Dark transformation
A lone fox walks down a dark road his heart burning with hatred. His fur starts to turn from bright red to darkest black till it reaches his eyes which glow red and and turn the color of blood. With a long mournful howl he collapses on his hands and knees as two wings rip out of his back one so black it feels as if your soul is being torn out pf your body the other such a pure white it shines in the darkness.
He stands up and howl, a howl so full of hatred even the stars shake in terror. He turns to the three others stalking him and pounces on them ripping the souls from their bodies and swallows them watching the three sink into darkness.
The only thought left to him is how much he hates the world as he spreads his wings and flies into the night the tips of the white wing already turning dark.
"Come to me souls of this world let me show you how dark this world can be"