Simba lerns a pain full leason ( vore)
Simba learns a painful Lesson
A vore Story ,Of when Cub Simba ,has been bullying Sin because of the stripes on his body.
So Rafiki plans to teach Simba a lesson, but it doesn't got to plan as he hope for.
Cotains : vore ,young vore m/m,trafromation,death digestion,magic.
Simba and co are own by Disney
I own sin and Christine
Simba lesson
Sin smiled as,he waited for his best cub friend Nala,who was getting her bath from her mother. After receiving his one from Christine,his mum, who was looking down at her son.
" Why cant you be, good like Nala at bath time ." Christine sighed,looking at son smiling.
" because icky and yucky. " Sin put his tongue , out like any male cub manor.
" It not that bad Sin ,I like it ." Nala said to her friend,lifting her neck for her mother to clean it..
Sin just snare at Nala ,which cause Nala to stick her tongue out ,making the Adult lioness chuckle between them. Once Sarafina was finished cleaning her only cub, letting her go,as she then pounced on Sin as they werested each other.
" It a losing battle trying to keep, those cubs clean." Sarafina said to her friends,looking at Christen .
" True but we, were just like that as cubs. " Christine smiled, shaking her head remembering her cub hood.
Christen was different from the other lioness because one thing,at it was her strange stripe in her fur which was red,which her son also had. Though at first the pride look at her as a freak, but they now took her part of the pride ,as well as Sin.
" Sarafina I think are cubs my be ,falling in love with each other. " Christen told, her Pride sister.
" I think your right,though Sarabi who will be Simba Queen. " Sarfina asked, her best friend.
" Well me and Mufasa have be thinking to be thrown Sin and Nala together ,but will still looking for our Son. " Sarabi told them .
As this was going on Sin tried to flip Nala ,but failed and Nala then flip Sin to the ground pining him.
" Pin yah Sin ." Nala said, smugly wagging her tail.
Sin pouted looking at his friend ,but went bright pink when he felt a lick from Nala on his face. Sin smiled softly nuzzling her ,as Nala let him up as they walk over to the adults.
" Mrs Sarabi can me and, Nala go off and play. " Sin ask politely ,to the Queen.
" Of cost you can just ,don't go as fare as the watering hole . Since we will bee catching dinner, soon young ones..." Sarabi said smiling, down at the 2 young ones.
Sin and Nala both nod the heads together ,as the ran off giggling ,jumping over each other . As the adults watched them, though view the rock a pair of red eyes were glaring daggers as Sin back.
Nala and Sin laughed ,as they wrested with each other,played hide and sneak and also prey. Though when they were about to wrestle again, Simba came out and charge into Sin knocking him to the ground.
" Sorry freak,hi Nala ." Simba said puffing ,up his chest.
" My name Sin, not freak." Sin said,hurt because Simba always called him it.
" Simba that rude ." Nala said to her other friend,she hated it when Simba acted like this.
They were both her friends,so why did he act like this to Sin she didn't understand it.
Simba rolled his eyes,the soon to be king ,looked at Nala who nuzzled Sin,making him more angrily.
" Get way from my girl ." Simba snared at Sin,making Nala glare at him
" She not your she ,has her own chose to be with. " Sin said to Simba annoyed.
Simba roared as he tacked Sin to the ground ,swiping him with his claws. Sin yelled in pain,as Simba bit him in the neck as he scratched Simba neck. Nala then charge Simba knocking him of Sin,as she stood as a guard for the wounded cub.
" Leave Simba. " Nala snared at her friend,she didn't care,if he was prince he was still out of order to attack Sin.
" This isn't over ,im telly dad and mum ,and they get the freak kicked out ." Simba said harshly,as he ran off in the direction,of Rafiki tree.
Rafiki Tree
Rafiki sighed as he was mixing a red mixture,it was a magic spell ,he was making to turn Simba into something smaller and different to learn his lesson,of not to bully other people if your want to be a good king. As he was mixing the mixture ,he did not not notice a spice of something fell over and en into the magic spell making a hiss.
" Oh what I cant believe this it rubbish ,I better go an get more ingredients. " Rafiki said to him self, as he put the bowl on the grass,as he jump in tree to find the stuff he need for his spell.
After another 20 mints Simba had walked over to Rafiki tree,to look for medical for his wounds. When he saw ,the spell Rafiki had made.
" Cool drink ." Simba said greedy,sniffing the red liquid ,before sticking his head in the mixture.
Simba gulp and gulp the red drink down his mouth very quick,as he let out a burp,but some reason he felt funny.
Simba felt a warm tingling filling as he ,started to shrink ,he screamed seeing the grass getting bigger .As he got smaller,but that wasn't the worst of it .He looked at his paw,but it was know a ladybug leg. An more than one all his paws were know ladybug legs. As he screamed ,as he transformed,filling his fur god hard,turning into a shell ,as well his head,in till all left of his Lion body was his tail.
As he walk over seeing a small water drop, screaming he was a ladybug.
" I m a bug ." Simba screamed,looking around at the huge world, know for him being such a small bug.
As Simba looked around he herd a hiss looking down he saw a spider looking hungry at him, Simba screamed running of fast he cold in the long grass,not wanting to be food.
Back at the waterhole
Nala had clean up Sin cuts from the fight,and talking to, him to cheer up her friend and crush. Sin smiled happily being next to the cub he loved but was to scared to say anything to her about it. After Sin felt better, they begin to dare each other to do stuff,and so fare the were drawing ,when they then spotted a strange bug not knowing it was Simba.
" Hey Stu look at the wield bug ." Nala said to Sin, pointing at it with a claw.
Sin knees down looking at the bug,which is Simba .
" Guys it me Simba. " he screamed ,but all they herd were bug noise.
" He dose look funny ." Sin said ,looking at Nala .
" I dare you to eat it. " Nala smirked ,at her friend
Simba eyes went big ,screaming at them .Before knowing it was no luck as he try to make, a get way but go pick up by Nala claw.
" Ahhhh." Simba screamed ,in terror.
" Ok. " Sin said lying ,down on the ground .
" Noo ." Simba screamed ,trying to get away but couldn't.
As Nala moved her, claw over to Sin muzzle.
Simba closed his eyes crying ,as knew he was going to die,as he felt ,himself being drop ,into Sin open mouth. Sin purred filling the bug on his , tongue as he tasted the small bug. Sin the started gulping to send the bug down. Simba mew trying to hold on to Sin tongue, but it was no use as the wetness send him down to his doom.
Sin purred opening his moth cuffing at Nala who nuzzled, him telling him well done on winning the game . Simba whimper as he looked around inside Sin belly, at the digesting meat knowing he will son be joining then. As he yip in pain seeing ,the acid burring his skin ,as he trying to moved ,but couldn't and lowly lost thinking as drifted of to sleep for the last time.
" Nala ,Simba Sin dinner ready. " called Sarabi
" coming. " Sin and Nala yelled not knowing, Simba wouldn't be at all.
Poor Simba lol