He walks in the shadows stalking you,teeth beard,paws clenched a smirk across his muzzle murder on his mind, you try to run but he grabs you taking you by the throat chocking you lifeless biting your fleashy neck drawing blood.
The Beast
It stalks you in the night, waiting and wanting you to fail, and you want to resist, you want to fight, but all you can do is scream and wail, you wish someone would help, but it whispers no one will save you, so you believe him so deeper you delve, you want
cynder x spyro lovnlies ch8
"when are you going to stop stalking me flame? its really irritating..." he laughed quietly. "its not stalking if you know im doing it, and once you accept that you love me." he laughed a little more audibly. "i love you flame" ember said.
Poem: Predators
Said he'd be gone by next week mom says don't hold your breath his name is pedophile or predator if you may they hook up with little kids then kidnap them and take them away so stay away from chat-rooms and the predators on they'll never stop stalking
Maelstrom listening close, i count the stalking steps; the echoes seem to shake the shore beneath. i tense as thunder bathes me in its breath, gripping grass as the wind pulls it from me.
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 6 (MHO)
So ordinarily, stalking through the woods at night would have perhaps been exciting, but not terribly frightening.
Important Memories - Singer
They too were downwind, which made my stalking easier though i was anxious slightly. the silence began to get oppressive, as i nearly ran into the back of one of the cubs, who was watching a clearing intently.
Diamond in my eye 1
His stalking boots were oiled leather, a knife in one paw, knees scraping knees, scraping knees of dangled expertise for quiet stalking in the city shadows.
Dark transformation
He turns to the three others stalking him and pounces on them ripping the souls from their bodies and swallows them watching the three sink into darkness.
Five Gulps and it's Game Over
The piranha plant's stalk expanded around his form, holding on to him tightly while he slowly slipped further into the darkness.
The Sanguine Prince: Chapter Four
Nonetheless, as xenna stalked off to her struggling soldiers. _why can't things just be simple, why do i have to be saddled with this witch?
Black Meridian 01: Ankle Deep
"most folk, you ask 'em, they'll say that to stalk is sick. but people delude 'emselves fletch, you know that.