Growvember Day 11

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#11 of Growvember Series

New developments in what is causing the growth and Bryant gets asked to do some deconstruction.


November 11

"Bryant, wake up." A voice spoke over me, shaking me awake. I slowly opened my one eye since I was on my side. It wasn't urgent so I assumed the rogue giants were coming. Christ was over me, looking concerned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, yawning and sitting up, rubbing an eye.

"Well, if you hadn't guessed, we grew again, of course. Except...not all of us."

My eyes snapped opened.

"What do you mean 'not all of us'?" I stood, still not over the feeling of vertigo as I stretched up higher than ever before. He led me over to the rest of the group we had joined up with. Indeed, some of the giants didn't seem to have grown at all over night. The only person in our group who hadn't grown was Mary. She barely came up to my chest.

"Maybe it was a few inches like before?" I asked her, looking down. She shook her head.

"No, I found one of my footprints and measured. Same size. Maybe it looks like I finally stopped." She smiled, but it didn't seem like a purely happy smile.

"Isn't that good?" I asked.

"Well, I am glad I finally stopped. But if those other giants come and are bigger, then I'll be useless to fight..." She looked down at the ground, disappointed.

"Don't think of this as a bad thing Mary. Not at all. If anything it can help further the research to stop this. Whatever what was growing you is either out of your system, or you somehow fought it off. This is good. It means we can be one step closer to a cure." I put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll go tell one of the soldiers to get a scientist to see what they need. Thanks Bryant." She hugged around my waist before walking off.

"What if it was like a few days ago?" Chris stepped beside me, watching her go.

"I hope not. I really want this to end." I sighed, going to go back to my sitting spot.

"Something wrong?" Chris followed beside.

"I don't think I can keep doing this Chris. This constant growing? It's starting to get to me." I stopped and sat down where I slept, bringing my knees to my chest, watching the city in the distance. "If this keeps up, in a week I could be covering that whole place with a foot, ya know?"

The puma looked out as well at it, his tail twitching.

"You don't think it'll go that far, do you?"

I wasn't sure how to take how he said that question. I could hear the mix of anticipation, and worry.

"Chris, how do you really feel about growing now." I looked straight into his eyes. I wanted the truth. He fidgeted in place a bit.

"Look. I admit I want to experience okay? I just want to know what its like. Curiosity. But I don't want to stay that way forever okay? It's too scary." He let out a long sigh. "Happy?"

"No, I get it. But-"

"Hey guys, whats going on?" Two large tan furred hands clasped onto our shoulders as Shawn stuck his head between us.

"Everyone going okay? Any problems?" He grinned.

"We're fine Shawn." I grunted as he squeezed us both together.

"Good good! I'm glad you guys feel at home! Hey, listen. The soldiers were wondering if we could help with some tasks trying to fortify the city, think you two be up to the task?" He pulled back, looking down at us with arms crossed over his chest, smiling. Chris and I looked at him, confused.

"Help? How?" I asked.

"Well, at the moment, they want us to tear down some old buildings in and around the city. They figured it'd be easier for us to do it then setting up a deconstruction crew and everything. So what do ya say? Chris and I shrugged.

"Sure. Why not?"

A special path was carved for all three of us to take to the new location. Police were out and about to make sure no one got onto our path as we walked. Plenty of normal sized furs were out to watch. Some were sitting in their office buildings, looking out the windows. Others were at the ground level, cameras up high taking pictures or recording. I could barely hear them talking about us, the word "Macro" being passed around. I guess that's what we were identified as now. I also noticed a few news stations were reporting. I couldn't blame them. We were off limits to everyone, and could only be seen from a distance. Being so close now was probably an aw-inspiring moment.

We were led to a large area filled with about six decrepit apartment buildings. The job was simple; knock the buildings down to rubble without letting it fly out into the workable areas of the city. So no hard swings or punches. Once it was rubble, we were to scoop it up and lead take it out to a specified area, and to make sure not to take too much as none was meant to drop from our hands.

I looked at the buildings, realizing I was almost eye to eye with the roof if I stood on my toes. I took some quick calculations to try and guess the buildings height, putting it around 120 feet. I pit quickly began to form in my stomach. Tomorrow, I would be looking down at this building at this rate...

A sharp alarm went off, signaling all was clear and we were to begin. Shawn wasted no time, instantly punching it a bit, cracking through the front and causing rubble to cascade to the ground below. I looked back at my target and took in a deep breath, pulling back my fist and slamming it through, but not at full strength.

My initial reaction was to feel some kind of pain, but I forgot that it took a lot more than some bricks and glass to hurt me know. The second thought was how it felt rather easy to do. And then I felt the rush of seeing what I was capable of. It was intoxicating. Being able to do so much with such little force.

I immediately punched again, a bit harder this time, watching a few more floors cave in. I could feel my anger starting to rise as I thought about the past week, punching again.

I hated this growth.

Punch, there went a few more walls.

I hated my life being taking away from me.

Punch, a whole floor was gone in an instant.

I hated not being with Samantha.

Punch, more floors collapsed under my fists.

I hated the rogue giants forcing us to run from our home and being powerless to stop them.

Kick, there went the front of the first few floors.

"This is so unfair!" I roared out, starting to completely wail into the building without holding back now. I grunted and growled, grabbing bits and crushing them in my hands, clenching my hands together to slam through multiple floors, grinding pieces to dust under a foot. I finally felt like I had a release and I was going to enjoy it as much as I could.

Before the building began to completely collapse, I grabbed a huge chunk and readied to throw it into the next target, but a hand quickly grabbed my arm, snapping me out of my furor.

I turned, half stunned as Chris looked at me sternly.

"Stop Bryant."

I blinked and looked around, most of the crowd who was out to watch us had scattered or were forced away by the police. The sudden realization of my actions hit me harder than I was hitting the building.

"Oh god...Chris, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

He only nodded and started to escort me out of the city, Shawn saying how he would continue till Chris got back.

"What happened out there man?" Chris asked once we were on the outskirts of the city again.

"I don't know! I just...lost it. It just felt good to take out my frustrations for once. And...I just got lost in it..." My ears drooped behind my head. I felt so ashamed.

"Yeah. You sure did. Scared bout everyone there. The construction guy was blaring the alarm sound for you to stop, but you didn't, so I had to step in." The puma, wrapped an arm around me, and I suddenly felt very tired, almost going limp.

"I'm sure Shawn will explain it to the authorities that everything is okay. But it may be best you don't try something like this again for awhile."

I nodded and sighed. I wasn't just some freakish big rabbit anymore, I was a Macro.