The Beginning Of Xrohne Part 2 Chapter #2

Story by Xrohne on SoFurry

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#7 of The Creation Of Xrohne

and here... as promised is the second chapter to Xrohne's series. In a few minutes Frosts' chapter will follow so if you do enjoy my writing, or the story in general please vote, fav, or watch cause any support is awesome.

When X woke in the morning he did so to the sound of a trumpet blaring. He sat up quickly and noticed Gorlne standing beside his bed, "your late boy."

X spluttered, his face looking extremely surprised. He then stopped trying to speak and swallowed nervously, "s-sorry sir, it won't happen again."

Gorlne nodded before the stern look on his face started to fall away and he started to laugh, "It's alright soldier. Just don't let it happen again. Now, get your fat ass up and moving. Meet me at the shooting range at oh six hundred hours," he commanded as he walked out of the room.

X nodded quickly before jumping out of bed and staring at the clock inside the bathroom which read 5:30am, "shit."

X then scrambled to get his clothes on as it would take almost 15 minutes in itself to get to the outside military site. He grabbed his trench coat and pushed his arms through the sleeves, grabbing his fedora and deftly putting it onto his head, next grabbing his shield and slinging it over his back. Then grabbing his two twin blades and strapping them to either side of his waist, next grabbing his M1 and slinging it over his shoulder. Finally he grabbed his Type 99 and rushed out the door, closing it behind him before running through the halls toward the military base.


When X finally arrived at the shooting range he was breathing hard with lack of breath, both from the exertion and from the fact that he had over 60 pounds of weapons and equipment on his body. Gorlne laughed as he saw the drake approach, "you'll get used to the weight boy, all in due time."

X nodded and smiled grimly, "so what do you want me to do sir?"

Gorlne smiled and pointed to a shooting booth, "first boy, let's see how accurate you are with that M1 of yours."

X nodded and started to deposit his equipment to the side.

"No boy!" Gorlne shouted at him, causing X to stop abruptly, "in the heat of battle are you going to take the time to take your weapons off? That shield on your back could save your life, and you're taking it off! It's reckless of you."

X nodded and put everything back on, unslinging his M1 and replacing it with his Type 99. He then looked at Gorlne, "hearing protection?"

Gorlne laughed at X like it was the funniest thing he had heard in his life, "hearing protection boy? Are you going to have hearing protection in battle?"

X nods and turns around to walk into the shooting booth. He then aimed his M1 down the range towards the farthest training dummy.

Gorlne smiled when he noticed what the drake was doing, "you'd be better off aiming for a close...

He was cut off when X fired the M1 once, then twice, then a third time before stopping, "all right sir, can we go and see how I did?"

Gorlne nodded and motioned for the drake to follow him as he walked towards a door off to the side, he then opened it and looked behind him to see X standing behind him. He nodded and walked into the range, "what targets did you shoot at boy?"

X smiled, "just the one sir."

Gorlne nodded and walked towards the farthest training dummy. When he reached it he stared at the bullet holes in surprise, there was two in the head, and one in the heart. He then proceeded to stare at the training dummy with a surprised look on his face for a few moments before turning back to X with a large grin on his face, "that's a mighty fine shot you have there boy. I must say that in all my years I've never seen a shot that good on a first try."

X grinned happily before replying to him, "thank you sir. That means a lot coming from you."

Gorlne nodded once more before his face grew stern, "again, and this time with the 99."

X nodded and quickly walked back to the shooting booth, unslinging his Type 99 and replacing it with his M1. He then took a deep breath and pulled the trigger, letting off a three burst shot at one of the training dummies, repeating the process with the other five dummies before hitting the release and pulling the clip out of the top of the gun, reaching to his waist and grabbing a clip. He then slammed the clip into the slot, and lowered the gun to his hip.

Gorlne nodded, "that's good boy, I'm almost certain that your accuracy was almost as good as your rifle, now for the swordplay."

X nodded and unsheathed his sword on the left hip, leaving the one on the right alone.

Gorlne frowned, "both swords boy, you think that this is s'posed to be a fair fight boy? I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back."

X smiled and unsheathed his sword that laid on his right hip, "shield or no sir?"

Gorlne smirked, "shield boy, but leave it on your back, might make more of a challenge for me and you," he explained as stepped beside Xrohne and whispered in his ear, "oh and by the way, if you beat me you'll stand a better chance of fighting our leader as I was his mentor. Don't worry. Michael filled me in on the situation."

X nodded and stepped back a few feet, "ready sir?"

Gorlne nodded and stepped back himself, drawing his reinforced steel sabre and putting it into his right hand, "ready boy."

X smiled and slowly started to circle him, whirling his left hand sword in his hand, and flipping his right hand sword point down and raising it up for defence, much like you would a dagger. Gorlne smiling the whole while, "something before we start, always smile when you fight, makes it so that your opponent thinks that you're not right in the mind and that nothing matters in the fight."

When X finally nodded and started to smile the commander lifted his left hand and beckoned the soldier forth for his attack. X smiled as he started to move towards Gorlne, flipping the sword in his right hand to its proper position as he swung his left sword at his commander, steel clashing on steel as they fought, both of them with a large grin on their faces. X even went so far as to chuckle as he started to get light of breath a few minutes in, "power through it boy, you won't get strong if you don't."

He nodded and reinforced his efforts, starting to breathe deeply and letting it out slowly as he whirled, his commanding officer's sabre clashing off his shield as he whipped around and swung both of his swords at Gorlne in an x-like formation, the steel singing as it scraped against steel until he stopped, mere millimetres from his neck and panting heavily. Gorlne laughed and slowly raised his hands showing that he meant no harm to the soldier. X then nodded and lowered his blades, continuing to breathe heavily as he backed off.

"Well done Xrohne, you've earned your name in my books soldier, dismissed."


A few days later X awoke again and readied himself to go to the base when a thought struck into his mind so hard he nearly stumbled. He remained standing there for a few minutes after the fact, trying to get the dizziness in his head to fade before stepping into the hallway, turning towards the left instead of the right per usual and starting down it towards Michael's room.

When he got there he knocked and waited until Michael opened the door, upon realizing who it was his face took on a shocked sort of look for only a moment before nodding and waving him inside.

"Michael," the young drake said politely, "I need your opinion. I had a thought this morning, and it told me that I should try to fight the Werle leader," at this point Michael's face adopted a more serious expression before softening once again. He held up a finger, stood up and checked the doors around the room to make sure everything was secure before walking back to the couch opposite X and nodding, "it came after I fought my superior and he said that he hadn't seen anyone with my skill before, especially when I won in my first sparring session with him.

Michael nodded tersely, "and what does your superior think? Has he agreed to help you?"

The new drake shook his head after a moment, "but I think that he has the same thoughts as you and me, I don't see anything wrong with my father as of yet... but that can change and I have both of your sides to back me up."

Michael smiled and nodded, "you're correct to assume so, almost two thirds of our population doesn't want him in power anymore."

X sighed deeply in relief before he smiled, "then I have a lot of people on my side then correct?"

Michael nodded and stretched out his hand towards X, "if you're in shake my hand. But heed my warning carefully, if you do so then you will be challenged unlike anything you have before. You may die, or you may lose limbs. But if you win, we. The population of the Werle have the ability to take you from your seat of power at any time if you become corrupt or we see you unfit to lead."

X grinned happily and nodded stretching his left hand out to grip Michaels firmly, "it's a deal."