted across the room happily, stopping just before he hit the wall and running back to his clutch-mate, noticing her pure-white scales, and brownish eyes, with nere a horn on her body except for her head which had two small stubs on it. He then jumped onto her with pinpoint accuracy and pinned her to the ground despite her larger size as he started to giggle with glee.
The sister smiled and giggled before pushed her younger brother off of her, "well it's about time, gosh we were starting to think you were blind."
Frost smiled and looked around the cave expectantly, "w-where are the others?"
His sister swallows the lump in her throat before replying sadly with tears in her eyes, "they... They didn't survive the first month after you were born, they died within the first couple of weeks after the fact. It's just been me that you've been playing with for the past week. You probably don't know me for who I am now that you can see. But I've been the one who always slept beside you, my name is Snow Flake."
The small drake nods, then glances at her body, then at his own, "how come you're so thin?"
Snow smiles, "I've been cutting back on my feeding in hopes that you not being able to see was a result of you not getting enough nutrition from the meat father brings us."
Frost looks at her with a confused look on his face, "where's mother?"
Snow nods and lays down near the middle of the cave, making sure to bring her brother with her, and pulling him down to lay beside her, "mother died, something snuck in while we still couldn't see and killed her while father was out hunting. The only reason we know is because father came home and started crying. He sat there for days before he finally found it in himself to pull her out of the cave."
The small drake looked at his sister sadly, tears of ice forming in the corners of his eyes. His sister sighed and licked them off of his face, "it's not a good thing to cry brother, the tears stick to our face and without someone there to clean them off their incredibly difficult to get off."
Frost nodded, slowly starting to learn that everything in the world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, "so what do we do we do now Snow Flake?"
Frost's sister smiled, "we can either continue to play or sit and talk until father gets back with supper."
The smaller drake smiled and jumped at his sister, toppling her onto her side and jumping off, running to the opposite end of the cave...
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When Frost's father returned before dusk he looked at the boy, thinking that something would have to happen soon, or else he would have no choice but to leave him to the shaman, that's when he noticed his son focusing on his larger body and he smiled, walking over to the little drake and licking him affectionately, "I've been so worried, if only your mother was here to see you," he said, muttering the last part under his breath.
"Its ok father, my sister told me everything about my brothers and sisters, including mother. Specifically in that order," he said, frowning curiously as he said specifically, "that's a weird word wouldn't you say dad? Spe-ci-fi-ca-lly," sounding out the syllables in the word.
Frost's father laughed, "It appears to be that you're already starting to get a more advanced vocabulary, just like the rest of our lineage."
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A few months later, Frost was finally able to venture outside of the cave with his sister, as they wandered through the village for the first time they looked about in wonder at the shops set up there, his sister was currently around their fathers knee height, while Frost himself was almost to her shoulder, both continuing to grow rapidly as their strain of drake did. While walking along the main pathway of the town he glanced between the buildings into an alley, noticing a small form with blood red eyes peering from the shadows, before the eyes closed and the form vanished, "Snow," he asked with wonder in his voice, "did you see that?"
The female laughed, her head turning to look at her brother, "it was probably a polar bear Frost, and I'm extremely surprised that you haven't seen one until now."
The young Frost nodded, his eyes glancing back to the alley in hopes that he could see the 'polar bear' again, "do polar bears stand on their hind legs and have red eyes?"
Snow glanced at her brother, then moved her tail behind him slowly, effectively moving him forwards, "c'mon, let's get home."
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Five years later Frost and his sister Snow were fully grown and still playful, the way that they would remain for the next couple thousand years if that fateful night hadn't happened.
Frost had been sleeping in the cave with his sister and father when his head darted up and his ice-blue eyes focused on the entrance intently. Always having been a light sleeper he had thought that he'd heard a sound, after a few seconds noticing the same red eyes floating in the air that he had witnessed all those years ago. He then noticed those piercing red eyes focus on him before they moved upwards and started to move away. The drake thought about following them but thought against it and lowered his head back to the floor, glancing up to see the eyes wink out of existence just like they did all those years ago, as he himself closed his own eyes and fell back into the dark chasm of sleep.
When Frost woke again it was to the sound of something shrilling through the air, followed by an explosion as he immediately jumped to his feet. Quickly followed by the rest of his family as they rushed outside to see the town alight with purplish flame. The likes of which they'd never seen before, the drakes of his tribe rushing to meet their sudden enemy with claws and teeth, as Frost narrowed his eyes he seemed to get closer to the rushing drakes, jolting back with a start and shaking his head, waiting a few moments before trying again. Completely surprised with the fact that he'd found something new about himself as he used his new ability to pan over the battle field, noticing that their enemies were in fact humans which had surprised him as well.
For the past few years the drakes had gladly traded with the humans and now they were attacking for some reason. That's when he noticed machines made of shielded wood moving over the fallen drakes, something whirring and when it pulled away the drake would be completely skinless. The young drake reeled back in fright, his father stepping in front of him as he looked him in the eyes, "son, I need you to run, go farther south with your sister and if we fend them off I will come find you, both of you," as he said that there was another shrilling sound, followed by an explosion nearby that threw them away from the impact. When he stood up his ears were ringing, that's when he noticed his sister on the ground, blood dripping from her ears, nose, and mouth. He slowly turned around to notice his father laying on the ground, half of his front leg missing and a gaping hole where his eye had been. With that he had sat on the ground and started to cry, tears of ice flowing from his face freely.
He wasn't sure how long he had been there but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds before he felt an insistent prodding at his legs, he looked down and noticed a black wolf, his eyes blood red, once he had recognised the eyes he stared at him in shock, "y-you had been trying to warn me weren't you?"
The wolf nodded slowly, and tried to pull him up, the drake eventually complying as the wolf then stepped beside his front leg and tried to push him away from the battle, the drake eventually complying and turning from the massacre, spreading his wings and flying away. The wolf muttered under his breath after he was sure that he was out of hearing distance, "you need to live, for the sake of your tribe you must live."