Dexter & Tod Kapitel 3 - Vom Regen in die Traufe

, ermahnte bao ihm mit einem weiteren bedrohlichen zischeln mit der zunge. „schon gut, schon gut!", versuchte tod ihn zu beschwichtigen, während er probierte sich aus baos griff zu befreien. „danke jedenfalls für die hilfe."

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Dexter & Tod Kapitel 6 - Schlangen sind geduldig

Aber selbst dann müsste er es noch irgendwie fertig bringen, dass bao, der python an das ei heran käme.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Six

bao rubbed his large paws over the black spots on his face.

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Chapter Seven: History

"bao!" she cried inadvertently. somehow, she had been compelled to speak the clan name of her father. the woman froze mid-transformation. "you are of bao clan?" she asked softly. ranani nodded. "who is your sire?" "b-bao hadir," she replied, shaking.

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Dexter & Tod Kapitel 10 - Kollaboration

Was ist mit bao, dem tigerpython, der die nager für eier in ruhe lässt? ich habe ihm auch schon eins gebracht! wollt ihr ihn jetzt auch verbannen?" störrisch senkte hektor den kopf, um tod direkt anzusprechen: „bao ist kein natürliches tier des waldes!

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"put in the molds- we'll just run it through, and toss out the first hundred jars or so," bao xing decided. with the equipment reset, their workers jumped into action.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 11

Tai lung had decided not to impart the information that tai xue had told him about the midwife leaving tigress at the bao gu orphanage, however, deciding it was better to wait until the worst had blown over or until tai xue could tell tigress herself.

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Awakening The Wind Part 1: The King's Servant

Awakening the Wind Part 1: The Shrine It was late afternoon, the sun was hot, the sun filtered through the canopy of leaves which were rustling gently in the gale. I stood there watching these leaves, my mind fully concentrated upon the green...

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WOT- Born in Shadows- Chapter Seven

He wondered if he should go back to find bao the wyld because he completed the task of eliminating master gil. he was told to complete that and technically it was master gil that sent him after the hound.

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Bard to Death

He took out a spellbook and chanted, "gnai yu nai gup bao." he shoved it in the old leather rucksack and added the resources that he needed for the trip.

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A bread like bun, a little like a bao back on earth, but definitely breadier and tougher.

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Brave New Realm: The Trials

Corrine perked up, "if only feng bao were here, he'd probably love it." graf's tail twitched at the mention of the triton.

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