He finally asked
#8 of A Cougar Tail
"Alright," Maria proclaimed, "I have to ask. What's gotten into you? I mean you've been extremely happy and excited every time I've seen you today and you've almost been vibrating in your chair with excited energy since we sat down to have lunch. It's weird seeing someone almost twice my age looking like that have three times the energy I do. So what's got you so worked up today?"
The feline looked up from her lunch to study the maned wolf for a moment, smiling in amusement some at the signs of curiosity as the canine wanted to know what had Cinnamon so worked up. The cougar woman's ear twitched and her tail gave a flick as she thought about this a moment.
"What?" Cinnamon asked in a teasing manner, "Me? Excited? Why could I possibly be excited?" She rubbed at her chin as she pretended to think. "Hmm... Maybe it's because I've been taking certain matters into my own paws again recently, which combined with my exercise has been helping me sleep a lot better. Maybe it's the fact that my website will soon premiere to the world, and already has several hundred guys, and maybe girls, registered and paying to be a part of it as soon as it opens. Or... Maybe it's because... I have a DATE with Mycroft Bobbins on Saturday."
"You?" her friend asked with a light note of shock, "A date? You? With Mycroft? A date? The young man? A date? With you? Really?" You and Mycroft? A date? He asked you out? You? On a date?"
"Yes." the female feline finally responded teasingly, "I have a date. I have a date with Mycroft. Mycroft Bobbins. Mycroft Bobbins, the lynx down the street from me, asked me out on a date and I said yes." She reached out, patting her friend on the arm. "Calm down Maria. I know it sounds strange since I haven't been on a date since before the divorce and he is young enough to be my son. He's a nice young fellow though and we did have fun when I was showing him around town not too long ago."
"Wow," Maria said excitedly, "You're going to be dating a younger male. I wonder which one of you will have the hard time keeping up? Oh, and the public. I would love to be there the first time someone mistakes you for mother and son." She grinned laughing a little before taking a deep breath. "Okay, serious time. Tell me about it. When and how did he ask you out."
Cinnamon looked at her friend and gave a small smile as she leaned back before replying "Earlier this morning actually..."
The middle-age cougar woman paused as she stepped out the door to her house, catching sight of the young lynx standing nervously next to her car. Her golden brown eyes watched him as he seemed to shift, seeming to have been looking the other way when she was coming out and looking to be very nervous as he waited.
Some part of her was tempted to slip back inside. Mycroft was not aware she had come out yet after all. She could simply turn around, sneak back in and shut the door. After that, she could wait to see how long the lynx would stand outside by her car, waiting for her to come out before either coming up to knock on the door, or simply leaving.
Doing such a thing seemed kind of childish though and being nearly forty, she really had no interest in playing childish relationship games. Granted even when she was younger she did not have much of an interest in doing such a thing to begin with, but with so much time having passed already, it seemed more important to just get to the point and fill the rest of it with what you want.
"Hello Mycroft," Cinnamon said gently as she moved closer to the masculine bobcat. Her tail twitch slightly with nervous anticipation. If he was here, then he had to have made some sort of decision about them. But was it a good one, or a bad one?
The young male feline tensed, almost jumping at the sound of the feminine voice. His ears twitched some before he turned to look at her. Mycroft shifted nervously, smiling at the cougar woman before him.
"He-," his voice cracked, forcing him to cough before trying again, "Hello Cinnamon. Um... I... I know this is kind of an odd way for me to meet you since you're about to go to work. I just...Do you want to go out Saturday night?'
Cinnamon looked at Mycroft for a moment, one of the ears giving a small flick as her tail shifted casually behind her. Her face was blank a moment, showing no emotion and making then young lynx feel somewhat nervous over the whole matter. The façade finally broke, turning into a large smile.
"Yes Mister Bobbins," the feminine feline said, "I would very much like to go on a date with you this Saturday." she moved closer and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll call you after my run and we can figure out what we'll do." She moved closer, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before going to her car and getting in to head to work.
"Awww" Maria responded after Cinnamon finished telling her story, "He waited to meet you before work to ask you out in person. That's sweet... and a little stalkerish creepy." Her ears perked up and she grinned. "You know what this means? We have to decide what you're going to wear that evening."
"We?" the cougar woman asked curiously, turning to look at her friend, "Did you say we need to decide what I'm going to wear on my date?"
"Yes, we" teased the maned wolf, "I know it's been a while but don't tell me that it's been so long since you've been on a date that you've forgotten how this goes. A second opinion can always be helpful when ti comes to picking out what to wear. Someone who may see something that you miss." Her blue eyes glanced at the clock, "Time to go. I'll see you later. We can get together tomorrow night and do all the things needed for you to get ready for a date with a studly feline half your age you perverted old feline."
Cinnamon shook her head, laughing some as she watched her friend leaving the break room and head back to her offices to get back to work. She turned back to her plate, poking at the food a little more before taking another bite.
That's when she realized Maria said it was time for her to go and had to get back to work. The cougar had gotten her lunch break about the same time as her canine friend. So if it was time for Maria to get back to work, then the feline probably had to as well. She got up and grabbed a few more bites as she walked before tossing the rest. Not happy about the waste but she had been a bit preoccupied again and would probably forget to grab it after she got off work anyways. The feline rushed down the hall, getting back to work.