My Story...

Story by Bitewolf on SoFurry

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My Story...

By Bitewolf aka WhItEwOlF (name being used already)

Hello my names sean and im pretty new at this so have an open mind :D

This story is based on a NON-fur world in the United Kingdom near Chelmsford whilst I was still in my teens. I was a pretty normal guy apart from being a bit over weight nd short but enough about me lets get back to the story

It was a typical day in England...thunderous clouds and rain pouring down as far as the eye can see, as I get up for school, I went down stairs whilst I was still yarning as I took a quick glance at the clock

"aarrhh shit im late!"

As I started to do everything in minutes I realised I was proper late now nd needed to go faster. As I finely finished off getting ready and had some food, I went to the bus stop, only to see it go by me as the kids inside throwing cans and shit at me "fuck off u little pricks!" after I watch the bus keep going I new that my teacher wouldn't be impressed to see me late...again. As I got to the school after walking the 6miles I bumped into the worst person I could of pick. The headmaster

"Oh, Mr McKee, late again I see"

as he starts to get out what seemed like an unlimited amount of DT's

"So that's another DT you have to go to know, AND, I expect to see u there this time"

as he hands me another DT to the three I got after school as it is I couldn't do anything but say

"yes sir, sorry sir, won't happen again sir"

as he starts to walk away I remembered the time and start running to my lesson. As I got there I made sure not to make too much noise so I might be able to sit down and start working. Unfortunately I just happened to come in once everyone went silent and looked straight at me.


I was stopped before I could finish as the teacher shouts "SEAN, late again!!, that's another DT for you"

I just look upwards as I feel like im going to scream but instead I say calmly

"But MR. Parry has already gave me one!" as I look at her seeing she is getting more angry at me in seconds.

"well that's too bad, you can have another one on top of that for back chatting me"

the class laugh as im being passed the DT's and told to sit down and shut up.

After I was finished with school including the DT's I had gone to I started to walk to the bus stop only to see the bus go by me again

"Could this day go any worst for me !!" I shout out as I kick the window frame of the bus stop which makes it shatter

"oh great that's all I need"

I started to walk home again with a throbbing foot. When I get about three quarters the way back home I realise that I was in the West ghetto's gang side of town which I didn't look like I was in so I started to walk a bit faster but soon enough I ended up face to face with 8 of them all with black hoods nd black jeans and rings all over there faces. At first I just keep walking by them but they ran back to me and surrounded me so I couldn't keep walking

"yo,wha side ar ya from, blood ?"

I look up at him starting to get pissed off as I new they just wanted a fight so I started to piss them off

"the side where people talk normally and don't act black...blood"

After that they were proper pissed off as one stepped in to try and land the first blow. But he does this too sloppy and I bloke it and punch him in the right eye I get ready for the rest as they come at me one a time just to get knocked back as I could handle one at a time. After that they all bundled me at once so I was powerless to stop them. After beating me to the ground they knocked me unconscious. But before I was totally out for the count I heard "year he's goanna be perfect for it...good job guys but couldn't u of been a little easier on the guy ? He looks like he's been to hell and back...well after we are finished with him he will wished he stayed in hell!" I hear them all laugh as there laughs go silent and all I can see is darkness.

"uurrhh?...wha...what happened...where are I ?" I start to open my eyes as I see that im been put on some table strapped down with my top off showing my gut I looked around but only saw a pitch black room with just a ceiling light .

"well well well, looks like the beast has woke up. (laughter) know we are going do a little experiment on you so expect the worst" he laughs his head off as he goes back and brings a syringe with a goldy look to it

"what is that ?"

I say still a little bit drowsed as he puts it into my chest passed my ribs and into my heart. I shouted out in pain and the sudden pain wakes we up, I try to get loose and stop the pain but its no use, as he start to take it out I feel like I was going to die in seconds as I started to think about my family and not being able to say goodbye as I fall unconscious.

I woke up what seems to been like years as I realise that I was in the playground near my home as I started to get up I realise that I was wearing a dark huge hoody with a pair of blue jeans and motorbike gloves, I started to think to myself on how on earth I ended up with these but I quickly ignore it as I start to run home, I started to run almost slipping over at the sudden speed, while I was running it felt different and I seemed to be going faster than I normally can go but by the time I could think of why I was in front of my house

"I could of swore that the playground was over a mile away?"

I nock on the door as I normally do as im too lazy to look for my keys. As my mum answered the door she looked at me proper pissed off

"Where the fuck have you been! Me and your father have been worried sick!!"

"cool it mum I..."

"don't cool it mum me! Go upstairs and stay in your room until we can think of a suitable punishment for you!"

Yea proper worried by the sound of it. I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom and started to punch another hole in the wall next to the other one

"OI,BRAT!! Stop doing that before I come up there nd punch u in !!"

"I haven't done anything major dad!!"

When in fact I was able to punch right through which I never have been able to do before as I look at my hands in the gloves I realise im still dressed from top to toe and start to take the cloths off. As I took my top off instead of feeling the cool breeze I felt a warmth feeling as if I was still wearing something ? As I look at my stomach I noticed that my stomach was half covered with it was more like fur !? But there was still beats of my stomach with no hair or fur on me which also showed me to have a ripping 6 pack!

"what the hell!? I got a 6 pack!?"

I started to look for anything else but before I could look I felt a sudden pain from were I had broke my tale bone and it felt like it was growing or being forced out, at the sheer pain. I collapse on the floor as my mouth seems to start being forced forward as well! I shout out in pain as I feel my tale bone form further out of me and my mouth stretched and felt like it was being pulled off all together as I stayed screaming on the floor my father came in to see what I was screaming about at that point he saw that I had a tail and what look like a muzzle

"what the fuck!! What's wrong sean!!"

At this point I had fallen asleep whilst the final *changes* had finished and the sounds of screams from my mother ended at the sight of darkness

I woke up in a bed with the smell of anaesthetic in the air as I saw my parent crying in the corner as I started getting up I said "where am I?" but when I said it, it felt different like my tongue was too big for my mouth. I ignored it but I feel something which was moving behind me. As I turn I can not believe my eyes

"I...I. have a tale?!"

I look back at my parents as they saw I was awake. I look at my hands and see that they where now covered in white hair like fur and also had proper paw like look where my palm once was

"what's going on! What the hell is happened to me?!" I start to get out of the bed and look for a mirror

"No son you don't want to look at yourself trust me" said my father once seeming like he was being nice to me for once

"wha...what do u mean ? I don't care where is the mirror!" I said shouting at my father as I lifted him off the ground. In shock of my strength he points behind me to a mirror which was angled away from me. Probably from my dad. I drop him down and start to go towards the mirror and put it back up but with my head not looking at it. I started to think if I really wanted to look at myself, if for once my dad was right but I forced myself to open my eyes and look.

"oh my a wolf ?"

That's it for now and will start another chapter soon. I am open for any suggestions or ideas and I will see if I can add them ;D

I would like to thank Lone Wolfie for helping me out and giving me ideas to start my story.