Chapter 44: Journey to Survival - 2
#47 of D.M.O.N.
First off, I do not own any Digimon chars or any noames that involved in the stories because they are not legally mine. However, I do own the char named Alphonse aka Al for short. I apologize first hand if there are spelling or grammar errors because English is my second language. I do apologize for the delay. Anything Else, please enjoy.
ShadowWolf/Jake = Jake ShadowWolf.
GreenGuilmonX/Derek = GGX/GreenGuilmonX.
Zane/Zero = DragonLordZane.
Albino/Alphonse = yours truly.
Chapter 44: Journey to Survive - 2
Jake, Zane, Derek, and Alphonse were wandering in the forest, trying to run toward certain mountain that has been mark by the senior Destinies as their goal. After their last battle against Renamon and Biyomon, they got lost in the woods for almost a day and it is pass bedtime. They began to collect some twigs and foods for them to replenish their energies they spent on the previous battle. Everything went silent because of the tense and danger they were facing right now. For a precaution, they take turns as a watch guard.
On the next day, the juniors began their track again early and again they lost. "Man, don't tell me that we lost again." Zane grouched feeling little impatience for Al's guidance.
"Okay, I won't tell." Al answered without looking at him.
"For a leader, you sure lose your way a lot." Zane commented at his leadership.
"Okay. One: It is not my choice; they pick me as the leader. And two: Who choose me as a guide in these forests? I didn't even know where we are since that last battle." Al yelled at his whining. "And if we are on the right track, they will come and hunt us down."
"So where are they? Oh yeah, they didn't showed up because we aren't in the right track, so that means we are lost."Zane explained him with angry tone.
"In that case, why don't you lead the way? I am sure that you will lead us to the mountain." Al replied his explanation in annoyance.
"Maybe I will, if you didn't lose your way here, Dino Breath."
"I know what I am, but what are you?"
"Guys," Jake interrupt the arguments and he gets a 'WHAT' tone from Zane and Alphonse. "Could you please stop fighting?"
"Well, he started it." Zane accused Al as the starter of the arguments.
"ME? Why I ought a..." Al started to lose his nerve.
"Enough!" Jake ordered with a loud tone to interrupt more arguments or worse fighting. "Perhaps I can make a suggestion. Why don't we fly up to see the exact mountain we should go?"
Al's temper began to loosen up and heed Jake's words. "That is a great idea. Unfortunately, we can't fly up. The only thing that can fly up is either me or Derek in our ultimate form." Al gave another problem that needs to solve.
"And I can fly with my mega form." Zane added his problem.
"Lastly, we need to conserve our energies for upcoming battles." Al finished the problems for them to think of.
"That's it." Jake yelled marking their problems. "We can fly if we are in ultimate or mega form, so were them. They can't follow us if we flew. Lastly, there are no rules about Digivolution for us, are they?"
Al, Zane, and Derek think back the rules for the test and none of them about Digivolution limitation for them. "You are absolutely right about that. We can reach it within three days if we push it or five days if there are battles need to be taken." Al agreed at Jake's idea. "Unfortunately, he needs to go." He pointed at Jake. Al saw that Jake is confused about himself. "Either of us hasn't seen Gaomon's form or its evolutions. I suggest you change back to your old form. In case we are in fierce battle, MetalGarurumon is the best option so far."
Jake finally understood what Al meant. "Just when I'm about to enjoy in this form, I will change back just this once." Jake grunted and readied himself.
"I suggest you do it often. In the game, it was called hacking and that character is illegal because it was unknown."
"Thanks for reminding me. I forgot that this was just a PC because we are staying in this form for too long. I guess that virus of yours is contagious." Jake joked about Al's condition.
"For the love of, could everyone stop mentioning my problem?" Al angered after knowing that he is being pick by everyone. Al took his deck and browse in looking for RizeGreymon. He found it at the middle lower section of the deck and put it in the slot. He put back the deck at its place and slammed the slotted card. The data stream covered his body and seconds later, it vanished leaving Al in RizeGreymon form. "Are you guys coming or not?" Without further ado, Jake, Zane and Derek evolved into their fly able form such as MetalGarurumon, MetalSeadramon, and MetalGrowlmon, and lift off.
They can see it clearly now. Judging from the cottage to the targeted mountain, they were off the course. Al led the way while the rest kept an eye on their surroundings for at least half an hour. "Incoming!" Zane warned the team for something that comes out from the forest. They saw Angewomon, Aquilamon, and a silver giant doll with wings and fancy accessories.
Angewomon unleashed her Celestial Arrow to Al's team. The team spread out dodging the arrow. The giant silver doll saw it come and eject some discs toward all of them. They heard the whirling sound coming from the discs and they used their skills to shoot them down. The smoke covered their sight and Aquilamon makes the chance to shoot its sonic wave like skill at the random juniors. Although it was random target, it specifically aimed at Al.
Al was surprise and had no chance to dodge it, so he blocked it with his revolver arm. The damage was minimal because of the evolution differences, but his revolver shaken because of the blast. "Ouch... what a blast." Al grunted. The attack doesn't stop there. The silver doll used its discs again. Jake saw it and well prepared, he opened the missile silos around his body and shoot all the discs down. Aquilamon and Angewomon used the smoke again to launch the attack. Aquilamon used its sonic wave attack and Angewomon used her crucifix 'Heaven's Charm'. Zane and Derek anticipate the tricks and ready their attacks at incoming attacks. Zane saw the crucifix and used 'River of Power' at directly at the center of the crucifix. Derek saw the sonic wave and used 'Atomic Blaster'. Both of the attacks were greater than the seniors and it pierce through. Aquilamon and Angewomon dodge the attack. Angewomon take no chances and fly straight to Al. She picked her feather helmet, produced a feuret sword, and stabbed Al, but Al blocked it with his revolver. "Oi... What's with the massacre attacks?" Al asked while holding his ground or air for now.
"In real battle, you are branded as a dangerous threat and must be eliminated quickly and with full force." Angewomon grunted.
"What, why?" Al was surprise by her answer. His guard slowly weakens by the shock.
"You have fought equally and defeat Renamon in your rookie form. She is the strongest rookie form I've heard so far. Secondly, you still have the Glitch in you, which are also a threat to all of us. Lastly, your friends bear the same thread as you are and you are the dangerous among them." She explained and bashed Al.
Al regained his balance on the air after being push away from her. "First, I didn't defeat her. I technically restrain her so she wouldn't threaten us again. Second, I don't know it is still exist in my body. Even it does, I don't know how to use it."
"You already have the first sign of the Glitch, the miraculous recovery and the gauntlet digivice were from the Glitch. That suffices us enough that you are a threat."
"Why is that I'm the only one who grateful for having second life." Al grunted and get defensive.
At the same area, Zane, Jake is fighting against the silver doll while Derek fought Aquilamon. "Who are you anyway?" Zane asked.
"We haven't introduced ourselves because we haven't used this form since your arrival." The silver doll replied in two different set of voices, which confuse Zane and Jake. "We are Shakkoumon, a DNA evolution from Angemon and Ankylomon."
"As you already know this, our job is to stop you at all cost." Aquilamon responded. "And your job is to survive at all cost until you reach the goal."
"At least that is what our intention until you three showed up." Derek replied while dodging Aquilamon's attack. "We were surprise when Angewomon shoot her arrow and Shokkoumon launch his discs."
"But what surprise us more, half of the attacks are for Al alone, especially her attacks. Why is that?" Jake asked.
"Do you remember about the last incident when Al went berserk? He is unstoppable when he has the Glitches. We almost got killed by that power, we as in all of us." Shakkoumon answered.
"That is true." Al flew toward them to regroup. "I almost killed all of you because I was angry back then, angry because I lost my partner. He is almost like a brother to me, even my mother accept him as part of a family. Everything was my fault."
"It is not your fault, Al." Angewomon flew back to her team. "They were far too strong for all of us because they use the Glitches as well. That is why we have to fight each other to heighten our power so it won't repeat in the future." She confessed her weakness.
'Lite,' Al said it with a sigh. 'She didn't know that because of her, I've regained my conscious.' "If that is what you wish for, then so be it." Al grabbed the holster and rolled it, making rattle sound telling him to regain his confidence back. He slapped it after regaining his confidence and prepare to battle. "Everyone, evolve into your highest form. ShadowWolf, Zero, GreenGuilmonX. Battle Station!"
Everyone nod and ready for battle. Angewomon and Aquilamon got hit by a light and evolve to higher form. Angewomon evolved into Holydramon and Aquilamon evolved into unfamiliar form for Al and the team. The new evolution form was similar to Halsemon except it was white, has a pair of large wing, and no helmet. Derek took out his Digivice and scanned the new form. 'HippoGriffomon, an ultimate form.' The scanner read. "That is new." Al commented in surprise.
"So were we, practicing a lot?" Shakkoumon asked.
"Years worth," he replied with sore squawking voice. "And there's more, 'Heat Wave!'" his wings started to glow bright red and flapped it towards the rookie team. The rookie team felt the heat coming towards them and fly away. Al and GreenGuilmonX launch their attacks to separate their foes. Zero quickly dash toward Shakkoumon to distract him. ShadowWolf launched his large missile to separate HippoGriffomon from HolyDramon, but HippoGriffomon launch his 'Sonic Voice' to shoot down the missile. The smoke gave ShadowWolf a chance to surprise him by tackling, giving some distance away from HolyDramon.
HolyDramon wanted to help HippoGriffomon but a shot has been fire from her right telling her to stop. "We are your opponent, HolyDramon." Al growled at her. HolyDramon complied by shooting 'Fire Tornado' at them. Al used 'Rising Destroyer' to blocked it and GreenGuilmonX flew high. The attacks were equally match that explodes upon impact.
HolyDramon saw GreenGuilmonX flew high. She began to charge up an attack but GreenGuilmonX shoot some energy bullets at her. She canceled the charge and swiftly dodged away. Al suddenly burst out from the smoke and readied his gun barrel to bash her backhand. She anticipates his action and swings her dragon tail up. Al didn't realize it until he saw huge light pink heading toward him from below. Al changed the target and bashed the tail to block it. A moment later, GreenGuilmonX tackled HolyDramon to the ground and Al followed behind.
ShadowWolf unleashed his 'Freeze Bomber' to attack HippoGriffomon. HippoGriffomon swiftly dodge away and sometimes used 'Sonic Voice' to destroy several freezing missiles. Once the missiles were out of the way, HippoGriffomon use 'Heat Wave' at his chaser. ShadowWolf used 'Metal Blaster' to fight against hot air that HippoGriffomon conjured. ShadowWolf keep on charging and tackled HippoGriffomon. Both of them began the scratch attacks with their claws and talons. "As expect, you have grown strong." HippoGriffomon commented while holding his left front paw.
"I couldn't have done it without everyone help." ShadowWolf grunted feeling slight pain from the bruises. "I just heard from Shakkoumon that those are your new form. Why all the trouble doing it, Hawkmon?"
"Our basic instinct, we always wanted to grow strong when there is someone stronger than us. It is a cruel inevitable faith." HippoGriffomon replied. "That is why, I mostly trained alone to become stronger, and look at me now."
"Does Yolei know about this?" ShadowWolf asked stalling to use 'Metal Blaster'.
"She knows." He answered. His fur slowly stood telling him his energy is ready to burst.
They opened their maw and beak and unleashed Metal Blaster and Sonic Voice together and explode.
Shakkoumon is having trouble fighting against Zero. Even though their bodies were big, Zero has the speed factor compare to Shakkoumon that only had power factor. Shakkoumon was beat to a pulp by Zero's tail. Shakkoumon fly backward to keep a safe distance but Zero didn't give that chance. Shakkoumon shoot some more 'Kachina Bombs' for cover fire. Zero used his agility to evade the discs. When Zero is close by, Shakkoumon's eyes started to glow and shot 'Justice Beam' at point blank.
Because of the level differences, Zero shows no pain. He suddenly appeared at the top of the ray and bashed Shakkoumon with his horn blade, making Shakkoumon lose his balance. "Trying to avoid close combat, eh?" Zero asked and began coiling his body. "I'll help you, by kicking you down to the ground." He instantly stretched his body like a spring shooting projectile and shoots Shakkoumon to the forest ground. "Do not mess with the mega power."
Suddenly, he heard an explosion coming from the ground but not from where Shakkoumon fall. He looked at the source of the explosion and saw Al and GreenGuilmonX were toss into the air half injured. Zero flies toward them and inspects the injuries. "Are you two all right?" He asked in concern.
Both Al and GreenGuilmonX have severe burn marks, armor slightly rusted and barely conscious. "No we are not." Al answered with grunted pain. "She almost killed us with acid mist and burn us to crisp." Zero look again where they came from and saw a mist followed with a wilting forest around it. "We have to run now. She is ready for the kill."
"She is?" Zero asked. "I knew they will do anything to stop us, but kill us? I say she is gone too far."
"I mostly agree." GreenGuilmonX respond. "Any idea?"
"We need to find Jake first, and then we think of a way." Al answered. He suddenly saw light pink slithering out from the forest and headed towards them. "In the mean time, incoming! Full force!" Al pointed the revolver to HolyDramon. Zero and GreenGuilmonX aimed at where Al point. "Trident Revolver!" "River of Power!" "Atomic Blaster!" "Rising Destroyer!" They used their skills to knock down HolyDramon.
The multiple attacks knock her down to the ground but not out. She slowly woke up again and tried to attack them again. "Geez, I know that a girl always have her mind set, but this is outrageous." Zero commented her will power. "Freeze Bomber!" They heard ShadowWolf's howl and several missiles fly through them and hit HolyDramon, making her frozen for a while.
"That should cool her down." ShadowWolf responded and flew towards them. "Is everybody all right?"
"Derek and I got scratches and burn marks all over the place thanks to her." Al replied. "We need to go now. We have waste enough time dealing with them."
"Good idea. I have interrogated HippoGriffomon and he said there was a change of plan. Our deadline is within two days before sun down. He is trying to lose the ice I made, right now." Jake informed the others.
"Then there is no time. We need to burst out of here." Zane exclaimed. "Judging the distance, I say we are not quarter of the way."
"Think, think, and think." Al grumbled while knocking his head. "Zane, you hold Jake's wing. Derek you hold Zane's right and I will hold his left. Zane, try to keep your body straight unless you want a burn marks from our thrust jets."
All of them got the idea and do what Al told them to do. "All right, is everybody ready?" All of them nodded. "Better hold on, because we are going to have a bumpy flight." Jake, Derek and Al's jets are starting to charge up and they blast off in full throttle heading towards the mountain.
Meanwhile, HolyDramon have regained her mobility and start to chase Al's team. When she appears, HippoGriffomon is flying towards her to regroup. "Damn, we will never make it in time." HippoGriffomon exclaimed after seeing how faster they were when they combined.
"We can and we will, come on." HolyDramon shouted in full spirit.
"It's too late, it is beyond our jurisdiction." Shakkoumon called while flying slowly towards them.
"And I thought we still make it in time." HolyDramon grunted puffing out some steam from her maw.
"We are still in the game and we must follow the rules that Codey make." HippoGriffomon replied.
"At least we can see the full potential about them, thanks to Codey for removing the level limitation." Shakkoumon responded.
"And thanks to him, that the time limit is shortened." HolyDramon replied while looking at Shakkoumon with exhaustion. "Let's wait from the others on how they do when they are on the pinch."
All of them reverted to their rookie forms and rest for a while before heading back to the cottage. Gatomon reach her comm. link and report the situation. "They have past us. The rest is up to you."
That's it for this chapter. I got sidetrack alot thanks to the new season of the Digimon. Again sorry for the long delay. I accept any critics and comments, thank you everyone.