A Dezolaat History

A Dezolaat History Call me Chronos for time no longer has any hold on me. I call myself a chronicler, one whose fate it is to record history as it happens so it shall never be forgotten. Sustenance I no longer require; I am immortal; the last...

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Psalms for a Frozen World

Psalms for a Frozen World the elves say our world was green once The dwarves tell of times when it was warmer But now only the rivers of smokeless fire are warm Caverns of green are maintained by elven magic Constructed in stone by dwarven...

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Witness Splashdown

Witness Splashdown A vixen, slightly different than your standard red in that the white stripe down her front is black with green hair and eyes to match dances completely nude around a bonfire on a secluded rocky beach with a temperate rain forest...

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Out There

Out There A brown furred wolf-bear or lupursyn stands on a wooden platform high above the floor of a temperate rainforest His hair is green as runs between his ears like a Mohawk with eyes to match which look out from a tattooed mask greenery on...

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2112: A Chimera's Perspective

2112 A Chimera's Perspective We live in a world of Crisis Millions upon billions died as the major faiths looked on Impotent as newly born babes People abandoned organized religion to turn inward Mecca is a smoldering crater in the...

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Insanity's Inception

Insanity's Inception The year is 2020 and Planet Earth is a world gone mad. Maniacs in colorful costumes fly, swim and fight amongst themselves. All of whom have abilities far beyond those of mortal furs. Who would have thought this is what...

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I am the Storm

I am the Storm My path is always before me but it's never clear. I am a Pirate I am an Explorer I am a Guardian I am a Hunter The waves shall ever be my home Spirits of the ocean are my guides and my muse To me the siren sings...

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Virus Breaking through the system Seeking to take it all down Making Southern Fried Brain Cells Figuring out who to hound Data jacking Causing mischief Making others play the fool Hacking Ronin Stealing credits Playing hooky while in...


Broadcast Signals

Broadcast Signals Gaze at the stars Wonder if there are Better lives out there Than what we have to bear On this planet Since life is so hard Infinite sadness all around True happiness nowhere to be found Pleasure is out of bounds ...

Gotham Yule

Gotham Yule Snow falls heavily on the streets of Gotham City as Christmas draws ever nearer. In the suicide slums the Penguin is looking for someone aided by Killer Croc and Bane along with several dozen flunkies. The arch criminal is very agitated...

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A Libertine Looks Forward

A Libertine Looks Forward Snow falls heavily on the cobblestone streets of Libertine in the newly created nation of Vulkano as furs in their colonial finest bustle about a clock tower whose face shows the witching hour fast approaching as a new...

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