A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 17

Strong Soul never got over just how long some of the journeys took between the stars. Even with all the technology that the humans had brought with them, and the improvements they'd made with it in the time since the Night of Blood, there was still the...

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Kevin chapter 2

I'm buildfing a spaceship!" he replied excitedly. "that's notta spaceship!" char declares as the creation doesn't look like a spacecraft to him. "it is! it's just not finished yet!"

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Art (c) toughset days ago, evelynn was sent on a sanctioned assignment onboard a spaceship carried by one of its allies, the athlean confederation: the css bearing, a heavy assault starship carrying enough weapons to make any planet deader than the surface

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Goin' Camping

I lowered my datapad and looked out of the hatchway of the derelict spaceship we called home. i could see her as she stood outside the ship, "you want to what?" i said.

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The Elohim, Myth and Reality

When we did this, all our tech shut down, and the humans who wanted to destroy us, died either from injuries suffered in crashes, or from lack of oxygen when the life support systems on our spaceships stopped functioning.


Patreon 4 - Macross Xilimyth

Without needing to look, he triggered his mech's transformation from a humanoid shape into a similar spaceship of much smaller scale. "you scratch the paint one time, and they never let you live it down."

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Impossible Love

Whyle they were working, a captain got out of the spaceship and ordered "listen, you brainless paces of shit! i want you here in four hours. until then, build a base and prepare yourselves for anything!"

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Universe of Conflict-Chapter 01

UNIVERSE OF CONFLICT Chapter 0ne Another Day... It was near the break of dawn, an alarm clock with a quite annoying chirping sound rang repeatedly, it was time for work...and not the work anyone would ever want to do. Still laying in bed a young man...

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Tom the deer - introduction

Her mother had always been a bit concerned that she rather played with toy cars and spaceships instead of princess dolls like most of the other girls in her age, but then her grandma had taken her mother aside and told her: "don't worry, you were the

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Triad's Sci-Fi Furry Book Chapter Two (Draft)

He looked outside with amazement as the cloud turned into hundreds of thousands of spaceships, from the smallest to the largest. the majority of them were independently owned cargo ships, with various corporate markings on them.

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Chaos Pokemon Chapter 8 Cosmo

So we talked to tails about how to get into space, and ironically he had just what we needed, a huge spaceship he built himself. misty-he really built an entire spaceship! amy-yep, we were each just stunned because it was incredible even for him.

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Maiya Station Disaster: Part 1 – Message in a bottle

"i grew up on a spaceship, but i'm not sure if i can ever get use to the way this ship's ftl system works." "tell me about it, trip." rayne sighed out. "the feel of the ship is so different compared to the older ones.

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