
"heh... a fat ass that can beat your little shiba ass at twister." "well, i already have the mat out and travis was no good, so come on over and bring it."

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Adventures of Haru and Rai - Ch. 1

"let's go then, i sure do love a good game of twister." she said with a wink, her tail caressing his thigh.

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Birthday Balloons

It is now just a few minutes before the clown arrives, and joey is playing twister with his friends dayton the dragon, rom the wolf, and jeremy a husky.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 15

It had been in the middle of the night and he had only been able to catch glimpses of the mountainous twister when lightning flashed.

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Day 9 - Ghost

Albores, a soft cry leaving her mouth before the world was swallowed by the twister of smoke. when she opened her eyes moments later, she stood alone in the circle. safe and worried.

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Chapter 19: An Intruder Is On A Loose.

"spiral twister!" both al and biyomon unleashed their skills and hit the stood figure and then it vanished. al saw the intruder up close and what he guessed was true. the intruder was a black gabumon named shadowwolf himself.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: EP 10

The dratini counters by spinning around rapidly, sending a twister out at eleckid. the eleckid barely dodge the attack and gets close to attempt another ice punch. again the dratini dodges, and follows through with another twister.

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Lost Pokemon Episode: 15 - Safario

Dragonair spins his body around rapidly whipping up a twister and strikes the beedrill with a powerful counter attack causing the bug pokémon to flinch backwards losing its advantage.

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A Tale of Two Tails

On their fifth day of nonstop construction, the twister was made. they prepared their ship for a long and unforgiving trip. they packed for what could last them a lifetime of flight. but would it work.

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Rising Power - Chapter 3,

The fire shaped itself into a massive twister of blazing heat and light. it touched the campfire and sort of began to anchor itself to that.


The Walls I Built

As ryan continued his way, he noticed that under the wind a small twister of leaves danced happily in the street, circling around each other tirelessly. there was unnaturally smooth nature the movement of the leaves.

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Oggstrosse Part 5 - Loose Ends

Beelzebub pushed khalzirak into the violent twister only to be pulled in herself.
