Faux Fox Follies

"well, when things are clearly headed for some sort of predictable climax, i just like to throw in an unpredictable element. maybe a dramatic plot twist. it adds a delightful bit of chaos and makes the scene more interesting for everyone.

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The Next Morning

He could have stepped right out of a fairy tale where the wizard spoke to a brave knight on a quest and gave him some sort of riddle, that would turn out to be helpful advice in the climax against the fearsome dragon.

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Bloodline, Part 1

He then smiled and provided a waking-up that surprised me only in that i didn't think i could achieve another climax so soon after the previous night's exercises. he might not have used magic to accomplish it, but it was indeed magical.

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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

"one that doesn't release an oil tanker's worth in a single climax, i mean-" "moving on, i think i'd have to choose loqe from rex overboard." the white tirix said before the others could growl at kindle.

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The Health Cruise: Chapter Five

It had been over eleven months since he had last felt even a partial erection down there, even longer since he had last had an orgasm.

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Holiday Special

But we already had a proper climax anyway, so it's not like we need a second." as he spoke the littlest orphans scrambled off disappearing into the night as mice. "i guess... that's the last thread wrapped up." odin looked around.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Thirteenth Tale

Even a little bit of light would do wonders to make this place look less like the set for a climax of a horror movie. there was a small bit of light. and to shu, it was a light that gave hope.

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Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 13

If an orgasm had a taste? yum." whitney snorted..."kerdle? you are flucken sick." "what?" kerdle replied. "i'm serious ok?

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