The dragon from the jungle CH2
But that panic went away quickly, because you noticed that your stomach was not digesting you, it just had you there, kneading you with the soft undulating walls of the bag, it was even relaxing to be there.
Sweet Tooth
Charem decided one day to go to the local mall. Window shopping was always a fun activity, and there were so many interesting shops to peer into and look around. Perhaps he'd even buy something, if it really caught his fancy! ...That was the plan, at...
Celebration Trickery Pt.2: Final Vengeance
But i thought she ate me to digest me! why... why? _ palmon let out one last moan as the naked, confused girl slid out off her tongue onto the warm bathroom rug.
To Wolf down a Wolf
The wyvern started to lick the wolf's head and he indeed tasted good, the wolf's gray fur was beautiful although it was saddening that it'd end up digested like the rest of the wolf.
A little payback part 2
The dragonite had a quick digestive system, it only took about fifteen minutes. setson smiled and jiggled his belly, the digestive juices sloshing around. after about two more minutes, he clenched his fists, groaning a little.
Gnarl's Breakfast
Granted most of it was that her belly had been overstretched, but she had no doubt that once her body had finished digesting its overloaded meal, there'd be a good deal more of her to go around the rest of her body.
An unusual friend: part 2 (Vore, Wolf/Rabbit)
"i'm gonna enjoy eatin-" he began but was stopped by a violent and rude belch right into the rabbit's face, which smelled strongly of digesting cat.
POV vore - you and a little bear
digestive enzymes sting your lips and burn your eyes as the bear's belly goes to work on this unexpected but not unwelcome meal. you begin to struggle. it's already too late.
Simba lerns a pain full leason ( vore)
Cotains : vore ,young vore m/m,trafromation,death digestion,magic.
Expired Magic
Just as jeri was beginning to panic from the room closing in around him jeri felt a familiar gurgling rolling up from his digestive tract.
An unusual friend (vore, wolf/cat)
"mmm, that was lovely" the wolf moaned, picking his teeth with a long claw and stifling a belch that smelled distinctly of digesting meat.
Bruxa 1/2: Breaking the Fast
Racks of catalogued trophies gathered dust in their shelves as the mistress of the house woke from her content slumber. The female slowly opened one eye, prodded her stomach with one paw to judge how much it shrank overnight, and muzzily rolled off of...