A furry world - Part 13
"Hey anybody home" I shouted as I walked in through the door lugging our suitcases. "Lupy is that you? Your home early" said Stripe coming around a corner wearing an apron "I'm not done cooking yet". "Yeah we cleared all the checkpoints faster than...
A furry world - Part 12 Wedding Bells
"Mom will you stop fussing with my hair you're going to make me miss my own wedding" I wined trying to get away from her. "You can't go out there with your hair messy like this" she said taking a lock of hair and brushing it again. "My hair was this...
Dark transformation
A lone fox walks down a dark road his heart burning with hatred. His fur starts to turn from bright red to darkest black till it reaches his eyes which glow red and and turn the color of blood. With a long mournful howl he collapses on his hands and...
A Furry World - Part 6 A Girls Day Out
The Saturday of the 26th of February is a day we will never forget. It all started about a week earlier. "Lupy, Lupy are you there?" "What? Hey I'm sorry I kinda got lost in this news report I'm reading" I tear my eyes away from my computer screen....
A Furry World - Part 5 Families Old and New
"Mom! What are you doing here?!" "Is that how you greet your own mother John?" she asked as she got up and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry I just didn't expect to see you again so soon" I said returning the hug. It was then that a small fox walked in, shi...
A Furry World - Part 4 Care and Love
I woke up with a start and quickly clamped my hands onto mu head covering my ears, the alarm was deafening. I got up slowly not wanting to use my hands and opened the door with my tail and met the others who were trying to see down the stairs. "What's...
A Furry World - Part 2 Furries Come and People Go
It's been a week since the old man moved out and I was packing out some scrapbook kits when the bell rang and in stepped a wolf morph his brown grey fur clashing with the shirt and pants he was wearing. He had human like legs but that's where it...
A Furry World - Part 1 Home Sweet Home
I walked down the street my ears down my tail drooping as I look from building to building. It had been nearly 4 months since thousands of people woke up as furries and while I was walking I still drew a lot of stares. From flaming red fur, slightly...
A Furry World - Part 7 What a Crowd!
It's always amazing that no matter how well you plan things when it's time to leave someone is always late. "Candy we told you to check if you had everything last night! The bus is going to leave without us!" I shouted up the stairs as the little red...
A furry world - Part 10 New Beginnings
We were on our way home and even though it was only noon I was dead tired. Most of the morning was spent on filling out forms for our new place and making arrangements for Sarah. "Are you ok lupus?" said Laika holding my hand. "Yes I'm ok" I said...
A furry world - Part 9 I Didn’t Want To Be This!
"Let's go talk in one of the other rooms" said Stripetail pulling my arm a little and closing the door behind us and leading me to one of the other rooms down the hall. Shi sat down on hir haunches and I did the same. Shi raised hir head and spoke...
The beasts inside us
A young warrior stands on a cliff looking over a grassy plain the bright sun from earlier covered with thick dark clouds. As he watches a bolt of lightning hits in the middle of the plain and in the light a young vixen appears her fur flawless white....