Sylvesters short story
Sylvester started out on his Home planet Vilous as a Sandy Brown southern sergal. When he turned 27 he heard about the planet Earth and wanted to explore it, so when he turned 30 he took a ship to earth and landed in a rain forest in Africa. Upon...
um short story
#11 of short stories i walked around making sure no one will notice. "hey there love." i turned seeing rose "hi rose." she grabbed my hand pulling me aside. "will you try to place your key in here?" she lowered her shirt to show me her lock.
Short story "Feather"
_this is a short story i wrote to get back into writing again. i initially wrote it more than half a year ago - and in german no less. now i finally found the time to translate it.
Festival, A Short Story
Faoul looked out over the fields as he wiped sweat from his brow. A quick glimpse of his foster father's backside though reminded him why he was out here in the afternoon heat. The leather straps of the plough dug into Faoul's meaty chest as the young...
Pasta. (Short Story)
#1 of short stories hey guys, this is just a short story i thought i'd write because boris hickory gave me the idea in the chatroom and james the fox was there, so i decided to add them as the characters.. enjoy reading, this was out of sheer boredom..
Forgiven. .:~ short story ~:.
Just a quick short story. if people are genuinely interested in me developing a story, please comment.
Into The Woods - SHORT STORY
**"Into The Woods"** **By Lauren Rivers** Destroyed vehicles littered the roads between major settlements. Most of them were discarded when fuel became a limited resource in the years following...
Just a short storie
With the sun breaking threw the clouds and hitting the eyelids, he wakes up. "Of course, the sun would burn through the clouds and hit me just perfect." He muttered. After rolling around for a few more moments he gives up. "Fine, I'm getting up! Let us...
Xenosapien Short Story
The forest was lovely today. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the place smelled wonderful. To those within, however, the day was proving most memorable due to the presence of an outsider, one who's footfalls echoed wildly amongst the...
Skyler (short story)
#1 of skyler: story (sad short story) "mom" skyler immediately ran towards a woman laying motionless on the dirt, kneeling down skyler held her mom in her arms, her body seemed lifeless and the sky blue markings on her body started to slowly fade
**"Echoes"** **By Lauren Rivers** Mornings were Alison's favorite time of day. While most people woke up grumbling about having to go to work and pay the bills, to Alison it was always a reassuring prospect that you'd made it to another sunrise. To...
**"Endgame"** **By Lauren Rivers** Broken glass littered the ground outside Doctor Dunham's clinic. It was clear whatever had happened here was fast and violent. As Isabelle knelt to examine the damage her ears perked up at the arrival of Captain...