Burdens - Chapter 134: Interruptions
#134 of Burdens
Chapter 134: Interruptions
Roger had never really received any confirmation from his parents, but he assumed that it was fine for him to stay. He had really been waiting for a response about the vacation trip and if he would be getting a change of clothes that night.
He stared at his phone and watched the battery slowly slip away from its life. He turned it off in hopes that he could at least conserve some charge for the next day.
It was late at night and the lights had already been switched off throughout the house. He heard some heavy breathing coming from the hall, indicative that someone was already deep in their slumber. He wondered if they should follow suit.
Hunter was still sitting on his bed, a worried look ever apparent. The fox did not quite know how to fix it, though several ideas had popped into his head.
It would not hurt to try, he thought. He stuck a paw under the wolf's shirt and rubbed his belly, feeling the muscular frame under his paw. He licked under the wolf's muzzle, and it seemed to be working a little. Even if it did not really get rid of the anxiety, it at least distracted him, which was enough.
The wolf laid down on his bed and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. He seemed to be enjoying the attention for the time being, so perhaps that was all that was really needed. Roger, however, felt that he could do more.
Just as he was about to delve his paw further downward, he heard a soft knock on the door. He cursed under his breath and moved his paw away, annoyed at the disruption. He pulled Hunter's shirt back down, and the wolf did not move from the spot, still in his blissful state.
The fox stood up and went to the door, frustrated. He turned the handle quietly so as not to wake anyone in the house and slowly pulled the door open, investigating the source of the knock. He looked down and noticed a smaller wolf.
His younger brother, Matt, stood there, legs pointed inward and his tail downward. His ears were folded, he was trembling, and he looked up at the fox with puppy-dog eyes. Roger recognized the pose as someone who was afraid and seeking comfort, as he had seen it a few times already, regrettably.
"What's the matter?" the fox asked. The frustration was gone and now he just felt sympathetic.
"I-I had a nightmare," the younger wolf said. He looked like he was on the verge of crying, so Roger let him into the room.
Matt quickly ran over to the larger wolf, passing Roger by completely, and hugged him on his bed.
Hunter looked down and stroked his back wordlessly. The young wolf began to cry from fear, and Roger immediately felt awful for having felt frustrated in the first place. He closed the door quietly.
"C-can I s-sleep with you?" Matt asked, still sobbing. Hunter hugged him.
"Of course you can," the wolf replied. He glanced at the fox, who just smiled back and nodded. He continued, "It'll be like old times, okay?"
Roger moved over to where he remembered the futon had been. He mostly ignored it once he had begun to sleep with the wolf in the same bed, but now was a good time to reacquaint himself with it. He just hoped the wolf did not roll off and crush him again.
He pulled the futon out and set it down, finding that the blanket and sheet had been exactly in the same place it had been before. Judging by the low volume of visitors, he was probably the last one to sleep on it. It was fine.
Hunter laid back down, his back to the wall, holding onto the smaller wolf. Matt was between the fox and his object of desire.
The fox sighed. He felt very jealous of the young wolf to be in that position. He always loved being held by Hunter, feeling the large arms around him, the warmth of his chest pressed against his back, and something else pressed against-
He shook the thoughts out of his head. It was not appropriate for the present company. He turned around to face away from the two and closed his eyes, before having to stand back up and turn off the light. He grumbled to himself as he went back onto his futon.
He felt a something on his shoulder. He turned his head to look and noticed that Hunter had put his paw there, and he could almost tell that the wolf was smiling at him. He sighed happily. Even a little contact was better than nothing.
The fox remembered that the wolf usually slept nude, but it seemed when his brother was involved, he slept with clothes on. It at least avoided an awkward situation. Part of him wondered why they did not sleep together anymore. It seemed like it would at least save some money on bed sheets and pillows.
He knew the younger wolf was nine years old, and puberty should not have been all that early, but results varied, and there was no guarantee that his mind had not wandered at some point in time. That would explain it if he felt awkward sleeping around his bigger brother.
Something Roger considered more likely was that he might have wet the bed at some point and thought it too embarrassing to risk around Hunter. While such a thing generally went away, it still occurred every so often. Hunter had mentioned that it happened a while ago. Perhaps it was more common when he was younger.
Either way, he had his reasons, and it was not Roger's place to delve deeper. He just tried to fall asleep, though now that his primary source of comfort was too far away, he was having trouble sleeping. It was getting too hot for a blanket, and indeed, cuddling up with the wolf was nearly a death sentence, but it was alright.
He wondered how Matt dealt with it. He seemed to be completely fine, which was odd to Roger. He would have already been sweating a puddle at this point, especially once Hunter fell asleep he turned into a furnace.
Perhaps he was just in that deep of a sleep.
The fox went to sleep, finally.
Roger woke up having heard some shuffling. Usually it did not bother him, but something seemed to be drawing nearer. He wondered what it was, and then something heavy landed on him, knocking the wind out of him.
He then heard a soft snore on top of him and realized what had happened.
He confirmed that they were brothers, although it was a painful experiment. He was lucky that the younger wolf did not weigh nearly as much as his older counterpart. Roger shifted him off to the side and patted him, then turned away, attempting to fall asleep.
He felt little arms wrap around him and he sighed. If he got any sleep now, he would consider himself lucky. He then heard more shuffling on top of the bed, and he assumed the worst.
He lifted the little wolf and put him on his other side and braced himself for impact, but it did not come. Hunter had woken up and had moved down to take the spot that Matt had once occupied. He then wrapped his arms around Roger and nuzzled into his shoulder. The snoring came soon after.
The fox was trapped. He submitted to his fate.
Sleep was a difficult prize.