The Grand War: Good vs Evil:Chapter one:Vile problems:part one

"razo, they have miss briggs so dont shoot" t-bone said then vile started to shoot at the jet and they started to move out of the way of the shots. then i said," vile stop it i comand you as your creator!!!"


Chapter 44: Journey to Survival - 2

They heard the whirling sound coming from the discs and they used their skills to shoot them down. the smoke covered their sight and aquilamon makes the chance to shoot its sonic wave like skill at the random juniors.

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The Academy - Fire When Ready

"are you going to shoot it or make love to it?" one of the cadets assisting with the range joked.

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The Great War,hell Division, Heroes of the Dovahreich: chapter 1

Arn: simple beat jack in a shooting challenge. dragon x: what is the rules? arn: score more points then him and your in. dragon x: sounds like a fair challenge, let's do it. arn hey jack! stop shooting for a sec and meet dragon x.

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Revival 1

Didn't care if it was just shoot around, basketball is basketball. we jogged out in line and got on the court. we heard some cheers and some boos, but by now, it didn't matter to me. we let the starters get the ball, let them shoot around a bit.

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The Winners

As the day went on after the class party the day before they both decided to make a competition to see who's best at a shooting game.

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The Beginning Of Xrohne Part 2 Chapter #2

He nodded and walked into the range, "what targets did you shoot at boy?" x smiled, "just the one sir." gorlne nodded and walked towards the farthest training dummy.

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Hellhounds: Dylan’s Fireshow (Part 2)

I ducked and swore when a burly brown iksar caught sight of me and started shooting, practically losing my right ear in the process.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 14

- more shooting on their way, in a longer spurt that forced nathan to retreat behind another pillar. the shooting stopped abruptly when judy, who had gotten on top of the cover the criminals where using, shot them from behind.

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Star Fox Reborn Chapter Three

shoot him, mccloud! shoot him!" o'donnell commanded, nearly snapping james's neck as he bent and twisted forward to get closer to the young fox. gray staggered back, dizzy and disoriented.

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Episode Seven: Sweltering Summer Sins

Now shoot me." "no!" "shoot me!" "why should i shoot you? you're my best friend." blue was shaking in her boots. "because i said so." gray lifted her hammer in both hands and growled. "shoot, me!"

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Transcendent Pt.5

"shoot now!" one of them yell... they all shoot and a barrage of bullets came at me, luckily i focus again and the bullets slow down...i use my mind to shoot them back, it's a good distraction... after the guards get shot down me and gale run.

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