Do you remember the first time we came here?
I seem to remember a game where they did pretty decently." jj was sucking cold air sharply through his mouth guard. the quarterback gestured to the crowd to quiet down, but that just roused more from the visitor side.
Oneshot's tale: Meeting new faces and remembering the old (rough copy)
"Chakat Oneshot please proceed to the firing line" The voice said over the PA system. From the crowd of humans and furs alike stepped lone figure. The figure turned out to be a feline-taur with sandy colored fur , long brown hair that reached down to...
Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 7 – Remembering the Past and Cursing the Future
This amy wore my amy's face and body, and had all of the same mannerisms i remembered, but after the events of this weekend... returning to this cabin had been like flipping a switch.
Remembering Dasher Cheetah ... Some Thoughts We Shared about 7 Years Ago ...
Know that you are cared for and fondly remembered by so many of us, and i'm certain that wherever you are, you're far safer and no longer troubled by the problems of mortals. missing you dearly ... remembering you fondly ...
The Comforting Words of A Reptile Stranger: Andreas Remembers and Reflects on his Life and Best Friend Rep at a Pub
The comforting words of a reptile stranger: andreas remembers and reflects on his life and best friend rep at a pub by: swsp ..
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 120: Remembering Where You Started, Knowing Where You Are and Thinking About Where You Are Going To Be
"if we don't hear from the away team soon we might be using that date to remember them as well, song." the young knight responded. "it has been four days and no news. even manderine is worried." the chakat said quietly. "how about a festival?"
Annabel and the Sea
If only she could remember. it was becoming so difficult to remember anything anymore. but the one thing she could not remember is what had happened to her child. they told her that she was getting old. they told her she was having memory problems.
Goodbye for now and don't forget to remember. remember what you are fighting for. remember what you are. remember who you are.
(mini story) Memories
Do you remember that day? i do...the day we met. oh, i know it was ever so long ago, but i remember it clear as day. i remember...standing in that park; walking around. i just decided to start running...then wham! you ran into me!
Did he remember at all yet? he was guarded, but she thought she saw flickers of conflict. please remember me, jason. he looked up and saw her watching, and a look of embarrassment came over his face.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 8)
Hafsa remembers the flashing lights of the ambulance, and how pretty they looked when refracted by her window. she remembers how shrill the sirens were as ronnie rode away on that ambulance.
The feel of his embrace
But the reason i'm telling you this is because i want you to remember, it's a one man's story, one of millions in this world.i just needed you to know and remember it, and to remember that we loved you.