The Gift of Prometheus

The cougar nodded, humming as he contemplated the letters which had came to their office for the past few weeks. this 'atlas' was certainly a mystery. he turned to his brother when the older cougar nudged his shoulders.

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Miracle is an old coat: New friends, Old friends.

By puma and darkstar nana had just entered the bar with three one gallon jugs of home made eggnog. thomas was quick to relieve her of two and set them on the back bar as she was setting down the third. "puma!

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Tall, sly, with a warming smile and constant smirk, the cougar just had a certain allure to him.

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The middle aged puma carefully carried a box in her thin hands, a simple cardboard box with a simple blue and purple bow on top. it wasn't too big, certainly smaller than the books i've used back in med school. "doctor undris, doctor undris!

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Growvember Day 11

The puma looked out as well at it, his tail twitching. "you don't think it'll go that far, do you?" i wasn't sure how to take how he said that question. i could hear the mix of anticipation, and worry.

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Growvember Day 8

### Growvember November 8th I woke up the next day to a buzzer going off. Immediately I thought I was back in my room and the whole thing was a dream. Snapping my eyes open, I saw a blue sky above me. Nope. Not a dream. As I got up, I noticed I had...

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He was a native puma who lived on the island his whole life. he offered me a place to stay during the riots. i was too scared to refuse. his house was on the outskirts of town, so it was the safest place i could be while all that shit went down.

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Chance Encounters: College Year(s)

The cougar's den. a small pub off the main street, down a side alley and behind a couple of dumpsters. the pup was originally owned by an irish family of irish terrier's.

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Its Own Death

The puma sweetly asked, placing himself on one of the chairs. luca did just the same on the specular one, happy to let his date deal with the charmed waitress.

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Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights part 2 last part

Scene: the puma nods. lou: i'm going to give you this note book chris? i want you to write the name or names of who gave you the shells? did you pay for them? did you give any money for them? scene: the puma shakes his head.

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He finally asked

#8 of a cougar tail "alright," maria proclaimed, "i have to ask. what's gotten into you?

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Soon-to-be Cop

The cougar manning the desk replied, sounding slightly bored. evidently he didn't like doing desk work at all. nick handed the paper to the cougar. again, nick would feel butteflies in his stomach. what if they would reject him?
