AnOtter Story

Story by Anthony_Lion on SoFurry

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A quick note: This story takes place in the same 'universe' as my [Tribulations of Kerr the White](%5C) and [Coon Fandango](%5C) storylines, and while it doesn't contain yiff, it doesn't need to in order to get your imagination going....


The small bell over the door chimes once as the door opens, then again as it closes after the foxes -- two males, one young and one older -- enters.

"This doesn't look as I expected," the older fox mumbles, "we must have taken a wrong turn somewhere."

"Doesn't look as what?" a hoarse voice purrs from a doorway. Then the voice's owner, a 7' tall tigress in a flowing dress appears. "What doesn't it look like?"

"N-nothing!" the older male stutters, pushing the younger before him as he turns towards the door, "someone must have played a joke on us and sent us to the wrong building."

"Probably," the tigress states, grinning softly, "because at least one of you doesn't look old enough to frequent a place like this."

"Huh?" Turning around again, the older fox looks at the tigress with wide open eyes. "What do you mean? Is this the place after all?"

"If you have silver and are looking for a pleasant way to spend it, then yes, you are at the right place," she replies. "I'm Leana and this is the House of a hundred pleasures. What is your pleasure?"

"It's not for me," the elder states, pushing the younger forward, "but for my son. He's approaching adulthood and is a bit too shy around females, so I thought..."

"You want him educated," she concludes. "No problem. Any preferences, or shall we see who takes his fancy?"

"I-I don't think..." the young fox stutters.

"Girls!" the tigress shouts towards the back of the building, "lineup!"

There's the sound of doors opening, then females in various states of undress appears to stand in a row before the two males; a raccoon, a brown rabbit and a black-and-white one. A few seconds later another door is heard opening and closing, then giggling, before two females, a busty skunkette and a slim raccoon enters to take their place at the end of the row.

"Meera, Leena!" the tigress growls, "what have I told you about such behaviour?"

"Sorry, mistress," the raccoon whispers quietly.

"Don't do it again!" the tigress growls, then grins mischievously, "unless you invite me in!" Turning to the foxes she asks the younger one, "See anyone you like?"

"Ooh, what a cute foxie!" the skunkette exclaims, only now looking at the customers. No sooner is the words out of her muzzle than the raccoon beside her lunges to shut it before she can say another word.

There's a muted splash coming from the back of the building, a door slams open and a wet, brown blur streaks through the room, pulling the young fox with it.

"Well, that was that," the tigress states casually. "That will be eight silvers for the evening. I'll let him stay the night for free."

"B-but..." the older fox stutters, "who? what?"

"An otter," she explains, "they're hopeless as slaves, and only the chance of foxes appearing makes her even remotely co-operative. She won't let him out of her grasp until she's satisfied, which can take a while; she's scared off most of the foxes among our regular customers already. Don't worry, she won't hurt him, though he may have difficulty walking in the morning. Now, the silvers, please."

Grumbling a bit at the cost, but knowing that arguing with a big, strong tigress is a bad move, he pulls out a small bag and counts out the amount.

"Now, then," she states as she pockets the money, "what is your pleasure? A rabbit, a raccoon, or maybe the skunkette?"

"N-no, I only came here for my son," he begins, "I'm already in trouble if my mate hears about it."

"I won't tell if you won't," the skunkette murrs and crosses her arms on her chest, lifting her barely covered breasts so that they look even larger.

"Not fair!" her raccoon friend yells at her, "you lost us the young one because you couldn't keep your muzzle shut!"

"I usually release my slaves after five years," the tigress whispers to the fox, "and they get a small cut of the money the customers pay. It does wonders for their enthusiasm. Anal costs extra, if they let you, and they get to keep whatever they can extort from the customer for it, and that helps, too." Then, grinning mischievously, she states, "It's a slow night; I'll let you play with those two hot-heads for twelve silvers. That is, if you think you can last the night with them. After all, your son won't be out until morning, you might as well wait in pleasant company..."