Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.

I will come online now and then, to give a status report and blah blah blah. i wouldn't want you all to start killing me in your minds..

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Space Warrior Hitachi 2 - The Quest for More Money

. \* \* \* so i leaned up against the door on the other side of the hall, pistol ready, blah blah blah. we've been through it, so let's cut to the action, shall we?

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One Strange Christmas [Day 3]

- yeah, i've heard about something called global warming, that the ice is melting, blah,blah blah, getting warmer, blah, blah and more blah. since day one in here, i'm always freezing. - he-he you're funny - rudolph laughed - it's not cold here.

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D.M.O.N. - Chapter 6: The First Expirience in Battle.

Note: ~blah blah blah.~ means that the char were talking in whispers like any online game. the battle finally started. airdramon and kokatorimon move forward for close combat while woodmon aiming with its arm toward the dats team.

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Inferno High - Chapter 2

[alex] "blah, blah, blah. i can too draw better than a stick figure." "dicks don't count. everyone draws those at some time or another." [me] "what the hell is wrong with you, why would you draw that?" [ted] "dude, what school did you go to?"

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Argentinian Ties

Tammy says. "20 minute penalty, i was supposed to tie up the dummy, blah, blah, blah. we get it!" "alright." toner walks away. the two sit on the ground to wait out their penalty.

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Project Radikal Chp. 4 - There's danger ahead.

Troubles uploading stories onto this site, blah blah blah. anyway.

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Chapter 11

"oh blah, blah, blah lerra, these guys are pretty relaxed," the feline laughed, "i doubt they'll do anything unless we actually attack first!" "still...," the canine blushed as she glanced at argon. "still nothing, yah big girl!

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Jamming With Matt (Diapers)

Once i took --" "blah, blah, blah. not listenin' -- oh, what was you were saying?" "i don't remember. now look what you did. i forgot!" michael started to experience fatigue. he could barely keep his eyes open.

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Fatal Failure - Chapter 1: Discovery

blah blah blah! i affirm that such a theoretical element exists." very eloquently, doctor! they will be thrilled about the blah. i shook my head. "your id is upside down," i interrupted him.

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An Exquisite Opportunity Pt. 1

They say there's a big stash of treasure up there, but nobody's ever gotten up that cliff, and blah blah blah silly stuff."

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Along The Darkside of the Moon Chapter One: What Lurks in Darkness

No one to read this unless your 17,18, or 21 blah blah blah...ya know? well onto the story my cretons.

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