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There are a few stories I have rewritten from the other character's perspective. I quite like this one written from Ellie's perspective after she is captured in the "Hunt-Ellie" story.

Ellie was out enjoying a sunny Fall day. She'd crouched in a meadow and was enjoying some fresh grass in the shelter of the longer stems. Her ears swiveled toward a scuffing sound and her eyes lazily followed. They popped wide when she saw Jason, clawed hands wide and teeth bared sail over the grass. She squealed in shock as he collided with her, squashing her to the ground on her belly. Ellie writhed under the cat, and another jolt went through her as she saw his fangs descending toward her neck.

"Jason, stop! You got me! Please! You're hurting me!" she cried.

Jason jerked his head up and stared at her in disbelief, "How do you know my name?" he demanded.

Ellie stared back at him in confusion as cold fear began to creep through her body, "W-what do you mean? It's Ellie. We've lived together for years."

Jason looked at her a moment more and then began to lower his jaws toward her neck again, "Either you're crazy, or you think I'm stupid. This is probably for the best." He added awkwardly, "I'm sorry."

Oh Zeus! He's going to eat me! What's going on?! She didn't have time to figure it out. "Wait!" she cried. "Please, don't Jason! I don't know what's going on, but something's wrong! I love you! Don't let it end like this!"

The brown tabby lifted his head again and eyed her uncomfortably. "I don't know you," he stated hesitantly after a few seconds.

Ellie felt tears welling in her eyes. Would it really end like this? Would she really end up as dinner for her sweet kitty who had somehow lost his memory? "Please try to remember, Jason," she pleaded. "It's me, Ellie."

After a moment, Jason tightly took hold of her wrist and then stood, pulling her to her feet as well. He studied her a moment longer, "I'm sorry. I don't remember you. How do you know my name?"

"I-I told you, Jason. We're friends," Ellie decided not to insist they were a couple in case the cat thought that was obviously too much to believe.

"I'll take you home," he decided. "If you're telling the truth, I'll escort you back to your home. Maybe we met when we were small. I don't remember that, but I'll try to. You can tell me more, and maybe I'll remember."

Ellie nodded, "Thank you, Jason."

She stepped forward and gave him a tight hug with her free arm. The cat went tense, but then he stroked a hand over her ears and down her back.

"I know you're in there, Jason, my sweet kitty. I'll make you remember," she promised. If she didn't, she might very well be ending up on his plate.

Holding tight to her wrist, Jason led her out of the meadow, through a wood, and into an unfamiliar town. Ellie noticed everyone there was a predator, which might have been unsurprising given Jason's intention to eat her, but she was baffled at how things had changed so much? Had they been thrown back three hundred years? Certainly, a community like this couldn't exist in modern Vulpinevan society. But how had she gotten here, and if she remembered things as they had been, why didn't Jason? Many of the predators eyed her as they walked through the village. Most looked hungry, but some gave her sympathetic glances. Others looked disgusted. Ellie suspected it wasn't usual for predators to lead their prey home while still alive, and she didn't want to think about the terrible things that might befall prey who were. Jason wouldn't be cruel. No matter what he remembered, Ellie had to believe her kitty would be a merciful predator; however, being killed quickly by her precious kitty wouldn't be much of a consolation.

Jason led her into a white-sided two story house. It wasn't their house, and the inside was even more different than the outside. The room through the side door was a small living room with a black, metal wood stove and a big brown recliner. Jason contemplated her uncertainly after closing and locking the door.

"I don't know what to do with you," he admitted. "Should I tie you up? Do you need anything?"

Ellie smiled slightly though she was still very nervous. He was still her Jason, unable to not consider whether even someone he wanted to eat was comfortable.

"I won't run away," Ellie replied. "I'm not giving up on you, Jason; I'll make you remember. I love you."

Jason smiled slightly, "Alright."

He let her go and began putting kindling in the wood stove. Ellie watched him as he got a fire started in the rectangular box. She knew her Jason had to be in there. Did he remember at all yet? He was guarded, but she thought she saw flickers of conflict. Please remember me, Jason. He looked up and saw her watching, and a look of embarrassment came over his face.

"I know your memories are in there, Jason," she murmured. "Try to remember."

He embarrassedly looked back toward the stove.

Ellie stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't you remember our feelings, Jason? I love you, and you love me."

He looked back at her awkwardly, "I'm sorry. I don't remember."

Ellie felt hot tears welling in her eyes. How could Jason forget her? She loved him. Didn't he love her?

"I'm not going to eat you though," he quickly added. "I don't remember us meeting, but I can't hurt you now. I'll take you back home tomorrow."

"I don't want to leave, Jason!" Ellie protested. "I don't even know where my home is in this world! The only thing I have is you! Please don't take that away from me! I love you!"

"Did we really love each other?" he asked embarrassedly.

"So much, Jason! Nothing could break us apart! I don't understand what's happened, but I won't give up on you!"

"If you don't have anywhere to go, I guess you can stay," Jason murmured embarrassedly. "I don't have a lot for you to eat, some carrots but nothing else. I'll get you more when I'm hunting tomorrow."

Hunting. That word made her sick. Jason shouldn't be forced to murder prey, but if she stayed with him and things didn't go back how they were, she'd have to watch as he brought home and butchered people like her, other rabbits even. Was it really right that she live with a predator who ate her own kind? I can't lose him too! If it's wrong of me, then it will be my burden. Jason doesn't have a choice in this world.

"I have to fix dinner in a bit," Jason meowed. "Do you need anything now? The bathroom is through the door and up the stairs to the right."

"Would you hold me, Jason?" Ellie asked softly.

Jason stared at her embarrassedly, "You, uh, you want me to-"

"Please, Jason. Everything's wrong. Let me feel that things will be alright. Maybe it will help you remember if you hold me on your lap."

Jason sat in the recliner, and Ellie climbed up with him. She turned around and sat on his lap, leaning her scut and back close against his belly and chest. One at a time, she took his arms from the armrests and wrapped them across her lap. Jason hugged her lightly. His warm breath flowed over her left ear. His scent was still the same, and it calmed her. She felt safe in his arms. Maybe it didn't make sense when he'd been about to eat her, but she still felt secure being held by him. She turned her head to nuzzle his neck.

"I don't understand it," Jason murmured. "I can't remember when, but I know that I know you."

"That's good, Jason. Give it time. I won't leave; I love you," Ellie murmured back.

Jason lifted a hand and stroked her face, "I think I love you too. It's strange. You're prey; I was going to eat you. When did I fall in love?"

Ellie felt tears in her eyes again, but this time they were bitter-sweet, "A long time ago, Jason, but I'm with you again. Whatever happens, I'll always find you, and we'll always be together."

Jason brushed his muzzle against her left ear, "I believe you, Ellie. Somehow, I know you're right. This is right. I'm glad I found you."

Ellie nuzzled his neck again and sighed contentedly. Jason would always be her sweet kitty.