My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2 Chapter 7
As my day anew arrives, i have yet to see anything yet that has changed my life. at least... for now. i have been pondering for a long while why dana gave simple microchip.
A New Promise
The new world has taken me, brilliant and filled with promises anew. the dark of before lingers underfoot, fading evermore as i step further forward. your voice still echoes to me, held by a string in memories.
The Ballad of Zoren
The second of the deadly pair she had forged anew, in the smithy of her father, as he had taught her in her youth.
Facing the Darkness
Im made anew, when i am here by you, and you give me strength, no longer insane.
Hello Kitty Accidentally Kicks a Boy
So her laughter began anew. she couldn't stop, her belly hurt, her eyes were watering but it was just too overwhelming, all of it. when the recess bell rang, and everyone started back inside, hello kitty and dear daniel still hadn't returned.
The Continent of Shadows
They made things anew; mending a damaged world. then a new generation of people were born. they weren't born the same as their parents. they were different. the sheer mass of shadow energy changed them.
Look at it again
I begin my story anew. a gift for which many would die. as now my dear must you. i give freedom, i give you peace, i hope you choose to use them well. i see your face. without a crease. i'll next see you and it in hell.
The Cat
Each generation learns the horrors of war anew. they build their monuments to teach the next generation so it will never happen again. then the next generation comes along and marches off to learn it all over again."
Poem: The Wars Of Forgotten Memories
The sunlight which guides the world within memoires of tomorrow shine within the eyes of anew, waiting for the path of light to walk them down the road of fate, creating the bonds of new memories, yet never forgetting the past souls which made this past within
Beckoning Call
Anatoli was now full of life, sensing the world anew. scanning his surroundings with his new, more keen sense, the new wolf noted the sights and smells in the shed felt off, dark, unnatural, not meant for him anymore.
The End of Days
He shouts anew, frowning as he gives the laptop a shove, slinging his rifle from his back and into his arms. "with all due respect, sir, fuck this. i refuse to go down sitting by some piece of shit computer while you fight."
Chapter 1: The Introduction
The lightly brown pelted cub looked over at the young lioness with a remorseful expression and a nervous smile, hoping that he could perhaps start anew with her. ''why have you brought me here, akachi? to scare me or to confuse me?''