Burdens - Chapter 23: The Fall

#23 of burdens i guess it suggests, so not really? chapter 23: the fall the fox knew what was coming, yet he ran. he knew what would happen, but he did not stop himself. it confused him.

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Burdens - Chapter 22: Return

#22 of burdens cliffhangers all day. chapter 22: return roger checked his watch. it was perhaps a little past two in the afternoon and the sun was still out.

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Burdens - Chapter 21: Lunch

#21 of burdens back to being boring chapter 21: lunch it was still light out. roger checked the time. it was about noon, slightly after it. he had planned on grabbing something to eat after the movie, and it still seemed viable.

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Burdens - Chapter 20: Horror

#20 of burdens boop. chapter 20: horror the silent chattering ceased. the screen turned black except for the obvious light that reflected off of it. the lights were not quite all the way out, but enough that the screen took all of the attention.

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Burdens - Chapter 19: Inconsequential

#19 of burdens on the next episode of... chapter 19: inconsequential the walk was uneventful, as the fox was thankful for.

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Burdens - Chapter 18: Flight

#18 of burdens one day chapter 18: flight it felt as if time froze, for the instant he locked his gaze with the wolf's, forever seemed to come all at once. his heart pounded quickly, making up for the beat it missed, and preparing him to flee.

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Burdens - Chapter 17: The Views

#17 of burdens cliffhangers. chapter 17: the views it was only a moment, mostly due to the fox's situation, that they stood up and decided to depart.

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Burdens - Chapter 15: Recreation

#15 of burdens getting dull again chapter 15: recreation they retreated to the wolf's room after breakfast. it was a quiet morning, somewhat dull to start out, at least after the initial excitement.

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Burdens - Chapter 14: Rise

#14 of burdens hm. chapter 14: rise roger just laid there, under the wolf. looked up into the groggy, yet alert eyes. they were slightly bloodshot from the sleep that had just fled. the wolf was no longer on top of him, yet he was still above him.

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Burdens - Chapter 12: Incubus

In truth he was actually hungry, but did not want to seem like a burden upon them, besides that their situation did not seem to be able to provide for more than themselves.

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Burdens - Chapter 11: Transition

#11 of burdens next one will be better, i think. chapter 11: transition there needed be no permission to be asked for. the fox knew that whatever he had requested from his parents in this regard would be readily accepted.

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Burdens - Chapter 4: Reprieve

#4 of burdens what is this, how did this get here chapter 4: reprieve the fox had shouted in rage and frustration, and he was quickly filled with regret. any feeling of anger he had quickly abated.

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