A Knight's Story
Restless and defeated Under this willow I am bleeding Wounded from the blade of a soldier The day grows older The sun was high But it begins to set Hours have passed How long will it last This pain that dwells There I can see A shadow...
kion story
kion was woundering the pride lands. as he tought wow its such a nice day out the birds were in the trees the gazelles where eating greass ect. anyway kion shake his mind back to the tesk on hand and that is to protect the pride lands. i should not i...
AnOtter Story
A quick note: this story takes place in the same 'universe' as my [tribulations of kerr the white](%5c) and [coon fandango](%5c) storylines, and while it doesn't contain yiff, it doesn't need to in order to get your imagination going....
My Story...
My story...
The Bedtime Story
story by: plurwolfy
Shing's story
Heavy rain fell down from the pitch-black sky as two Abras huddled together, a large brown sheet shared between them to shield them from the rain. They walked down the drenched, muddy path within the forest, going at a quick pace, but not too fast,...
Sies' story
A Pidgey sat perched in a tree in the forest, smiling broadly and staring off into the sunset, the dim light of the sky reflecting on her chest plate and helmet. She had just passed her final written exam and all of the last physical tests. Although...
~~~~~~~~~~Shot Stories~~~~~~~~~~
~k~o and this story is marked as all ages but not all of the short stories will be aproeat for all ages.
The Story of Dyona
#1 of the story of dyona hey guys! it's gezabelle! i've been racking my brain about what to upload, so i decided to upload a slave story. they are anthro, and dyona is a brown cat! just sayin' hope you enjoy!
Another Story...
...The current Ruler is the brave and benevolent Endra, Queen of the Nalas," Zel stopped as he looked out over the group of children before him, his gaze falling on one in particular, the young fox staring off into the cold night air of the castle as...
The Story of Xion
#1 of the story of xion created by hideki sautereau.all characters belong to hideki sautereau. thanks. creative copyright.