Tiny, Little lock, keeping a big secret...

One person to open the lock the desire for a beloved... the secret is love... and that one special person is the key...

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The Legend of Spyro: Brothers Until the End, Chapter 1

Tria said as she put the hatchling, away from the battlefield, and joined her beloved mate. "but if you stay here any longer me, you or our hatchling will be in harms way, or worse!"

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I think you're messy

"coming" said a familiar, beloved voice from beyond. when the door was open, frank's room was steamy, as if he had just gotten out of a bath. behind him, his bed was a mess as always, as were his multiple screens.

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Den of Frost

Upon these ears beloved long upon this den of frost. do i see you beckoning? do i hear you speak? i must confess the years alone have left me cold and weak.

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Expiration Date, Part 4

Wear it as you will, my best beloved, but i would like to suggest the right ring finger.

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Wolf Lovers (poem)

Our love will be forever, my beloved, wolf lover...

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Sunbeams For Miles

I'm not a religious person, but i think if there is a happy place beyond this world, our beloved departed pets will be the first to greet us when we arrive there. <3 **sunbeams for miles** welcome, furry friend, to a land of warm lazy days.

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This poem goes to my beloved ranshiin please do not make any negative comments. if you want a poem about you please ask and no stealing i will report you thanks a great warrior among our midst.....



Time may the winds carry whispers to you of love beyond mine glory is your smile to anything alive you find worth it's grace buckled to the ground, unable to make sound, my everything will be left with peace when it see's your face from your beloved

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The creator replied, "beloved, i am with you always, and could not leave you if i tried. when your trail was most challenging, and you saw one set of pawprints, i was carrying you."

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Psalms for a Frozen World

But now only the rivers of smokeless fire are warm caverns of green are maintained by elven magic constructed in stone by dwarven ingenuity humanit in its arrogance summoned elder elvils from beyond the stars the hubris of man that they wer so beloved

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Love is Only Love

Would express my affections and this is a gift to one of the most beloved wolves i've ever met: tristan black wolf here's the music for those who want to hear the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

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