nohope part one

[if you haven't guessed yet here it comes]i ran away from home. i ran away from my friends. i ran away from downtown. i ran away from the camera. i ran away from the pit i ran away from them. i ran away from it.i ram away from the marker.

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter One: The Crystal)

"add waypoint markers onto the map, and add in my jump distance," johnson said again. the green marker was just on the other side of the tiberium field. a red marker appeared just on the edge of the tiberium field farthest from him.

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Venturing: Halls and Tress

After pulling onto the cover tip, i lowered the marker and stabbed upon the ground. it lit up suddenly. glowing the same color as the marker's color while me and zander stepped back and dropped the marker at the same time.

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The Guardians of Equestria - Introduction

While she told celestia about her studies & a goal she had set for herself, the guard that was with her was showing celestia the record book for the statue marker they stood next to. "why are you so interested with statue marker 4?"

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Four: Discovery)

"analyzing...plotting course...plotting...plotting course complete...placing nav marker on hud," eva stated. a green marker appeared on his hud. he followed the route and came to an emergency escape hatch.

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Unit 13

A trio of blue nav markers were targeted by his sensor, indicating that they were ten or less meters near him. 13 accessed the database, searching for a viable exit.

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No Time For Caution

"captain, capital destroyer, marker one-eight, has us pinned! i have weapon signatures from markers one-seven, zero-niner, and one-four, they're cycling up for a counter-attack." "torpedo impact in five seconds--" "chatter is insane!

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Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

The radio settled on some sort of interview while the bird took note of the mile markers.


The Fastest Lap

When the markers for turn 7 approached, he let the car drift slightly to the left before jamming on the brakes.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1

In this formation it cannot readily accept new genetic markers unless the ladder is split and the markers removed. this happens during mitosis when a fetus is begun in the womb.

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