Chapter 9- The Seizure

His first search is telekinesis, emma's ability. most of the stuff kayden already knows; it's the ability to move objects with your mind and the lightning bolt is usually found on those who possess it. kayden skims over that last sentence again.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 9: Suffer in Truth

The force at which she applied the telekinesis was much stronger than she had intended it to be. pausing, she stared down at the paper, mouth a tight line, brows knit in concentration.

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The Book of Gaian Magic

Every gaian wolf is able to do a magic howl attack teleport and use basic level psychic powers like levitation and telekinesis. they can also shoot elemental energy beams of their respective elements.

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Chapter 1- The Friday

Stuff like telekinesis or mind control." the last one is so close to his power that it makes kayden shudder a little. "hmmmm... well, i'm sure it exists out there. otherwise this world would be boring.

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Oggstrosse Part 5 - Loose Ends

With every blast of hellfire, with every push of telekinesis the other would counter.


Chapter 20: The Final War

"you bastard...that was telekinesis, wasn't it?" "precisely! i, gothen, have mastered the power of the mind and the power of force!

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Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.

. ==================================== 0~recap~0 in our last installment, fox had a crazy encounter with a celebrity model named empress, who turned out to be a master of telekinesis.

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Kaleb Lightfire vs Vinge Glaseros. A battle of skill and tactics

"your powers are certainly impressive... alien, almost... at first i thought it was telekinesis but that form-changing doesn't fit the bit..."

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Mutants (Chapter 1)

Ryker callahan was a master pickpocket with his telekinesis. it was rather remarkable to watch, since no one would notice something was missing until they were looking for it. ryker had quite the bounty on his head until he met desmond.

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The Anaris Saga - Chapter 1: Saren

Saren constantly feared that the powers contained inside his body were miniscule by any standards because he had never been able to call forth enough to even perform the simplest of tasks, like telekinesis or creating fire.

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Chapter 19: What Tala Did

Yatokya glanced out the window: seleste had sent the foxes flying left and right with telekinesis. they smacked into walls at such incredible speeds that they died on impact. "remember - to the palace, squirt," yatokya said and took achai's paw in his.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 23 - A Blast From The Past

Two and four showed signs of telekinesis, whereas one was capable of reading my mind. but what really blew my mind... was number five. he told me that i was one of them, and not entirely human.

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