Celebration Trickery Pt.2: Final Vengeance

Story by masterlevan1 on SoFurry

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#11 of Literature

Here is the second part of Celebration Trickery. This was a request a few years ago by a friend so I hope everyone enjoys it. I do want to note that most of these stories I'm posting are things I've written 2-3 years ago through deviantArt that I'm now posting on here to get a little bit more publicity. So, if you continue to follow all these stories that I'm posting, hopefully you'll see the writing getting progressively better, ha-ha!

Saliva dripped of Bioymon's beak, and she growled in pleasure-shed reached Sora's chest by this point, and was currently in the lengthy process of lathering her tongue all over her companion's clothing. The teenager screamed as loud as she could, then started crying and whimpering as her own Digimon ate her whole. Through a haze of utter ecstasy, the bird could hear her mistresses' sobs. It worried her a little, and for a moment she slowed her actions-but then her tongue touched Sora's exposed neck, and instincts got the better of her.

And so it was that she continued with her meal, reaching Sora's waist with glee.

On the other side of the room, Tai reached Agumon.

"So...what did you want?"

"Can you help me get this thing off my claw? It won't seem to come off..." This was accompanied by a pointing to motion to a large string on Agumon's foot, seemingly caught on his claw.

Obligingly, Tai knelt, trying to undo the piece of string. "Uh, sure buddy! I can get it off...just gimme a little time and..." He paused. "Say, did you see Sora leave or something?"

"Nah. Why?"

"Weird...I didn't see her slip out. You sure you didn't see her?"

To the teen the Digimon seemed to yawn cavernously-he was actually stretching his jaws in anticipation of his meal, but there was no way Tai could have possibly known that. "Nah...I was too busy seeing you."


"Oh, you know...You, with your mouthwatering, handsome body in here," Agumon chirped-and before his master could possibly react, he'd quickly widened his maw and pushed down on Tai's head so that, in a few seconds, the boy's head was being squished down the Digimon's fleshy throat. With a cry of horror, Tai stopped what he was doing and tried to fight Agumon off-but failed as the Digimon pushed his drooling mouth over the teen's shoulders, pinning the teen's arms from moving. Tai thrashed around as he felt himself lifted up to the sky.

And on the other side of the room, Sora continued to sob-even as Bioymon reached her knees, and started sucking and salivating all over the young girl's jeans with a hungry grin on her face

_I'm...I'm really going to die? She's going to EAT ME?! _

Now Agumon's maw had reached his friend's waist, opening wider to let the Digimon's large tongue out. Said tongue wrapped around Tai's waist and legs, now beginning to taste him, savor the flavor as a whole-and the boy yelped as he felt it ease under his shirt, beginning to lick him across some sensitive areas.

"Agumon, p-please...AH! S-Stop, w-why are you...uh...you d-d-doing this...AGH!" Tai pleaded as his waist was wrapped around and pulled into the greedy maw-his speech now punctuated with yelps of terror.

Needless to say, Agumon didn't listen.


Bioymon purred deeply as she felt her human slide into her warm and hungry stomach. Stroking her belly lovingly, she went to sit in the corner of the billiard room and cuddle up with her 'meal'-then giggled as she saw Tai's feet up in the air, starting to descend slowly into Agumon. Deep in the creature's throat, a few tears escaped Tai's eyes.

_My...my very best friend...Why? _

The Digimon giggled cheekily as he slowly removed the boy's shoes and socks, beginning to wrap his energetic tongue around Tai's warm and tasty feet. He toyed with them for a while, until the boy's feet finally descended into the dark and saliva-filled maw. With a little 'hmm', Agumon closed his mouth, and his master felt himself slide into a fleshy and pumping chamber, greeted by a pool of saliva and gastric acids. The teen curled up in the shallows at the very edge of the pool and started to sob...even though for some strange reason, the acid wasn't burning him, and he wasn't suffocating.

Elsewhere in the house, the doorbell rang...and Matt smiled, almost psychotically. Patomon giggled as the boy got up and went to go snuggle by Tentomon and his 'dinner'. The Digimon was already snoring loudly, one paw on his stomach.

Matt opened the door, to find a boy and a seal-like Digimon. The newcomer beamed at the host of the party. "Hey Matt, so sorry I'm late, Gonamon had to...I don't know, he had to do something. Didn't say what it was."

"Yeah! I had a few things to take care of...But now I'm here, right? Heard that you have some killer snacks," the creature beside him chuckled.

"You bet I do! Joe, Gonamon, go ahead, come in, come in! Everyone else is pretty much scattered throughout the mansion, just so you know. Have fun!"

Joe laughed, taking off his shoes and coming into the house with his friend by his side. "Of course!"

Joe missed Matt's knowing wink at Gonamon. "I think the pool's free. Heated and everything...You and Gonamon would enjoy it...trust me."

"Yeah-maybe we'll check it out in a minute."

The other boy smiled politely, leading the two into the living room. With a wave of his arm, he showed them the snacks and everything that was set out. "Dig in, dig in!"

Joe chuckled at the two sleeping Digimon by the recliner. "Wow, Tentomon looks like he ate a deer or something," the teen said jokingly, grabbing a sandwich. Matt said nothing only sat down in the big chair.

After a few awkward minutes, Gonamon began to beg. "Hey, come on Joe! I wanna play with you in the pool!"

The boy blinked. "But why would-"


As always, Joe was a sucker for the Digimon's big, pleading eyes. "O-okay buddy, 'ets go! Uh...Matt, will you be okay if we go and spend some time in the pool?"

Matt grinned ear to ear. "No, of course I won't mind, silly. I'm sure you and Gonamon will have a very...pleasing time."

Ignoring his host's use of italics, Joe smiled, and made his way downstairs.

And Gonamon followed, with his distinctly hungry look on his face.

Now Matt was all alone with Patamon-and so he began to rub and pet the little 'mon. The Digimon smiled in reply, and fluttered onto his lap, nuzzling and hugging. "This was a great plan, Matt."


"He-he...I'm sorry that I and the others didn't get time to spend with you, we had no excuse to leave you alone for so long. T-the others might be a little mad at you, b-but I know that you were angry at them for doing this to you," Patamon purred, licking the teen's cheek.

For an instant, Matt's face became sad. "Y-yes. I mean...I know this might be a little harsh, b-but they made me feel horrible, Pat. T-they didn't even...didn't even call or...even say 'Hi' to me. M-my own brother hasn't even talked to me for near a month cause he's been with Sora. But...b-but thank you, I know. I will have to apologize afterwards, I guess."

"I know you will, but they will understand." The Digimon grinned wickedly. "And besides, they kind of deserve it."

"Yeah..." Matt's thoughts ran back and forth as Pat made his guilt less noticeable for the moment. There was a long pause, the two of them simply sitting and thinking on their own thoughts.

"W-well, on another note, um...C-could I eat you, Matt? I mean...Just to snuggle with you and all that," Patamon asked with a cute face. "The others all seemed to really enjoy eating their people, after all..."

The teen chuckled a bit at the request. "Well...I mean, I would. I know you wouldn't hurt me, but I kind of promised Gabumon that he could eat me after this party was all done. Maybe next time. I mean, I'm sure your cute tummy is very comfy," he smiled and rubbed the Digimon's stomach.

"Besides, isn't snuggling like this fun enough?"

Patamon smiled, resting his head on the boy's lap. "Okay Matt, that's fin...yeah, this feels pretty good. I love T.K., but he's just so young that he sometimes doesn't snuggle me when I want to snuggle. I mean, that's okay and all, but..."

Matt smiled down at him, rubbing his finger over one of Patamon's orange, soft ears. "Yeah, I love him too. I hope he wasn't too scared by anything..."

"Eh, Gabumon will be careful."

"Yeah...Hey, I wonder where Kari disappeared to. Haven't seen her since the beginning of the party." The boy's voice was casual, almost innocent-and Patamon responded likewise.

"Oh...She went to play on your trampoline. I think Gatomon followed her."

"I wonder why?" Matt wondered...and the two of them broke into fits of evil giggles.


Kari laughed in exaltation, as she soared high into the sky coming back down on the smooth, bouncy surface of the trampoline seconds later. Gatomon chuckled and jumped in perfect synchronization with her. It was a perfect end to the girl's day-the two of them both smiling goofily at each other, enjoying the cool night air as they leaped. They'd been jumping and playing for about an hour, though they wouldn't know that-they'd lost all track of time from the actual party, after all.

I wonder if Matt might need me...Kari mused a few times-but quickly dismissed the thought. If Matt needed her right there and then, he would have come and gotten her, after all. And so, she kept bouncing with her Digimon.


Facing the girl, Gatomon jumped high and tried to think of the best way she could eat her human. It had to be quick, so Kari wouldn't have time to be utterly terrified, and it had to be flashy.

It took her an hour, but eventually she'd come up with a pretty cool idea-she changed her bounces slightly, so that she would be high in the air when the girl hit the trampoline. As Kari fell down once again and giggled. Gatomon, sure enough, was at the top of her arc in the air... and she turned her body in the air to face downward.

As she came down, and her human moved upwards, the Digimon opened her maw wide and aimed straight for Kari's head. Gatomon's throat opened up as she came crashing down on her human's head. They met in mid-air, and it was just as the Digimon had planned-the force of gravity pulling the Digimon downwards, plus that of Kari's upwards velocity managed to get Kari right down Gatomon's throat-all the way down to her chest. The girl yelped, stunned for a minute-and Gatomon moved fast. Within seconds, a greedy tongue was lathering all over the poor girl, now pulling more of her limp body into her pulsing gullet as they both landed on the trampoline again.

The creature was forced to open her maw wider, to almost impossible widths, in order to engulf her human's body. Slowly and surely, Kari was swallowed, with Gatomon's maw releasing heavy amounts of saliva to wet the girl's body and allow for smoother consumption. As the maw reached the teen's thighs, the two of them lost their balance, falling over backwards onto the trampoline.

Gazing up what was left of her mistress, Gatomon smiled as best she could as she swallowed her human whole with glee, ripping off those disgusting shoes and socks. Why humans had to wear those all the time, she had no clue.

Kari came out of her shock, only to find herself pulled and pushed into the cramped tummy of her friend. Standing on shaky legs, she immediately began trying to fight her way out. "P-please let me out Gatomon! Please... I'm... I...I'm sorry, so sorry for whatever I did... W-why are you doing this? P-please don't digest me, I...I thought we were friends..." Her eyes filled with tears after that, and she started to wail.

Lying on the trampoline, Gatomon sighed a little at the crying.

_I don't like hurting my human... but she has to learn this lesson. _

She felt exhausted from the jumping, and the warm feeling of a full stomach was comforting, lulling her into a nice nap. Rolling onto her front, trying to block out the sounds of Kari's terror, she reluctantly fell asleep.


"Wow, this is a big pool. I didn't know that Matt had such a massive house, awesome party!" Joe chirped. It wasn't until he actually looked around; that he realized that he was alone-there was no one else even remotely in the area.

"...Oh. Hmm... Wonder why there aren't more people in the pool." He blinked, coming to a sudden realization at that point. "Heck, where is everyone?"

And two seconds later: "Dang! Forgot to bring the swim shorts."

Gonamon blushed under his fur, giggling as he walked up beside Joe. "Oh, come on!"


"Well... I mean, I've seen you like that plenty of times. Besides, no one is around..."

After a slightly embarrassed silence, the seal poked his human: "Go ahead, I bet it'll feel good to do a little skinny dipping."

Joe laughed out loud. "Yeah, I guess it'd be okay. He-he, you're certainly no stranger-I just hope Matt doesn't mind."

"Oh don't worry, he won't mind." Gonamon smiled, and Joe didn't wait any longer - a few minutes later, he'd removed his clothes and shoes, jumping in the cool water with a shout.

The Digimon licked his chops, eyeing his friend up and down. "And I _certainly _won't mind..." _Awesome! _

Joe could feel the water all over his body-exactly the right temperature, not too warm, not too cold. He smiled to himself as he bobbed up to the surface, floating like a cork on the water.

_Maybe I should try getting a pool like this. _

The teen heard a splash-presumably Gonamon joining him in the water. The Digimon loved water-he was pretty much a seal, after all. Joe couldn't see his friend-but he could hear Gonamon's chuckles getting closer and closer, and seconds later felt the first lick of many.

"Hey, that tickles! S-stop it, ya silly...Hey, what are you-OH OH, w-wow! Geese, try not to lick that hard, buddy-"Joe giggled, as the Digimon dived between his legs.

Gonamon surfaced right behind him. "Oh, puh-leeese. You enjoyed that!"

The boy felt his face grow hot instantly. "Okay...Maybe I enjoyed that."

"Not as much as I will!" The seal dived for a moment-and in the next instant, he had dragged Joe underwater, clamping his large maw over his friend's head. He swallowed hard, using his saliva, the water, and the natural flexibility of the water to devour his naked friend. He was fast, too-after maybe two minutes of bubbles popping on the surface, Gonamon emerged from underwater and rested by the edge of the pool with an over-sized tummy that was pulsing. The Digimon purred and licked his large belly...almost like he loved it. Lying on his belly, he eventually fell asleep, to the soft, fearful pleading of his interesting human.


Patamon came charging back into the room, and threw himself on top of Matt. "All of our friends have finished their dinner, Mattie."

The teen giggled as the Digimon licked his face. "That's great! I wish I could've seen Tai's face when Agumon surprised him..."

The Digimon grinned from ear to ear. "So, um...What are we going to do now? Should I tell the others to let their partners out now, or what?"

"Yeah-tell them they can do that if they want. If they want to 'snuggle' with their friends, though, they can-this is a sleepover, remember!" He paused. "But make sure that at least Gabumon and Palmon let out Mimi and T.K....Just cause I don't want my baby brother to be scared...and Mimi's pretty...uh, nice."

Patamon leapt off his friends lap. "Okay, bud! I'll go spread the word-just be ready to be the one everyone's angry at..."

"Oh, but they don't know that I planned this yet..., you're right I guess. They'll be mad at me when they find out, but Gabumon said that he told each of our friends to calm them down and explain it to them, get their partners to take it easy. I mean, I take full blame for it...but I hope that they felt how I felt when I was alone."

He grinned manically. "Now we're even."

Feeling uncomfortable, Patamon hugged his friend. "Well...I mean, it was wrong of them to leave you alone for so long and not even say 'hi', but maybe you didn't have to go this far. Even though we'd never hurt them, and we kind of enjoyed."

For a moment Matt looked a bit hurt. "Weren't you the one who was just a while ago egging my feelings on...and don't give me that kind of crap, please I saw Tentomon's face when he ate Izzy, don't give me kind of..."

Patamon whimpered. "I'm sorry Mattie...I didn't mean it like that..."

He sighed and hugged the little Digimon, his eyes hidden behind his bangs; "But...I know, I...was just angry, a...and was in t-the spur of the moment, I'll apologize, b...but I...I just..." A tear ran down his cheek. "I just...w-wanted...No, I-I needed my friends to be here for me!!"

"I know...I know buddy, but...I mean Gabumon will never leave you alone, he's your best friend in the world..., Okay?"

"I guess..."

"It was wrong of them to do that and I know how feeling abandoned can affect you. Here, I'll go tell all of our friends." With a snap of his wings, the Digimon was off Matt's lap and headed out of the room.


Minutes later, Patamon flapped into the bathroom, nodded at Palmon, then let. The plant Digimon knew the signal-it was time to let her friend out. This was a good thing-the Digimon could feel Mimi still sobbing in her tummy, and felt bad for her.

_On the other hand, Mimi is going to be furious... _

Still, letting her out, now that it was the right time, was definitely the right thing to do. Palmon sighed in relief as she contracted her stomach and started to push her sweet tasting human out of her tummy.


Inside, the girl gasped as she felt the soft flesh push her upwards.

_I'm... I'm being let out? But I thought she ate me to digest me! Why... Why? _

Palmon let out one last moan as the naked, confused girl slid out off her tongue onto the warm bathroom rug. Standing on all fours, Mimi took a moment to breathe and pant with a mixture of relief-meanwhile, Palmon looked away, unwilling to see what she had done to her unclothed human.

"Are you... angry?" She asked at last, her voice shaking considerably.

Mimi turned around to look at the scared Palmon, and without wiping her wet chest or bare body clean of the spit and digestive juices, she crawled over and gave Palmon a hug. "T...Thank you, thank you so much for not killing me, I...I'm sorry for whatever I did. But...W-why didn't you digest me? I mean... I-I'm sure that tasted good from the noises you made. And e-especially um, being naked?"

Palmon drooled slightly, but hugged her back. "No, no, Mimi! I could never, ever kill you! And especially not like that. I-I'm so sorry, too, I... Someone suggested it. And I-I was curious and I was hungry, a-and I didn't really want to do it... But y-you were so tempting!" She blushed furiously. "A-and... Yes, you tasted good. I...in this um, this way. Once I started, I just couldn't stop..."

Mimi sighed, resting her head on Palmon's shoulder. "Who suggested this?"


The girl nearly exploded, making Palmon cringe away in fear. "MATT did this?!? Don't tell me he got the others to, as well!"

"Um... Yes?"

"B-but why? I mean, we're his best friends. W-why would he suggest that we be eaten?"

Palmon fidgeted uncomfortably. "Well...Y-you are his friend, b-but um, Mimi, he hasn't seen or heard from you guys in weeks. Gabumon said that you haven't even said 'hi' to Matt for at least that time, and so he felt abandoned and alone. H-he knew that we could eat you guys, cause Gabumon has done it to him before and he... he never wanted to hurt anyone, okay? Please, please don't be mad at him! I mean... If it makes you feel any better, it's my fault too. I...I didn't say 'hi' or try to get you to visit him. I-It's not that hard, we live pretty close and we didn't even acknowledge his existence!"

Mimi sagged, as realization finally hit home. "Ohhh...I feel like a bad friend now. I-I think I understand..." She began to cry after that, her cheeks wet with tears. "I just can't be mad at Matt, can I? I...I love him too much. I know he d-didn't really mean it, b-but...I-I should've been a better friend." The tears came faster now, the girl breaking into sobs. "W-what's wrong with me?!?"

Palmon held her close, trying to wipe away some of the tears. "No, no! Please don't cry, it's okay, it's okay! You're not horrible at all. Matt's already forgiven you guys for this. Auugh...Please, don't cry!" Palmon said, rubbing Mimi's chest. The girl moaned a little, but then lifted her head up, a new fire in her eyes. "Okay. I-I won't cry, but let me take a shower. And then...I...I'll go apologize to Matt!"

The Digimon nodded. "Okay, Mimi. T-Thank you for forgiving me. P-Please remember that I would never, ever hurt you in a million years."

Mimi smiled as she got into the shower, "I know, Palmon, I know..."

Conversations such as this happened throughout the night, as the majority of the Digimon regurgitated their partners, and tried to calm them down as well as explain their truly shameful actions. Oddly enough, Joe and Tai actually asked to stay in their Digimon's stomachs after finding out the truth...

The moment brought Agumon close to tears. "Erm...Are you sure you want to stay in there, Tai? I mean, I...I'm really, really sorry. I...it's just I...I've been curious about it, and then Matt made this plan..."

Tai yawned, rubbing his Digimon's stomach walls. "Honestly, I'm fine. Seriously, your tummy is actually kind of comfy-besides, I know you would never hurt me. And I understand...well, sort of...why Matt did it. Guess we were wrong to ignore him for that long."

Agumon gulped. "O-okay Tai. Th-thank you. You...you really did taste good, you know. And...Of course I would never hurt you."


"Uh...just so you know, Matt feels really bad now that this is over."

Agumon could practically feel his friend's smile. "Yeah, I know. I bet he thinks we all hate him, but it actually wasn't as scary as I thought. Don't worry about it-I love Matt as my friend, I'll make sure that he feels better."

Agumon smiled at his friend's kindness, purring at the rubs Tai was giving his belly, then walked over to snuggle by Biyomon and Sora, who were sleeping by each other lovingly.


Gonamon blinked in total confusion as he addressed his belly. "W-wait. Hold on a sec... You're not mad at me? Come on, I ate you! And I...I licked you in, um, a few areas, too...Look, I-I know I said Matt suggested this, b-but why aren't you mad at me?"

"Because, buddy...I mean, I was very scared at first-but after figuring out that you weren't going to kill me, it was kind of nice. It's okay-seriously, its fine! I forgive you."


"Yes, of course! No seriously, I didn't mind the licks. They, um...They felt really good. Sort of. Eh, I guess that's what I get for getting eaten naked, huh?" Joe laughed, blushing as he rubbed his body against the walls of Gonamon's tummy. The Digimon blushed as well, licking his belly.

"Yeah...I guess it was pretty...um...pleasurable when my tongue explored you. Seriously, though; I'm sorry. I promise that I won't do this again unless you give me permission. Just know Joe, that no matter what or who told me, I would never digest you or anything like that. Seriously I love you too much," Gonamon said with affection.

"Thanks bud. Hey, you know what? I think I'm going to take a nap in here, if that's okay with you. Heh, it's squishy and 'comfy'"," The teen laughed. "It's like a bouncy castle in here!"

"Hey-yeah, it's pretty squishy. Hey, maybe when you come out, I can help you 'clean' off," Gonamon joked.

Minutes later, the two were fast asleep...and both smiling.


Matt hugged a robed Mimi and smiled. "Girl, I'm so sorry! I just...Look, it was immature of me. I can understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore."

"No, Matt. It's my fault I wasn't there for you. Besides, I know that Palmon would never hurt me-she even gave me a little lickin'...Hey, don't worry about it. I understand...but..." She let loose with a huge yawn. "Um, you know what? I think I'm going to go do the sleep part of the sleepover because I'm exhausted. Besides, Palmon wants to snuggle now. So...uh...Don't feel sad. Okay?"

"T..thanks? Seriously, I can't believe that you understand and aren't mad?!" He said as she walked away.

"Pff, no I'm not. But you do owe me, ha-ha. I think there's someone who wants to see you..." She smiled, looking over his shoulder.

"I love you, Mattie! Hug me!" T.K. yelled as he ran down the stairs, leaping into Matt's arms. "I'm so sorry, big brother! N' I should have loved you more! Gabumon told me while I was in his tummy, an' I'm sorry!"

The older boy lowered his head in a display of shame. "No, no-I'm sorry. Look, I love you T.K....please forgive me, little bro."

"Of course I forgive you. You're my brother, and I love you. An' Gabumon didn't hurt me or anything, he was really nice." With that, T.K. went and hugged Patamon firmly, the Digimon smiled at the touch of his snugly human.

Matt smiled at both of them, then stood, planning to get some sleep and-

"Hey Matt!"


Izzy giggled as he looked at Tentomon sleeping on his lap. "Hey Matt...I'm sorry, bro."


"No, please don't say 'sorry'. I just wanted to tell you-hah, you really know how to throw a party!" Izzy laughed at Matt as he walked upstairs with a smile.

Gabumon smiled, even as he made sure everyone that was in the house didn't have to go home. Locking the front door, leaving the back open for Kari and her Digimon, he smiled at the sleeping Izzy as he passed him.

Heh...I'm glad that nothing bad happened. Was actually pretty fun...

Taking a drink from the tap in the kitchen, he too went upstairs to find Matt.


Matt sighed as he sat on his bed and gathered his thoughts. It had been a fun day, but he still felt bad about his actions. Still...Mimi had made him feel better-and all of his best friends were sleeping comfortably tonight. The teen saw Gabumon come in the room and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey buddy."

"Hi, Matt"

"Listen...Thanks for doing this for me, I hope that you don't see me as a vindictive person or anything. That...That wasn't my intention."

Gabumon yawned. "No, no Matt! I mean, I could never see you as that. You're a nice guy, yeh?" The boy grinned, and so the Digimon went on: "And even though you're sometimes my stubborn little friend...you always take good care of the people you feel about. Come here, big guy," Gabumon smirked, pulling Matt close to him for a hug.

The boy shivered. "T-Thanks pal, t-that feels good. Makes me feel better. A-a bit...S-so, did you just want to sleep up here with me or something, or were you trying to make me feel better?"

"W-well...I think it's the latter, b-but I-I was wondering if y-you'd like to s-sleep in a more comfortable place, than that bed of yours." He looked down anxiously. "Al-although I...its kind of squishy."

"Ohhh, I see! You want to eat me, don't you?" He smiled. "Well...if it makes you happy. I guess your tummy is pretty comfy."

"Oh Matt! Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're always so nice to me! Um, c-could I-I eat you, w-without some of those clothes on," The Digimon blushed.

"What? My clothes...? Sure, although, um, I'd rather not be totally unclothed. Not that I care around you, but, heh, just not in the mood," Matt chuckled, taking off his shoes, socks, and shirt, and knelt in front of Gabumon. "Well, here I am friend. Bon appétit."

"Thanks again buddy, and don't worry I will be super gentle."


The Digimon giggled in reply. "Hey, you know you'll like it anyway!"

"You got me there! Yes, I admit it-I like it too, silly. Now...oh, just devour me handsome!" He replied with laughter.

Gabumon hugged him affectionately as he lifted his friend up and slowly eased his head and shoulders into his maw and welcoming throat. Matt's head squished against the loving muscle as it accepted him into the wet gullet; Gabumon smirked and eased the boy's waist into his swallowing throat, purring and salivating all over the boy's bare skin and shorts. Matt smiled and tickled the muscles of the throat, even as he was being eaten - he secretly loved the pulsing flesh pushing into his soft body and massaging all of the cares and aches out of him. The squishy flesh cradled his form rather nicely as Gabumon's gullet slid him down very gently towards the awaiting stomach.

Soon, it was done - Gabumon licked his chops as he felt Matt slide the final distance, into his warm belly. He got up on the bed and lay down as he stroked his tummy very softly. "Thank you so much Matt, this means a lot. I'll keep you safe and wake you in the morning. 'Kay, buddy?"

"Oh, you're very welcome. I love you my friend- thank you for eating me as softly and pleasurably as you did...never thought I'd say that!"

"Yeah...well you're always safe in my squishy stomach. Sleep well, good friend," Gabumon said before yawning and falling asleep.

Throughout the house there were many "I love you" statements and "I'm sorry" affections spoken, as all of the guests rested comfortably in Matt's house, either next to or in their loving Digimon.

As this night had progressed there had been many lessons learned, many friendships kindled, and many large tongues. But perhaps most importantly of all, Matt slept with a smile on his face that night - he had his friends back, his loving Digimon companions, and even the privilege of sleeping within his best friend's stomach.

This whole gathering had been one wild trick after another, which, from a person's view, is the only reason for celebration...


Thank you everyone and I hope Rune and everyone else enjoyed this series and liked the ending. I'm getting smothered with Digimon lately hehehe, which is no problem, I am only the vessel for imagination to be created! Thank You!

Particle Cataclysm Pt.2: Revival

Shades of gray and black flashed by Phil's face-he felt like he was flying through space. He couldn't feel or move his body at all-he could only stare into the black void of nothing. Time passed-the professor had no idea how much time had passed, only...

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Particle Cataclysm

Jets of blue electricity flew by, illuminating metal receptors as they hit their target, and sending flashes of crackling light across the room. Enervating plasma streams electrified the table, sending blue and white sparks across its' whole surface,...

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Celebration Trickery

Matt sighed in resignation, letting himself fall onto the couch. The oil painting of a tundra landscape that he'd once been so proud of now hung on his wall, just a tad lopsidedly now. He shook his head, and then leaned back on the couch with a huff of...

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