Kerr Chapter 14: The strangest of places...

Waking slowly, Kerr luxuriates in the feeling of the soft, warm sheets. Rolling over on his left side to cuddle up to Miera he is surprised to find only empty bed. Turning the other way and opening his eyes, instead of soft, black fur, he see a smooth,...

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Kerr 10: Winter Interlude

It's morning, Kerr have just got the fire going in the kitchen, then hurried back to snuggle up with Miera for a few minutes more, waiting for the house to heat up somewhat before preparing breakfast. "It's nice, to cuddle like this, don't you think...

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Kerr 6: In sickness and?

Winter. Swearing to herself, Leeta gets out of bed, wraps a blanket around herself and exits the bedroom. "Why hasn't that damn rabbit started the fire in the kitchen yet?" Then, spotting Kerr -- or rather, one of his long ears poking out from...

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Kerr 4: Rude Awakenings.

_This piece came about as an attempt to clarify Kerr and Miera's relationship, which it doesn't do, and give a few hints as to their civilisation's past. Therefore; no yiff in this chapter..._ As the sunlight moves across the rabbit's body...

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Coon Fandango 4: Just another day.

_Thump!_ The first kick jolts Treel awake. _Thump!_ The second sends him across the corridor and slamming into the wall. "Where's my breakfast!" Remarra yells. _Breakfast? She never told me anything about bringing her breakfast!_ "I'm sorry,...

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Coon Fandango 3: A fate worse than...

Late night. Humming happily to himself, the young male coyote climbs in through the window at the end of the corridor and is about to pad silently through the building, to his own quarters when he notices something laying by a wall. When he prods it...

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AnOtter Story chapter 2

A continuation of the original [AnOtter Story](%5C) but can be enjoyed just as much on its own.... No explicit yiff in this one, either, but again, it shouldn't matter... * * * _Ding._ Hearing the chime of the bell, the tigress looks up to see...

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AnOtter Story

A quick note: This story takes place in the same 'universe' as my [Tribulations of Kerr the White](%5C) and [Coon Fandango](%5C) storylines, and while it doesn't contain yiff, it doesn't need to in order to get your imagination going.... * *...

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Coon Fandango 2: The last one to know...

Late summer. Treel has just brought a basket of grapes back to the shed and is trying to sneak a few moments rest in the shade, pretending to be checking the basket's straps when he happens to overhear what the two female rabbits are...

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