A New Promise
The new world has taken me, brilliant and filled with promises anew. the dark of before lingers underfoot, fading evermore as i step further forward. your voice still echoes to me, held by a string in memories.
The Promise
#1 of misc a list or promises. that is how this poem came to be. last night, feeling alone and down - worse than i had felt in a long, long time, i lay in bed and typed out line after line of 'promises.'
Autumn Woods - Chapter Three
"ariel, make me a promise." "okay. . ."
Make it a secret promise
She was my secret promise the flames that burned in my heart, now have become caressing petals. i removed my heart and gave to her, she wore it in her wedding finger.
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 4 - Reborn Anew -
I made a promise and i intend to keep it," james replied, slowly stroking her head with his hand. "i thought i had lost you!!" alex cried, roaring as her telepathic communication continued. "haha...
My Heart
Poem if i offered to you my heart, would you promise to keep it safe and always make it warm? if i offered to you my heart, would you promise not to ruin it and always make it race?
Promise (backward story)
I promise."
Next life
I love you, alot. My heart, you have caught. I'll adore you forever. You're smart, and so clever. You're the light of my life. In my heart, you're my wife. This life has been hard. We both are scarred. But maybe together, we both can...
Poem: Freed Chains
The winds of truth shatter the bonds of pain, the cries of pain's heart fade within the lone winds of existence the soul which once caged by the hidden lies of never become, let them fly from the once moral cage of broken promises...
Foxie scribbles 2.0
Again for you alone his slaves and land then set free his promise made good not through him, but me though not today, my promise let be you'll not find salvation through god, only me .
The Promise
The promise had been kept. the end
Unkept Promises
It'll just be a promise...that i can't keep..._