Ok... so, i'm supposed to read this introductory speech to you about welcome to anthrocon 2017, but... i think i'll tell a joke instead. ahem... how does madonna have sex?... like a virgin. hahahaha. funny, right?
Comedy, furry, jokes, terror
This piece was for the furry migration 2017 iron pen challenge. i totally blame fa: mmmatches for it... and had a blast because of him.
2017, Canid, Canine, Curse, Dog, Dog Show, FM2017, Feral, Forced, Furry Migration, German Shepherd, Iron Pen, Loss of self, Lykanos, Magic, Mind wipe, Revenge, Transformation, Wulfheart, spell, tf, witch
Kapitel 3 - vom regen in die traufe
copyright 2017 by simplemind
als dexter vor dem enormen, am boden liegenden körper zum stehen kam, konnte er den anblick kaum ertragen. tod, die maus, - seine beute!
Adventure, Bao, Clean, Comedy, Feral, Forest, Fox, GERMAN, Mouse, Red Fox, Rotfuchs, SFW, Schlange, Simplemind, Snake, Story, Tod, Wald, deutsch, dexter, fuchs, maus, python
Dexter & tod kapitel 2 - jäger und gejagter
copyright 2017 by simplemind
noch saß der mäuserich tod in seinem bau und putzte sich, um die schläfrigkeit zu vertreiben. wie jeden anderen tag auch, würde er heute wieder auf futtersuche gehen.
Adventure, Clean, Comedy, Feral, Forest, Fox, GERMAN, Mouse fuchs, Red Fox, Rotfuchs, SFW, Simplemind, Tod, Wald, deutsch, dexter, maus
Kapitel 8 - die katze ist aus dem sack
copyright 2017 by simplemind
auf der suche nach ein paar leckeren nagern, streifte dexter am waldrand entlang, der an eines der kornfelder des bauern angrenzte.
Adventure, Cat, Clean, Comedy, Dog, Feral, Forest, Fox, GERMAN, Minka, Mouse, Red Fox, Rotfuchs, SFW, Simplemind, Story, Tod, Wald, deutsch, dexter, fuchs, hund, katze, maus
#41 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story
-valentines day 2017 (technically the day after)-
ell slams her back to the door as she lifts her leg waaay past the 90 degree mark, as she dramatically plummets it back to the earth
Kitsune, Sheep, Tanuki, Valentines Day, axolotl
To everyone who reads this here, thank you and i hope you had a wonderful holiday rest and have a magnificent new year. 2017 is right around the corner. be of great cheer as positivity is in sparce supply.
Wolf, petting
The mains story can be found here. https://www.sofurry.com/view/11877548-11-2017 (changed folders)
mother's fury
seogheith soared high above the forests near her home.
Adventure, Death, Dragon, Dragoness, Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy, Fighting, Magic, Tragedy, Violence, Western Dragon
#4 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story
-the day before valentines day 2017-
the alarm starts to blare on butters phone, not that one was needed as the squirrel has already been awake for half an hour, glued to the mirror trying to sort
Cat, Sheep, Squirrel, Valentines Day, axolotl, sick, werecat
(c) 2017-2018 warriorfeather creations
moongaze glumly sat, her chin in her paws, her eyes glazing over at the computer screen.
the deadline for her paper was on the horizon, but all she wanted was to explore the horizon.
Jaguar, Sad, Story, writing
Furlandia conbook story 2017. an ordinary man wakes up "furred" and turns to his local bartender for help.
a rat walked into a bar. it wasn't that big of a deal, really. we've got rats in this join all the time. i should know. i own the place.
Cat, Rodent, SFW, Vintage