Encounter With The Ghost[excerpt from the story "The Arisen"]

Story by zach123 on SoFurry

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written and narrated by josue lopez

I layed naked on the brown couch in the middle of the living room.

My name is Julia Faithtail and I am an Anthronian woman of the Fox race.

I Growned as I lifted my human like arms in the air and stretched out my body to release the tension. Smiling, my body curled up resting my head next to my lover Tom Alrick who invited me to this world on this hunting expedition with him.

We met each other at local bar after my college graduation about three weeks ago.

To me Tom was more a fling, as he was someone I could go to when I needed my Sexual urges to be quenched , As a Male he was good at things like that.

he was lying on the couch next to me as he was slept on his back his arms spread apart, I admired his ripped body as I enjoyed seeing pecks on his chest muscles and the deltoids on his arms.

This night we had just finish sweet copulation with each other, as the warmth of his body and the heated excitement was extremely enjoyable.

like the many lovers I have had before a closeness was formed between me and Tom.

I turned my head towards the fire place, as the flames illuminated the room.

The popping of charcoal was soothing to hear with my large long ears that sprouted from the sides of my head as I could feel them bend and twitch from the sounds.

The flames lights dance across the room, as they revealed everything around me.

he place had no decor of any kind not even a picture, as if the original owner didnt see the need for such things. I happened to turned to look at the corner of the kitchen counter where my companions had rested the hunting rifles we had brought with us on this trip, as I stared at the them I noticed some odd about them .

I got up and wrapped her blanket to cover her nakedness and walked over to the corner leaving my friend behind, I picked up and examined one of the rifles, and notice that its barrel was missing, as it had been pried off with extreme force I also notice the other rifles had the same done to them, as well leaving only the main body of the upper, lower receiver and buttstock intact .

Who would have enough strength to bend metal like tin foil? suddenly a strange chill ran up my spine as my womanly sixth sense told that someone or something was here in the cabin with us that should not be here, I had to tell the others.

I turned ot face Tom who I could see was still deep asleep on his side with this back turned to me.

I was going to wake him up, but before I could something tied itself around my shoulders, arms and legs quick as lighting as I heard the creaking of bending metal.

I fell over on my side and quickly looked over my self.

and realized these were the missing gun barrels that had been taken as They where folded around me like an impenetrable rope. Grunting I tried to break free but it was no use.

Suddenly something Slowly something appeared out of thin air before me , a translucent figure standing over me.

Its eyes glowed a faint green.

It then knelt down and wrapped iron bares around my wrists.

I was in shock; I had never in my life seen such a being.

Mortal fear came over me.

I shrieked the loudest shriek I could ever give.

Luckily my scream awoke Tom as he stood up from the couch shirtless wearing only boxer briefs scratching his head his tired eyes blinking as they did.

"what the hell is going on!"

Tom saw me on the ground tighted up.

He spotted the figure of glass which which I knew he could make out.

Seeing the intruder he quickly reacted and came to my aid and attacked the figure with his hands out to pin the thing to the wall.

Just as he did the Ghost with incredible speed and power stopped Tom in his tracks.

gripping him with a strong hands around his throat, as it hurled him back against the couch. as he landed on his rear onto the seat cushion of the furniture with enough force to slide back.

Tom again stood back on his feet and charged at the foe who stood before him.

He threw a punch, but the thing ducked avoiding his blow.

Again he attempted to land a second powerful blow to its head this time.

But as he did the thing caught his hand by the wrist.

Its grip was strong , with its other hand it pushed Alrick flying back against the couch again.

He looked down on the seat and saw his side arm a pistol was resting next to him. He quickly reached for guns rubber black grip, when something zipped like lightning

towards him a the same time he attempted to pull up his hand to draw his gun aiming the pistol as the ghostly menace.

He didnt even get the change to fire, as he felt a sharp a pain go through the joint in his shoulder , all the way into the bone nailing him to the frame of the couch.

The man screamed as he felt the agony travel slowly from the top of his shoulder down to his arm and into his hand.

The figure slowly approached the wolf who was trapped unable to move.

Tom who was now at the mercy of the ghost, as it was now a foot away from his face, I didnt know what Tom saw when it came near but what ever it was; it was enough to make him scream in fear.

The ghost grasped the sides of his head and rammed its forehead into the top of his skull knocking him into unconsciousness in one blow as his head hung down unconsciously, as his body stopped moving.

The room silent as no more noises came from my friend, fear gripped me as I thought the worst for Tom at that moment


Even with my excellent eyesight allowing me to see in the I couldn't see the figure any more, I wondered whether it was gone for good.

I called out my lovers name , but I couldnt get an answer from him.

I tried to move my legs , but with the binding on my feet wouldn't let me go anywhere.

A hand then grabbed me by the neck,lifting my body off the ground, the ghost placed me near the foot of the fireplace,

my eyes widen with sudden surprise,as I felt the strength of this beings hand grip around my throat.

it could have easily broken my neck just by squeezing its fingers.

The Ghost held me down, trying to to squirm but to no a vale. The being branded a pistol in its hand, cocked the weapons hammer back, aiming its barrel on the center of my breasts , it then quickly jerked the pistol to the right of the room, and fired twice into the dark , someone grunted and collapsed .

I turned my head to looked to see someone fall before us, the light from the flames showed a white wolf lying on his belly with his arms out on the floor with the pistol inches from him. my companion Hunter Burgens tried to crawl for the pistol but the Being slammed his foot down on top of the gun and bent the the guns frame into a piece of smushed metal.

He then kicked the wolf in the chest and sent him two feet away against the wall.

Some one from behind jumped on the Beings back.

causing it to fall as it lost balance.

Seeing, it was my other companion, Rex Tilerson who began to pummel the intruder with his fists.

Holding the the ghost down left hand, creature raised its arms and quickly slapped them on the sides of Rex's skull.

This caused the wolfman to arched his head back from the pain, as his agony filled the air.

It then with a strong hand grabbed him by the skarf of this shirt and head butted him against his snout , then sent him flying as he landed on his rear.

The creature stood up and walked towards Rex, as it threw a fist but missed punching a hole through the floor boards beside him.

realizing its hand was stuck, Rex brought his left foot upwards striking it across the spot where its face should have been.

Taking advantage of the situation, Rex Tilerson, slammed the creatures rib-cage with his fists.

The being finally pulled its hand out of the hole, and then caught him mid-punch with its own fist breaking Rex's hand.

Howling from his injury, he cradling his hand, limping back way from the intruder.

Suddenly,Hunter recovered from the floor,then

tackled the monster from behind with his arms around its waist.

Unmoved it pushed the wolfman away in the direction of Rex Tilerson.

Side by side, they stood together , against the threat.

Hunter could see Rex hand was injured, silenly they knodded to each other as duo came at the Being.

For a second I thought they might actually stand a chance, as it was two against one.

the two valiantly attempted fight this monster but it overpowering them,placing each of its hands around there throats. Strangling them its hands lifted them inches off the ground.

My friend writhed in pain, as they gasped for air.

I had say something "Thats enough! stop! Cant you see they've had enough,they cant fight anymore, I beg of you dont kill them,take my life instead! Just dont hurt them any more,Please!"

The Being turned its head to regard me, I saw its eyes that glowed a greenish hue.

again it looked back at my friends who's human like faces were turning blue from lack of oxygen.

Releasing them , as they slumped to the ground unconscious.

I could tell that it saw my companions were not a threat to it any more.

It then turned its its ethereal body to face my direction ,standing over me it resumed what it was going to do before.

Pointing the pistol right at my chest, I saw what it was intending.

I had so many thing I still wanted to do, things I need to accomplish; plus I'm still too young to have it all end like this.

I looked straight at the figure " please, dont do this, I havent even..." my words trailing off, my eyes began to water.

I realized my pleading with this monster was futile. It was intent on finishing what it had started.

Its ghostly hand holding the gun, cocked the hammer pulling the trigger of the weapon.

Surges of stinging electricity flowing throughout my body.

muscles flexed involuntarily, as I experienced the worst pain imaginable.

The world blured then went black...

end of preview chapter.

Copyright 2017 - 2030 to josue lopez ©