Psalms for a Frozen World
Psalms for a Frozen World
the elves say our world was green once
The dwarves tell of times when it was warmer
But now only the rivers of smokeless fire are warm
Caverns of green are maintained by elven magic
Constructed in stone by dwarven ingenuity
Humanit in its arrogance summoned Elder Elvils from beyond the stars
The hubris of man that they wer so beloved by the universe that they could do
No wrong and that the gods would protect them from thwir own stupidity
But in enacting such profane rites these children of the gods
Assumed too much and were left to their fate
Life and heat were sucked out by these Elder Evils
Until our world was cold and lifeless
But the Champions of Nature banded together to stop the desecration
Even as they were transformed into beast folk
And exterminated the remaining humans and their kin
To put an end to the madness
But the damage could not be undone
Our world in a perpetual age of ice
All due to the mad hubris of mankind
Remember these lessons well children of man
For the invaders are not dead but merely dreaming
Pray they never awaken from their death like slumber
It would doom us all