Chapter 9- The Seizure

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#10 of Soul


For the rest of the week, Kayden kept his eyes out for those who have the markings on their ears. He was so excited to see if anyone else was like him; born with secret powers that the world hasn't seen. Emma said she would keep her eye out to. Powers can develop at any age it appears. This fact blew Kayden's mind as well as Don's.

Currently, Kayden paces around the room with his cell phone in paw. He's been considering calling Don and asking what the three of them should do next. Should they hunt for others? Should they wait until they come to them? Either way, Kayden was very happy an anxious, knowing he's no longer alone in a world full of powers.

As he waits for Don to call or even text, Kayden sits down at his computer desk and starts looking up some of this stuff. His first search is telekinesis, Emma's ability. Most of the stuff Kayden already knows; it's the ability to move objects with your mind and the lightning bolt is usually found on those who possess it. Kayden skims over that last sentence again. Lightning bolt. The marking on Em's ears. He looks what website he's on and he memorizes it.

He looks around a little more, hoping he could find his power and see when or if it will stop developing. Kayden eventually finds it under "mood control". It mostly has what all the colors mean and that if experienced at an extreme level, the color appears behind the ears. There's no info on how it develops further. It doesn't mentioned that they can glow the color of an Aura once read. He considers leaving a comment but realized that they need to keep his power on the down low for right now.

Kayden keeps looking around and keeps looking at other abilities out there. One article from the Fox Empire talk about the guy who invented the Dial-a-Ghost phone. He's a white fox with a red tail and there's been reports that he has a marking of a black skull and purple spiral on the back of his ears, indicating the ability to speak to the dead.

Another power is the ability to see the future. A red dog in Moscow was seen with a blue circle and an orange star constellation on the back of his ears. A green and black wolf in Wisconson was seen with a white and grey yin-yang symbol and a red octagon on his ears; showing he has the ability to predict bad outcomes of any decision. One that really peaked Kayden's interest was the story of a pink vixen in Argentina who claimed that she woke up with a test tube and the number three on the back of her ears. There were rumors that she can conjure up matter from her mind.

The more Kayden reads, the more he wishes he were a part of this. Some people in the world have powers and they aren't ashamed or scared of what others think. But Kayden was too scared to come out right away and say that he has a freaky power that's unnatural. He had to see if there was a pattern to all this. However, after a half hour, Kayden couldn't figure out why he was chosen for his ability. It's a question that's been bothering him since he discovered his power.


Kayden's phone goes off ad sees Don's name. He instantly gets excited and answers. "Hi, puppy," Kayden says in a cheerful, semi-squeaky voice.

"Hi foxy," Don says. "How're you doing?"

"I'm fine. I just wish you were here." Kayden gets on his bed and lies down, getting a little cuddly feeling when he hears his boyfriend's voice. Kayden tells Don everything he found. The stories, the markings, the others; everything.

Don seems to be interested because he asks, "Is your power mentioned on this site?"

"Yes. But it doesn't really tell me much more than I already know." Kayden sighs and runs a paw through his hair. "If only you had an ability. That would be so cool."

"Yeah, I know." Don's voice sounds sass but his tone has a little teasing in it.

"What would you want to have if you had an ability?"

"Hmmm..." Don thinks for a minute. Kayden is genuinely curious about this. There's a lot of abilities out there and he wonders what he'd choose. "I guess maybe something to do with meteorology." Kayden giggles.

"You want to control the weather?"

"I just think it'd be interesting. What do you think the markings I'd have if I did?"

"I'm guessing a raindrop or a hurricane symbol. Or both." Don agrees. The two sit in silence, the only sound is Kayden's air conditioning system running. But, the white fox smiles and cuddles with his pillow, wishing it were Don. "Hey, can I come over tomorrow?"

"Of course," Don says. "My mom and dad miss you. They really enjoy your company. Even my sisters keep talking about you and your 'glowing hat'." Kayden nods though he knows Don can't see. That hat is stuffed under his bed because he loves others seeing his ears. He has to admit, the colors are pretty cute.

"Well, tell them I'll bring my hat," Kayden says with a teasing tone.

"Ok. Oh! I almost forgot!" Don says, making Kayden's ears perk. "Don't forget to-"

That's all Kayden heard before the world blacked out.


The world blue and blurry. Kayden could barely keep his eyes open. He sees a corridor and runs down it, thinking someone or something is chasing him. He can barely walk a few feet without stumbling over. He grabs onto the wall and keeps his eyes open and his feet stood on. The room spins and there's suddenly three of them. A paw spins Kayden around, but he can't see who it is. He concentrates hard and the man comes into focus. A grey wolf with a black shirt is all Kayden can see because of the massive migraine that hits his head.

"Kaleb?" Kayden manages to bark out the word before he collapses. He also manages to hear something from the older wolf.

"Kayden... you're not alone. But you need to find us."


Just like that, Kayden opens his eyes as he feels a wet cloth placing itself on his forehead. His mother stands over him, holding it to his head. Kayden opens his mouth to speak but his mother speaks for him. "Don't open your mouth, honey," she says. "I'll explain. I came upstairs and saw you double over. Your body was shaking and seizing up. I made sure you didn't fall on anything hard. When you stopped, I carried you down to the living room and you started breathing heavy. For some reason, you kept saying 'Find us' in your sleep." She helps give Kayden a drink of water because she said he was screaming a little and his throat must hurt right now.

Kayden is suddenly back in that strange corridor where Kaleb confronted him. How'd he get into his mind? Better yet, what does Kaleb mean by 'find us'? Those with other powers? Even if Kayden could, there's no way to contact them. Then a thought hits him: if Kaleb is searching for powerful people, Emma must've went through the seizure too. Don must be worried sick right now. He needs to see him.

Kayden starts to get up but his mother tries to stop him. "I need to see Don," Kayden says firmly.

"You need rest," his mom says. He gets up into his feet and starts to walk.

"Mother, trust me, I know what I'm doing." I usually do, Kayden adds to himself. He gets his shoes on and heads out the door. As he does, he checks his pockets for his cell phone and quickly calls Don. It's on voicemail. He leaves a message saying he's fine and asking how Emma is.

Kayden takes a few turns and before he knows it, he ends up at the same place where he met Kaleb; in the alley between a bar and some other building. The familiarity hits Kayden and he's taken back to when he first met Kaleb. Back then, he didn't think much of Kaleb; just a drunk cranky man who needed some lovin'. But now Kayden is starting to think he is someone more than that. He felt so real in the dream. Is this an ability? Messing with people's dreams? If so, Kayden thought it was a scary one.

He slowly walks around the building until he finds the front doors of the bar. He's never been in one and isn't sure if being in one now is such a good idea despite the mysteries on his paws. Kayden pushes open the door anyways and walks inside.


Kayden sits down in a booth, trying to see if he can connect with Kaleb in any way. He knows it sounds stupid and he looks ridiculous, but right now all he wanted was answers. Not a riddle, not a trick, not some cryptic thing happening with his powers, just answers. He figures that the only person who can give them to him is Kaleb. Why else would he be haunting his nightmares and give him a seizure?

As he waits for something to happen, the bartender, a brown bear with noticable bright pink highlights in his fur, gives him a few questioning looks. Kayden thinks that maybe this guy knows who Kaleb is and if so, when he comes here.

Kayden gets up and walks to the bar and takes a seat on one of the stools. "Are you old enough to be here, kid?" the bear asks.

"Look, I have an important question I need to ask and it's really important." Kayden decided to just go straight to the point since that's what he prefers.

"What is it?"

"Do you know anyone by the name of Kaleb? Ye high, silver wolf, black clothing?" Kayden does his best to describe him. At least, the one he saw in real life, not the one in his vision/seizure.

"Oh yeah." The bear's face lights up with recognition. "Kaleb is one of our regulars here. Yeah, about here once a day, usually at noon or late at night. Why do you ask?"

"I'm still trying to find the answer to that myself," Kayden says. He looks at the clock. Just a few moments before noon. He goes back to the booth and sits down. If Kaleb isn't here by a quarter after, then I'll leave, Kayden thinks.

As he waits, Don manages to text him back. Seeing as he's alone, Kayden decides to quickly call him. He answers on the second ring. "Dude, you won't believe what just happened," Don says.

"Emma had a seizure and was saying 'Find us'," Kayden gives his best guess. He knows that either way, something is going on in this town.

"How the fuck did you know?"

"I had the same seizure this morning." Kayden gets the chills just talking about it again. It felt so vivid and dark. He still things the migraine he had was real and scary. Then Kaleb appeared in his vision and he remembers something. "Did Emma describe who told her to find... whoever?"

"Yeah. She said it was a grey wolf with weird black clothing an a snarky accent. Definitely not someone I know of. Why?"

"Because I know who it is. In fact, I'm trying to find him right now." The silence that blooms hangs for a moment before Don speaks up again. Kayden wasn't sure what his one is like, angry or scared.

"Kayden, are you telling me that you're hunting down a stranger that you thought you saw in your dreams?"

"Yes." But Kayden couldn't tell him much more without thinking of what happened between them. He can still feel the heat of red when he thinks of Kaleb. He was so angry that day but Kayden never bothered to ask why. All he did was change his Aura without even thinking about it. Now here he sits with a lot on his shoulders and a concerned boyfriend has just been added to that. Plus, his mom must be worried sick because, for some reason, she let her son, who just had a seizure, go out into public to find someone who may or may not have anything to do with this.

"Kayden, I'm coming to find you. Where are you?" Don asks. Kayden shakes his head.

"No. I don't want you to find me. Not yet."

"Kayden, please. Where are you?" Kayden could hear Don's heart pounding and his tears starting to find its way out of his eyes. If only he could change Auras over the phone; Kayden starts to tear up himself with the thought of Don becoming sad.

"Ok. Ok. I'm at the bar downtown but please don't come over yet. I really need to see what's going on." Kayden looks over at the bartender who's giving him a WTF? look. "Look, just tell Emma that I'll be there in a n hour, I promise. Ok?" Don let's out a huge huff of the nose and sighs.

"Ok. I'll tell her. And Kayden?" His rainbow ears perk up. "Stay safe. I love you too much to have soemthing happen to you."

"I love you too, puppy." Kayden hangs up before he could say something else that will make him cry. He's really scared and doesn't know what to do. This is exactly what people do all the time: meet up with strangers and they don't exactly always go well.

The door opening interrupts Kayden's thoughts. And there, standing at the door and walking his way is someone he thought he'd never see again.
