The First Door
"condoms?" "other males."
Howlr Diary: First Rule; Don't Get Attached
Actually it was sort of tied for first rule, along with always wear a condom, and never be abused. thrad and i had already broken the second of those, but i had enforced the third heavily.
Disposable Teens (Halloween Contest Story 2/2)
Then wrap that sheet of gum around your tongue with the tip being at the middle of the sheet-" "so, put it on your tongue like a condom." a much sharper whimper as zarrel covered his eyes.
Bitterwall Storys - Meeting Sally - III
As Furkan placed himself at the bar and ordered a nonalcoholic beer. When his beer arrived, the boy from earlier took the seat beside him. He looked numb and demotivated. Maybe it was hard for him to find a partner, because he was a chimera originating...
Rogue Wind - The Four Cities
And so one night reliath didn't wear a condom. he wanted a son and aiva wanted a daughter. they were only sixteen but still they wanted a child more than anything, in the end they hadn't, aiva wasn't pregnant.
All Hallow's Eve: Kyle's Ascension
 â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â wondering why he hadn't thought to include a box of condoms in his spook night survival pack he leaned against the fence and tried to ignore
Rexville 39: Beach Episode
"uh-huh, don't forget to wear a condom, okay?" "yeah, sure, whatever." hunter waved. "goodnight, guys, enjoy the movie, and..." he turned back at them, "they all die in the end anyway." "boo! you suck!"
Bounty Hunter Uncle (Patreon story)
Nothing except his wallet, some money and an unused condom, which i gladly put back. "this can't be happening to me, not like this!"
Dating Out. Chapter Two.
No names just used condoms and lube. there was usually no drama. no concern. no names or numbers or... "speaking of which," corey pulled his phone out after walking up the steps. he stepped to the side on the front porch as he looked down at the phone.
Japanese Exchange
"i even brought condoms!" yarima was taken aback. part of her wanted to assume that mark was just being sarcastic, but he sounded quite serious about it. she waited for him to laugh and say he was joking, but didn't come.
REBIRTH (Act 2, Book1, Chapter1)
He fished out an alcohol swab, tearing the condom-sized-package open. he handed the soaked gauze pad to the girl, and he spoke in a nonchalant tone of voice. "what're the seeds of knowledge, again?
Torpedo Run Chapter 25
The tube, like many of its type, was constructed of opaque plastics and carbon fibrous fabrics inside regular dense rings of hardened nano-infused steel, giving the whole thing the look of a massive ribbed-for-her-pleasure condom.