
At the base of an ancient oak, the highest branches of which were obscured by the evening, Adam awaited his judgement. He lay on his belly with his paws crossed, as he'd seen cats do sometimes. He appeared calm on the outside, as he intended, although...

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What I Want

I want to surf the great barrier reef i want to see the sunset in paris i want to go skiing up in sweden i want to kill snooki and blame it on charlie sheen i want a lot of things i want to talk philosophy with john wayne i want to dance with a

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A controlled environment where politics, religion, philosophy and sexuality could be explored, without judgement and without extremes. a gentle lover pushing the boundaries so slightly, a fellow theologian willing to explore the divine without blasphemy.

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Dover: Layer 2: Humans.

Yeah, its me again, Dover. Today I am having a bad day. I have to take medicines to suppress my immune system, I guess my White Blood Cells are a gourmet because they get upset when I eat particular things they don't like. This also means I cannot...

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Love and Altruism.txt

Selfishness guided by lack of caution. Altruism is dead. Was it alive? Or is this just a pure selfish passion? Destruction of the self leads right to love But without the self one ceases to strive For dreams, releasing the white mourning dove. ...

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East Moon 005, 328, AAE

_Darkness, the smell of medicine and blood. The clicking of high-heeled shoes as she walks down the hall, alone, but not in distress. Her face, as calm and collected as always. She knows what is to come, but she isn't afraid. I keep thinking......

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The Human Race

I need to write this down, make these thoughts concrete before they disappear. I am sick of all the confusion and turmoil and suffering people have to endure because of the concept of race. Race is a myth, another one of those big lies, a blanket term...

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Jhuthi Rsi Ka Gana

Thousands of years ago, Medhavi was born a sage and looked on the world with wisdom. No sooner had he learned than he walked away from his family and into the rituals. He had no sooner...

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Bravest Face

"Though we might have precious little, it's still precious." As the guest speaker arose, the crowd of students stood in respectful silence for what he was going to say. he was a Psychology professor lecturing on the role of fantasy versus reality....

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Eternal Blue 3: Immortal Memories

Quint cried out in agony at the blackness around him. All he felt was pain; an indescribable pain that seemed to penetrate every muscle and nerve in his body. Why did he feel this way? He couldn't remember anything that had happened before he was...

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Tiny Candles

Tiny Candles (04/03/2018) Love is like a candle, It burns brightly when first lit, Dimming and melting away as it ages, The wax running over, Some blow out before their time, Struck by violent gust, While other flames drown, Falling into...

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Wasted (06/12/2018) A generation hasn't gone, Without becoming ruler's pawn, Sent away to serve their need, Fighting for their endless greed, Hack and slash or shoot the gun, For there is nowhere they can run, Win the fight and save the...

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