
,' were just as true as the last claim -- there is only you where someone else should because that one night i only pretended.

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Playing Pretend

**chapter eight: playing pretend** bailey stood in line, shifting uncomfortably.

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Save me.

Who knew how hard it would be, to get back to where you once were emotionally? Somewhere along the way, I have fallen. Fallen into an emptiness within myself that I never knew even existed. How do I get out of this vast darkness? Searching for a...

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It is to these ends that we must allow the intrigue that comes with playing pretend, no matter the context. kiddy was a young boy who lived removed from the hubbub of the big city life in germany.

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Growing Pains

The cub was very much your typical boy who loved being outdoors and pretending to be a superhero, even having his own version of "the great fox".

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Deep Space Zero

pretending that such things are nothing short of reality. it is in these times that we must cherish the innocence of those who wish to indulge in it. gin was a girl who lived in florida, right along the region known as the space coast.

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Second Chances : Chapter 9

pretend i didn't like luke, and pretend i wasn't gay, and pretend that everything was just fine and dandy. pretend, pretend, pretend. i wanted to spit on myself for how weak i was the utter flakiness of my life was enough to make me sick.

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Springtide: Hide and Cheat

"if you use make pretend magic you can't use make pretend science. as for pretend science... basically, it's the same idea, if you pretend to build something, no matter what you use, you can make it work." "wait so..."

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Vagabond - Chapter 7 + Epilogue

pretending, to not feel alone! pretending to not feel alone!" when i finished singing, there was a pause, then everyone started applauding. i walked off stage, and waited 'til the end of the show.

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A Taste For Fish

"maybe you should just try pretending to be human again?" "meow." don fixed chester with a sarcastic look that only a cat could manage. how could he pretend to be a human? he was human! okay... he was a kitten now apparently...

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A Tale of Fall

Like a good possum would do to any sudden sound, he fell and pretended to sleep, just like his instincts (the word which he learned from daddy and mommy) and dad and mom taught him.

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Like Ivory and Ebony Chapter 2

#3 of li&e chapter 2 i decided that it'd be better if i pretended i was asleep, so before he looked up i turned around and laid back.

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