Project Radikal Chp. 4 - There's danger ahead.

Story by Blazey Wavey on SoFurry

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#4 of Project Radikal

Sorry for the late submission, busy week. Troubles uploading stories onto this site, blah blah blah. Anyway. Enjoy.

Sitting on the couch, crossing my legs and leaning my head against the back of the couch, dialling my fathers number again, only to get the answering machine like the last hundred times I tried. Sighing and wondering if he was alright, rubbing my eyes and running a paw through my hair. Suddenly hearing someone knocking on the door, thinking it was Luc, I hopped down the steps, swinging open the door. To see him standing there with a some juice and a couple of other snacks. Smiling and letting him in, bringing him upstairs, he rarely came inside of my house. We were mostly always spending time at his house than mine. Sitting down on the couch, turning on the TV, flipping through channels and stopping on MTV, playing an old re-run of MTV Live. Opening a can of juice that Luc brought over and taking a sip. Looking over at him to see him smiling at me.

"He'll be okay. You know it."

"Yeah, he's been through a lot, and this isn't the first time he hasn't been home on the first night."

"Yeah, I know."

"Glad you came."

"Anything for you, I'm just concerned for your safety."

"Well, if he does do anything. I have a new car that I can take for a spin..."


Hugging me tightly, kissing my forehead before letting me go and looking at the time. "1:24am" Sighing to myself again before walking over to the side door, locking it. Walking through the rest of the house, locking the windows and going outside to leave the extra key above the door, before coming back inside and locking it. Going back upstairs and handing Luc a pillow before sitting on the adjacent couch to let him lay down. Watching a few television shows, yawning and having trouble staying awake. Rubbing my eyes and suddenly being overwhelmed by the familiar ticking noise of a clock, making me even more drowsy. Struggling to stay awake, grabbing my cup of juice, taking a few drinks. Still having a rough time trying to stay awake.

"Do you think that target looked familiar to you?" 257 asking her husband.

"Now that I think of it, he did look awfully familiar."

"Do you think that was--"

"No... It couldn't be... It clearly said in the files that the target was in the military for most of his life"

"Okay... Good, don't want to explain anything to Neon. Poor fox has enough to deal with already."

Half asleep, barely paying attention to the television, closing my eyes slowly. Suddenly hearing someone walk up the steps with heavy thumping. Jumping up and rubbing my eyes before turning on the light by the doorway. Hearing someone scratching the key against the keyhole before hearing the doorknob turn and the door swing slowly open. The familiar squeaks as it opens slowly. Watching as my dad stumbles through the door, shaking my head slowly as I watch him attempt to walk up the stairs.

"Why'd you come home late?" turning on the light to upstairs.

"Your uncle died to-today. Needed a drink *burp*" Fumbling slightly on his words

"I'm sorry dad. Do you know what happened?"

"They say he was mur-murdered."

Walking into the living room to see Luc sleeping on the couch. Looking over at my dad to see him growling softly and looking over at me.

"I thought I said you shouldn't hang out with him anymore."

"Dad, you know you can't tell me what to do and who I should be friends with."

"I don't want you hanging out with this faggot."

"He's not a faggot dad... He's really nice, you shouldn't speak so ill of him."

"Shut up boy."

"I won't, because this is wrong, dad your drunk. Just go to bed."

"Still sober enough to see my son doing something stupid. They'll make fun of you in school."

"I don't really care dad, and I'm not doing something stupid. This is my life, not yours dad. You can't control me anymore."

"Do I have to tell you once more to shut up?"


Feeling a sudden pain in my face and being swung across the room, laying on the floor with my paw on my face. Looking over at where Luc was sleeping to see him wake up and standing up, glaring at my dad. As he looks over at me, I shake my head, biting my lip. Worried of what was going to happen, I grab my phone out of my pocket and phone Luc's parents and quietly tell them what's going on, hearing they'll be right over.

"Your son was up all night worrying about you, and you come home and hit him because of something stupid?"

"It wasn't stupid, well it was because it was you."

"I wouldn't dare saying something bad about me, or lay a hand on Neon again..."

"What are you going to do about it faggot."

"You worthless piece of fur. I'm not going to go down onto your level. Come on Neon, we're leaving."

"Neon is staying here, and your going to leave and never going to talk to my son again."

"Dad, shut up, your drunk and you need sleep, and your just mixed with emotions because of your brother."

Suddenly hitting the ground again, feeling a searing pain across my face, more so than the last time. Clenching my eyes shut, holding one paw over the side of my face while I use the other to lift myself up. Shaking my head and pulling Luc away, whispering to him it wasn't worth it. Seeing the hatred in his eyes worried me. He glared at my father and I pulled him towards the doorway. Pushing him outside, looking back inside, sighing and saying sorry to my father before closing the door and walking towards my car. Telling Luc I'd meet him at his house. Watching him kick a garbage can, throwing his fists in the air.

"He's not going to get away with it this time. I swear, this will be his last time." Hearing his over aggravated voice.

"It's alright, I'm fine. Let's just go." Seeing lights pull up behind us.

Turning around and running to the passenger window, seeing his mom roll down the window. Seeing her worried eyes, as she stroked her paw across my face, sighing and saying I was fine and that we should just go home.

"Okay sons, we'll meet you guys home, we'll call the cops and file a report, in the morning we'll start grabbing a few of your things okay Neon? You can live with us for a while."

Nodding and sighing, looking over at Luc and back to his parents. Nodding again and walking back to my car, getting in and starting my car. Buckling my seat belt before pulling out and following the other two cars. Getting back to Luc's house, walking into Luc's room, collapsing onto his bed. Pulling the blankets over me, feeling arms wrap around me, smiling softly, wiggling back into him, getting comfy before closing my eyes.

Walking through a dark, foggy forest, feeling a shiver go down my spine. In the distance I could see a shadow, slowly disappearing back into the fog as if it was someone that knew that I could suddenly see them. Hearing my name being called from a distance. Passing my large trees that seemed to cover the night sky. Bitting my lip as I keep walking, still being able to hear my name being called. Getting closer each time, before feeling a paw touch my shoulder and a whisper in my ear. "Neeeeoooon." Turning around, slowly and fearfully.

"Wake up Neon." Feeling him shake me a little.

"What? Feels like I just closed my eyes..."

"It's time for school."

"It can't be eight in the morning already..."

"Oh, it is. Now get up."

"No, I don't feel like going today, let's skip. Sleep in and then go for lunch or something..."

"Or we can gather some of your things.:

"*sigh* I don't... Wanna..."

"Come on... He's gone at work, we can just go while he's not there. Plus, my-- Our parents will be there."

"I guess so... I'm not really comfortable with it though."

"Well, let's just get some more sleep then."

Sighing to myself and slowly closing my eyes, breathing more slowly and more heavily. Feeling his tail wrap around mine. Yawning and nuzzling back into him, slowly drifting back to sleep.

Waking up a couple hours later, stretching out my legs and yawning loudly, having trouble with adjusting my eyes to the sudden light of the room, squinting my eyes, looking around the room. Standing up slowly, stretching out again. Pulling on a pair of pants, grabbing my phone and looking around the room. Luc wasn't in there, walking upstairs to find him sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. Smiling softly at him before sitting down beside him. Leaning my head against his shoulder, his parents walking into the kitchen.

"Are you boys ready? We can take our S.U.V so we can pack more clothes and what ever else."

"Yeah sure."

"Wanna have something to eat before we go Neon?"

"No, I'm not really hungry... Let's just go."

Standing up and following them to the door, walking outside and into the garage, opening the back doors, and sitting inside. Buckling up and looking out the window as we pull out of the garage and down towards my dads home. Feeling a little impatient as we get closer and closer to the house. Pulling up into the driveway of my house. Opening my door and stepping out. Going threw my basement door and going into my room. Packing my bags full of clothes before heading back to the car and throwing it in the back. Going back inside to grab a couple of other things, like my phone charger and my video game console. Bringing it back to the truck. Going back inside once again to take a last look of my home. Sighing as I walk up the steps for the last time. Walking into the living, looking around the room, turning around slowly to go back outside. Seeing a light turn on behind me. Turning around again to see my father sitting in a chair waiting for me. Feeling a shiver go down my spine and backing away slowly.

"Dad... I guess I should tell you one more thing before I leave, it's not the best time to do it, but I don't know when the next time I'll be able to say it too you, so hear it goes..."

"Here to apologize I see."

"Not exactly... Dad... I'm gay as well, and Luc. He's my boyfriend..."

"No son of mine is a fag..."


"I said no son of mine is a faggot, now get out of my house..."

"I'm sorry..."

Quickly running down the steps and running outside, running towards the car and jumping into the backseat. Holding back my tears as best I could, buckling up my seatbelt and telling them to go back home. Leaning my head against the window as we drive back.

"I have no family left. My brother is gone, and my son... I have none."

Pacing around the room, picking up his cellular phone, dialling some numbers and clicking call. Hearing it ring a couple times before anyone answered.

"Hello? Yes, this is Operative 493. I have found Agents 354 and 257. Yes, they eliminated Operative 492. What is the next step? Alright. I'm on it." *click*

Walking down into his room, chuckling to himself, thinking of plans to end the agents. Opening his door and walking over to his closet, opening up his secret room and entering, looking at all the gadgets and weapons. With a dark evil smile on his face.

Getting back to my new home, putting all my clothes and stuff in Luc's room, walking out into his living room and setting up my game console to his television set. Sitting back down on the couch, leaning my head over on my paw, looking blankly at the TV. Wondering what to do now. Hearing my phone ring and vibrate in my pocket. Reaching my paw down and pulling it out. Looking at the caller I.D. to see it was Blaze.

"Hey Blaze. What's up?"

"Why weren't you at school today?"

"My dad..."

"What did he do?"

"He lost his temper, and this time... I got kicked out of my home. So I moved in with Luc for a bit, I'm going to call my mom later to see if I can move in with her."

"Dude... That totally sucks... I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. Dad just has a short temper... And he was raised in a time when gay's weren't accepted, so he isn't used to all of this."

"Yeah, I guess so. Well, I should get to doing my homework, text me later."

"Alrighty, see ya later."

Hanging up my phone and putting it back into my pocket, leaning back on the couch. Sighing loudly and cracking my neck. Biting my lip and putting my paws over my face. Running my paws through my hair. Looking at my phone again, deciding I should phone my mom. Dialling in her number and pressing the call button, hearing it ring a couple times before she answered.

"Hey mom."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Dad kicked me out..."


"Yeah, he kicked me out of the house, it's okay. I packed clothes and I'm staying at Luc's."

"Oh, was it because of Luc?" Mom's voice sounding more worried.

"Yeah, dad found out."

"Aww well, you can move in with me. But it'll have to be after the school year, so is it okay if you stay at Luc's house for the rest of the school year?"

"Yeah, his parents don't mind, they treat me like their own son."

"That's good, well. I'll start shopping for stuff for your room here."

"Okay, well. I think I'm going to go watch TV or something."

"Alrighty son. Have a good day. I'll talk to you soon."

Putting my phone in my pocket and standing up from the couch before walking upstairs. Seeing Luc on the couch, and his parents in the kitchen, about to go walk into the kitchen to tell them about how long I'd be staying before hearing them whispering about something. Going back around the corner and listening intently.

"What do you think his father is going to do now?"

"I don't know, but we should be ready for it. He's a dangerous man."

"We need to protect Neon at all costs."

"Agreed. His father is an operative. And that guy we killed, was his brother, they were known as the killing spree twins."

"Yes. Anyway, let's go check up on Neon."

Quickly walking away from the wall and going near the stairs to make it seem like I just walked up the stairs, smiling at them as they approach me. Walking with them back into the kitchen and sitting on a chair.

"I called my mom, she said I'd have to stay here for the rest of the school year before she can move me in."

"Oh that's alright honey. Your welcome here as long as you want." Luc's mom smiling at me and giving me a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm alright. I think I'm going to go watch TV with Luc, just thought I'd let you know."

"Okay sweetie. We're gonna go buy some groceries we'll be back later."


Walking over to the couch and sitting down, wondering what that was all about. Thinking about my dad, "Could he be THAT dangerous?" replaying that conversation over and over in my head. "What's an Operative anyway? And how do they know?" scratching my head and rubbing my eyes with my other paw.

"Luc... What do your parents do again?"

"I dunno. I never really cared that much, why?"

"Oh nothing, just thinking about it..."

"Oh, well. What do you want to do?"

"I dunno, it's all just really weird right now."

Getting in the S.U.V., driving down the streets. Agent 257 dialling some numbers into her phone before hearing it ring a couple times and then someone answering it.

"Yeah, this is Agent 257, we need more supplies. Yes. We have located the other Operative. We're on our way now. Okay. 15 minutes? Alright. We'll be there." *click*

Looking over at 354 to see him concentrating on the road. Looking down at her foot paws before back up, taking a deep breath and wondering to herself what's going to happen next.

"What do you think is going to happen?"

"I don't know, but we'll be prepared."

Laying my head down on Luc's lap, yawning loudly before closing my eyes. Falling into a deep sleep. Feeling his paw running through my hair. Taking a couple deep breaths before drifting off.