The Health Cruise: Chapter Five
#5 of The Health Cruise
Collin and Serka have made it aboard, but soon find that being larger than life carries significant problems in a world made for people of significantly smaller girth. Specifically, Collin is finding it difficult to even shove his enormous bulk through the doorframe of his cabin!
The Health Cruise: Chapter Five
By Shalion & Gahtren
[Gahtren]: Serka was sitting on the couch, practically filling it up with her wide rear end and sides, huffing and panting still as she noticed Collin coming in. "It's a little small huh?" The dragoness tried to sit herself up on the couch. "Small but... damn is it nice..." She grinned.
Having to struggle to lift one leg up on the couch, her shoes were already off (which one can imagine must have been a struggle at her size), but the fat drooping from her thigh was weighing it down considerably. Serka's black scaled stomach sloshed and gurgled as it was forcibly shifting in its position. In fact the dragoness had to push it up in order to get it rest on her leg, accidentally bumping against the table which shook the fancy wares a little bit.
"Ungh..." The huge dragoness grunted when she hauled her other huge leg on the couch, revealing her fat feet to the leopard, and while she didn't go over the armchairs, her width definitely overflowed it altogether. "Sorry for being... *pant* useless earlier... *huff* I bet the two of us could use a nap at this point... hehe..." She rested her head against the pillow, having to turn on her side to avoid having her horns pierce through the material.
The rooms were quite well decorated. Serka was in what would be a living room, with a TV and a great view of the sea outside, just next to the living room was a glass slide door that led to a balcony outside. The bathroom was a little ways up from where Serka was, but in it, was quite the fancy tub plus a showerhead, another living room was down the corridor, with a round dining table for the guests to eat at. And the two doors on the opposite ends of the duplex room must have been the bedrooms.
[Shalion]: "Don't... urgh... apologize, Serka... ooff..." grunted Collin as he struggled to pass his massive body through the tight door frame. It did not help that he had had to walk a good 50 yards from the staff room one deck below. His knees and back were already hurting him again. Collin was struggling to shove his way in sideways, already the frame was lodged deep in his ass crack behind, under his wavering tail. However, his belly was jutting out stubbornly ahead of him, outside the door, a massive soft, furry dome that he was trying to press in with his hands while sucking in his diaphragm, for what little effect that had. "You were... only... ugh... tired because... of me... *huff.*" Collin went from breathing heavily to outright panting in under thirty seconds as he strained, but remained less than halfway through the door even after giving himself a massive wedgie with his sweats. The doorframe was now pressing into him so hard that it actually hurt as well; it made a big dent in his normally dome shaped upper tummy. "I'm... the... useless... erm... one..." Collin panted open mouthed as he pushed with his legs, pulling on the door frame with his large, sagging arms. If he could just get his widest point through the door, it'd be easier... but his legs were beginning to burn fast now, the muscles straining for the workout he was giving them in addition to supporting his half ton weight.
[Gahtren]: Serka sighed heavily and started to rub the back of her head, "Collin..." she felt like this conversation had been brought up times before, but knowing how it was like, she knew there was still a lot of self-confidence he needed to build up.
"If you were useless you'd be acting a lot differently than you are now. You realize you managed to get up by yourself and never had Ora help you around, I'd regard that as showing plenty of improvement." Serka smiled, "Yeah we had a struggle coming up that god forsaken ramp... but you did it, and I can tell you're eager to become independent." The dragoness shifted her huge body on the couch, "compared to last time on the bench, you took less time to recover, you waited outside of the elevator, and still you got here by yourself."
Serka grunted and shifted her lard legs over the edge of the couch, she could feel her sore muscles tingle all throughout her body, but it was less extreme than with Ora. Shifting her huge body forward and using the top of the couch for something to hold onto, she slowly got up on her aching feet, albeit not as bad as before. Her back popped and muscles popped as her stomach molded heavily, sagging over her knees and more when heaving herself up. "Guh... fucking blouse... sorry Collin... I can't keep this on anymore..."
Serka didn't want to do it, but she was tired of having that blouse on her, it was already coated heavily in her sweat. She's had it off before when the two were camera chatting, but she felt embarrassed that the leopard had to see her frame, fortunately she was wearing a bra that kept those mammaries of hers up; so Serka wasn't completely naked. Though it was easy to tell the bra was straining against her breasts, her scaly black stomach now in full view of Collin's eyesight as her deep navel was revealed to the leopard.
"Eyes on me big guy..." She panted, grasping his fat hand gently, "Let's get you in alright?"
[Shalion]: And Collin did have his eyes on Serka, all of her to be precise; her bra might have partially covered her breasts, but it was not as though they hid their pendulous shape at all. Collin was panting now, his heart thudding in his neck. What was this feeling that seeing Serka was evoking in him now? It had been so very long since he had felt anything like it. "Sure..." he breathed, breathless. He swallowed hard, "But... I think... I'm stuck..." Collin grimaced, giving his body another shove.
The dragoness had to agree with Collin on that point at least, when she began to tug on his arm as well as help depress his oversized belly past the doorframe. Collin was embarrassed to even be in this situation and nervously wanted to talk, but he followed Serka's instructions to keep quiet and save his energy.
The two of them were mainly working on the leopard's great tank of a belly, pushing with their hands into his bulk and pulling the skin through the door inch by inch. Collin was reaching forward with his right hand to work his flab in this way, but his gut was so enormous that pulling the top part did not translate all the way down to the hanging pannus. Serka was bending over and pulling on Collin's flab below where he could reach. Her claws were ruthless on his soft pelt and she could only pull the skin instead of pushing and pulling, but somehow Collin did not mind it so much. In fact, the feel of her blunt claws digging into him extracted some kind of odd exhilaration from deep inside the leopard's brain. As well, he liked looking at Serka bent over as she was now, her flabby arms working his own vast, fatty self. Was it possible that he was actually getting aroused at this horrible situation, despite how much his legs were burning and his back was aching? That did not make any sense to Collin, not to mention he had already given up on the idea of any kind of sexuality in his life.
After working Collin so that the broadest point of his belly was inside the door, he resumed pushing and just a few seconds later, tore himself free of the door. He sort of lurched sideways, managing to catch himself, but in the process, with Serka where she was, she ended up being right in the way of his avalanche of belly fat heading right for her snout.
[Gahtren]: The dragoness was unprepared for what came next, and that was a lot of leopard belly fat smacking her in the face, causing her to jostle back and wince as she was briefly smothered in furry fat. "Mmmnfff! Fuck...!" Serka cursed, rubbing her snout, it fortunately wasn't all that painful, but the force of his fat slapping her wasn't what she expected.
"I'm fine Collin!" She answered his question before he could even ask it. Sniffing and struggling to get up as she stretched her jaws, causing her face and chin to distort, "Unngh... god damn your belly is like a wrecking ball full of soft fur." After a few more huffs and pants, she struggled to heft herself up, her jeans straining a good bit around her rear end as her ass began to press against it. It didn't help when she tried to get up that a sudden *RIIIIP!* tearing noise could be heard, Serka's head shot up, reached back and tried to find the source of the noise.
"Please tell me that wasn't my pants...!" She panicked, trying to look back with her fat neck, she could barely see with the fat in the way, plus her thick tail and butt being a little too big for her to see through it.
"Oh for fuck sakes...! That's the second pair!" Serka groaned, hefting up the rest of her body and causing her revealed stomach to slosh and slap against her thighs. Panting and sweating again like before, "Okay... *huff* I think I'll just crash on the couch..." The dragoness rubbed her temples.
[Shalion]: Collin blushed under the fur on his full cheeks. Not only had he just hit Serka in the face in one of the most embarrassing ways possible, but he had also caused her to rip her jeans - and Collin knew how expensive clothes were in their sizes. All he wanted to do was launch 'sorry's' at her, but he had learned enough from Serka that debasing himself would just agitate her. She had told him many times before that he did not have to apologize for every little thing, and she had just said she was fine a moment ago. Collin closed his mouth tightly and closed the door to their cabin. His lower back now was hurting him more than anything and he needed to sit as well.
Collin saw Serka collapse into the couch in the nearby living room, its cushions wheezing out all of their air under her scaly bulk. Panting, but otherwise silent, Collin paced into the room. Normally the suite came with two chairs and a sofa, but since Collin's mom had paid so much for the room, they had been able to replace all of the chairs in the living spaces with sofas, except in the dining room where extra chairs had been provided instead. Collin sat down in the remaining sofa. He felt drained and sore in more places than one. There was a small painful scratch on Collin's tummy, low down, but he ignored it. He would have needed a full length mirror to see it anyways.
Collin instead tried to catch his breath over the next several minutes. He spent most of the time staring at Serka who was again sitting with her legs up. Collin noticed how thick her haunches and globular calves were. He could not see the tear in her jeans, but imagined it would be along the seam, under her tail... where her panties would be. Collin blinked the thought away in confusion and smoothed the fur on top of his head again, brushing his thick cheek with his abundant arm fat as he did so. It suddenly occurred to him that he was here, alone, a 24 year old man with a 28 year old woman together in a private suite on a caribbean cruise. If this was a sitcom, Collin knew what should happen next.
He shook his head vigorously, making his cheeks actually flap side to side more than a little. Collin could not do that, not even with Serka. Sure, he had used to think about girls and masturbate, like any horny teenager, but that was years ago now. The fattened leopard was impotent. It had been over eleven months since he had last felt even a partial erection down there, even longer since he had last had an orgasm. Collin had not mentioned it to his physician, but he was sure it was because he was so fat, either the diabetes, or his high blood pressure, or the fact that his balls were constantly pressed under the weight of his belly and baked in his body heat, or some combination of these things. And not only was Collin unable to get it up, his libido was at an all time low, he did not even think about women that way anymore, which is why he had started calling himself 'a-sexual.' But seeing Serka exposed in front of him like that was making him feel confusing thoughts. Collin's heart started beating faster on its own the longer her looked at her, and it had nothing to do with fatigue. He almost wanted to try to masturbate, right then and there, albeit, he had no idea how he could.
Collin had not been able to reach his cock since he had weighed around 500 pounds. He had still been able to manage to stimulate himself enough for ejaculation, however, by vigorously shaking his belly, which then rubbed on his member. But under Collin's vast belly, a large pubic fat pad sat right over his genitals. It had not been a problem for the longest time since Collin was actually well endowed, but as he had gained weight, it kept getting larger, growing down his shaft until he could only stimulate the head of his penis with the belly shaking method. Then the fat pad had gotten so large as to completely obscure his member even from the underside of his king-sized paunch. Getting off was almost impossible after Collin had gotten that overweight. He managed it a couple times, when he so aroused that just rocking his cock side to side was enough to go, but it took so much effort, it was hardly worth it and by that time, Collin had begun to lose interest in anything sexual at all, despite being only 20 years old.
So the urge, when it came, shocked him, not just at its presence, but also because he thought that it was totally unfeasible to fulfill any such urge. Not to mention how inappropriate it would have been with his best friend just lying there. But these were just thoughts passing through Collin's head as he recovered slowly over the next hour or so. "I'm... going to take a leak." Collin announced awkwardly when he could not bear his own thoughts anymore. He was not even sure whether Serka was awake at that point or not, but he said it regardless and got up on his creaking joints.
[Gahtren]: The dragoness grunted as she gave a weak gesture and started to doze off in her comfortable position. Serka was splayed out on the couch as she drifted deeper into her sleep, the audible hint of snoring was audible as well, along with some grunts. In the real world she licked her snout, in the dream world, she could see herself much fatter than Collin ever was, probably twice his size in weight. Her footsteps caused a noticeable vibration in whatever corridor she was going down, they were heavy, and it caused her form to slosh heavily like a pendulum, those breasts of hers swayed and dragged against her scales like wobbling beachballs that weren't completely inflated.
In fact the only article of clothing she was wearing was some sort of oversized brace around her stomach, it was the only thing keeping her gut from touching the ground. Her width took up a good portion of the corridor, ass cheeks and sides rubbing up against the walls as she was most likely nearing the similar width of her height, guests that saw her had to make way for the large portion of purple and black scales if they didn't want to be accidentally smothered. She started to pant heavily too, feeling hot from just her size alone and the impact it was having deep within the folds of her legs.
She didn't know where she was going, health check? Weigh-in? Food? Just feeling her massive scaled stomach strain the brace was making her flush, and the dragoness knew she could never reach down there again without the assistance of helpers getting deep below her thighs and helping her jerk off. The irony of being independent yet also dependant on others was driving her to the brink, people had to make room for her, they had to help her, and they certainly didn't want to hear the hungering growl of the massive dragoness' stomach.
[Shalion]: Collin moved past Serka's softly -or not so softly- snoring form, though between the magnitude of their relative sizes there was not a lot of space, even in the deluxe suite they were sharing; in fact, Collin felt a bit of the side of his belly brush against the dragoness's thigh as he brushed past, more due to lack of awareness of his size than anything else.
Once out of the living room, Collin found himself in a second living space that featured a wide glass wall of sliding panels that opened onto a marvelous wood balcony. Collin saw at a glance that the ship was beginning to move into the harbor. They must have finished boarding already and the liner was being tugged out into open water. It struck Collin as odd that he had had no perception of movement at all, other than the general motion of the ship. Fortunately, Collin was not prone to motion sickness and had an ironclad stomach to boot.
Collin continued moving past the big windows though and rather than heading to the bathroom, turned and went into his bedroom. Collin's large duffle and backpack were still lying in the receiving room where Ora had dropped them, so all Collin saw was the king sized bed and the empty cabinets and furnishing. The big leopard moved through the double doors, his sides just brushing the edges and planted his massive rear end on the bed's surface, his ass spreading out behind him. It was marvelously comfortable as most seats were much too shallow to provide the fattened leopard with proper support. Collin heaved a great sigh. It was a relief just to not have to look at Serka and her volumes of exposed skin right now. The young man closed his eyes, quieting the raucous thoughts in his mind. His heart began to slow to its 'normal' quick rhythm. "Stupid, Collin, Stupid!" he muttered to himself. He could not be having such thoughts, especially about Serka, and not now...
The leopard opened his eyes and allowed them to cross over the wide expanse of his protruding chest - his nipples were so far out from his body that he could easily rest his wrists on them, his breasts supporting his arms completely - followed by a massive curved dome of soft spotted belly, flowing beyond the fullest reach of his arms and past his line of sight completely. Collin was so packed with lard that he could not even bend forward more than a couple inches, so his belly and to an extent the rest of himself, was like inert mass rather than a part of his body; and yet it was all him, Collin knew at heart. "...I couldn't do anything with her, even if I wanted..." Collin whispered to himself wretchedly. 'And I don't!' he added silently. After all, Collin had not yet even felt a twinge from his prick under the quarter ton belly apron gushing over his lap. 'Even if she wanted... it's clearly not even possible... mechanically!'
Collin tried to squash the emotions he was feeling and while he did feel like he was getting them under control at least, he did not succeed in making himself feel like he had moments before he had first seen Serka, when he was still sitting on that bench, waiting for her to meet him. Collin looked further up and saw something he did not notice before, that being the full length mirror set in the wardrobe ahead of him.
Collin had no fondness for mirrors and was not happy to see the familiar wide lump of leopard lard staring back at him as usual. However, he could not fail to notice the wretched state of his shirt, stretched out around the collar and deeply stained with sweat; there was little doubt he was smelling pretty pungent at this point, but more importantly, he saw the red mark on his belly, low down and below the naval crease separating upper tummy from lower. The gash was rather more than a scratch, though that was arguable given the relative size of Collin's body. It was just over a foot off the ground with Collin's gut spreading over it between his feet and Collin attached the wound's appearance at once to the stinging pain he had noticed earlier when they had been trying to squeeze himself through the door. Collin was used to getting cuts and bruises due to the clumsy nature of his half ton self, but this was rather larger than he was used to, in fact it was bleeding still, despite the length of time since he had gotten past the door and was dying a patch of fur larger than two of his hands put together a dull rust red. "Shit!" cursed Collin, though he did not often use profanity. Collin was more annoyed than alarmed, however, he worried slightly because he could not see how he was going to be able to treat himself, and Serka was asleep...
[Gahtren]: Serka shifted and started to open her eyes, however long she had been asleep it was a good nap. Though the dream she had was odd, those sorts of dreams were very uncommon for her, being that large and still able to move? That was an impossible feat for her to imagine. Serka's always been a fat admirer and wanting to be big, but also independent, her family had mixed reactions, understandably so coming from a family full of health nuts and fitness junkies. She recalled teaching Collin those muscle exercises over camera, partially lying to him about looking it up on the internet, when really her whole family kind of worked out.
Serka never really told Collin much about her family, she didn't get off on good terms with them after moving out, a lot of disagreements piling on at once. She fortunately had a friend that she moved into as a roommate, the dragoness's confidence was probably the main force keeping her going throughout her life. Though she didn't think ill will of her family, hoping that she could visit them again sometime soon... she still wrote emails to them and had some conversations, things were slowly patching up. What about Collin though...?
Serka would be lying to herself if she said she didn't find Collin hot as hell. The leopard was adorable to her, almost reminding her of herself when she was in school and got bullied due to being overweight. Collin though was a tough shell to crack, and he opened up about his interaction with his family, it made her situation sound miniscule compared to his. She laid there pondering how to approach him sometimes, not wanting to come off as being too forward and ogling at his massive body, the amount of space he takes up gets her blushing in no time flat, it was a shame masturbating at over 700 pounds had become quite a task. The poor guy was so socially shy and awkward, he couldn't blame him, going out in public at over 900 pounds takes a lot of guts. Serka got over what other people thought, and outright just didn't care, she did try to watch her temper though, like with that lioness in the restaurant...
A sigh left her snout, she was here to support Collin, even help him lose weight. The amount of health problems he had was ridiculous for someone so young, and Serka wasn't blindsided by her fetishes to ignore that and encourage him to get bigger. She would be all the more willing to help him lose weight and get healthy again, one of the advantages of coming from a family like her's is knowing what foods to pick out. Hell she was always pudgy, she just sprouted and grew to like it as she got older and wanted to be bigger...
She chuckled at the thought. It was humorous, maybe if she outsized Collin, at least Collin wouldn't have to worry about being the biggest person in the room. There would always be someone else bigger to have people gawk at, Serka knew she could handle the attention.
The couch started to groan when the dragoness shifted her enormous bulk to put a leg off the edge, feet being planted on the floor, she could feel the aching relief of her tail and her smothered ass. It was hard to tell if the cruise ship was even moving at this point, and if it was then good, but either way it would probably be a while.
A loud yawn could be heard, the dragoness adjusting her position before grunting and widening her legs, fat feet pressing into the floor as she started to get up. Her belly and chest smothered and pushed up against her legs, so wide was Serka at this point that even spreading them out at full width, her belly still overlapped her thighs and knees. Her back as well as other particular joints in her legs popped, letting off a sigh of relief and smiling. "Hey Collin, think we started moving?" She called out to the leopard, assuming he had looked out the window, the dragoness started to do the same as she waddled up to the sliding glass door to take a look at the beautiful view and miles of ocean.
Waddling past that she went into the leopard's bedroom and saw him sitting there, spread out on the bed, "Just wanted to check up and make sure if-" she stopped mid-sentence when she noticed a patch of reddened fur on his stomach, taking a closer look, she noticed that it seemed to be blood...?
"Oh my gosh!" She waddled over, sides and ass brushing the doors as she went in. "Is that...blood? Jesus that door must have been terrible! I'm surprised I didn't see it earlier! I'll see if I can get Ora down here to treat you." The dragoness started to turn around to look for a service phone.
[Shalion]: Collin was contemplating how he could possibly get a bandage on himself given his limited reach and was thinking more and more of just trying to ignore the gash that, while over eight inches long, was of miniscule size relative to the size of his belly, resting on just the left lobe of his lowermost tummy. But then Serka had walked into the room, surprising Collin. "Really, I'm just fine!" Collin tried to laugh it off, even as the red patch of fur on his belly grew and crept closer to the carpet. But he did not try to stop Serka as she found the telephone in his room.
As it turned out, Ora was in fact, the closest available attendant to Collin's and Serka's cabin. Even more surprisingly as things turned out, Ora was a medical student at FSU and as such was well versed in first aid. It was not long at all before Serka was letting Ora into their cabin, the cow cheerful and carrying a big red cross bag.
"It's so embarrassing that I hurt myself before we're even out to sea properly." Collin was saying, feeling his blush hot on his chubby cheeks.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Sweet Thing!" Ora reassured Collin as she cleaned the blood from Collin's pelt, revealing the scrape. Collin pressed his lips together as she cleaned the wound. Why did it hurt so much when it was so far out from where his body was? Collin wondered.
"If anything, the management ought to be ashamed of themselves! From the looks of the furniture around here, they knew that needed to make special accommodations for you, but here you are not able to even use the door to your cabin properly."
"Well..." Collin said, wincing as Ora touched him. He could not see what she was doing to him at all, but he could certainly feel it! His blubber, or at least the skin covering it, was not as numb as he had thought it was. "I don't know if they can do much about the door..."
"Psshaw..." blurted Ora as she waved a hand at him, "Deary, they practically rebuild parts of this ship every year to keep things fresh. The least they could do is widen a door." Ora seemed confident as she began to dress the wound, using gauze and tape. Collin was skeptical about it being so easy and he was wondering about how well the bandage was going to stick to himself, with the wobbly surface of his belly shaking this way and that.
"What do you think, Serka? You think they would do it?" Collin asked. He was actually more than a little apprehensive about trying to exit their cabin given how hard it had been getting in.
[Gahtren]: "Maybe if we complained enough, but I doubt they'd do it in 4 weeks." The dragoness stood on her two feet while watching Ora work at Collin's wound, the dragoness waddled heavily outside of the bedroom. "Besides Ora, you've been nothing but a good luck charm since we got here." Serka smirked, "Who knows, maybe we'll have a stroke of good luck with the door." The dragoness was clearly joking, but after their streak of not-so-good situations, it was a relief to actually have someone on their side of the spectrum that at least understood how they had to deal with minor tasks at such a size.
"I'm perfectly fine just resting my poor feet in the cabin for the rest of the day until we start exploring the ship." Serka yawned, rubbing her eyes and still looking like she was half-asleep. "Both of us could probably use a shower too, I hate to put out too much info here but we kind of sweated a lot before getting on the ship." The dragoness rubbed the back of her scaly head, not trying to intentionally embarrass Collin, but the two were quite unkempt from the situation earlier today. She didn't want to put Ora through more trouble than it was worth since Collin was so massive, maybe it would be best anyway if the leopard gave his scratch time to heal before having to go through all of that effort to get both him and Serka in the tub.
The dragoness sighed when she realized how much time that would be just to wash themselves. Despite her muscle exercises, flexibility was not on her list of physical traits she could do anymore, in fact she was used to waiting a day or two before showering. It was quite the issue for her, probably more so for Collin. "At least we could get our clothes washed." She shrugged her fat-ridden shoulders at the suggestion.
[Shalion]: "You can use the shower before me, Serka." Collin said to his scaly friend, still clad in nothing more than bra and ripped jeans. "I need to be careful with my bandage anyways. Though I think I can just... let it hang out of the tub a little." Collin clearly did not want to go into anymore detail and would rather just figure it out himself in privacy. But Ora did not let him forget the matter with the door.
Ora assisted Collin with putting in a request with the door with the upper management on the ship, however, Collin was told that clearly nothing could be done right away. "But we'll have an engineer look into the matter as soon as possible." Collin was told. The leopard was hopeful enough to think that the response might be meaningful, but cynical enough to know that it might mean nothing at all. Collin understood that, however Ora went on about the remodeling that was done on the ship, the only thing that would help with the size of the door was basically destroying part of the wall. The well-fed leopard resolved himself to just being more careful going out next time. It might help if he could get a chair outside the door, though, just so he could rest a while after squeezing himself through.
"And of course I'd be more than happy to handle your laundry." said Ora. The bovine attendant seemed remarkably at ease around both Collin and Serka, especially since Serka was still mostly naked. Although from her lack of response with the dragoness's partial nudity, Collin should have expected what came next. "Collin, if you're uncomfortable in your shirt, I'd be happy to take that now as well. I could even help you quickly with your sweats, if you're alright with that."
Collin coughed hard and he crossed his arms over his chest reflexively, or rather he put his forearms together in a mockery of the gesture, his body was too thick to actually cross his arms. "M-My shirt?" Collin looked down, he could still see plenty of shirt, even with his arms in front of himself. He saw the dark sweat spots, as well as the crusty white residue left over from even heavier sweating and noted that his collar was stretched beyond its limits, hanging limply under the fat of his throat. Serka seemed amused for some reason and seconded Ora's suggestion. Collin had no choice but to succumb to peer pressure, and he supposed he ought to trust Ora given how much exposure to his body she had already had and the few times she had helped both of them previously.
"Alright." Collin breathed, "Just don't say I didn't warn you..." and the leopard began pulling his his big shirt at the belly. The plain grey shirt was featureless, but the fabric rolled in sheets as Collin pulled it up, revealing more and more of his upper tummy, its surface smooth and dome shaped where it sat on top of his lap and over his long buried abdominals. In addition to the deep crease above his love handles which ran all the way in front of him to intersect with his naval, Collin had two more fat rolls at his sides, under his flat man-tits, though these did not go all the way forward, rather leading into slightly hollow regions at about 2 'o'clock and 10 'o'clock. Right at his front, though, the dome rose plump and smoothly until it ran under his wide, prodigious chest. The fabric was bunching a lot at this point so Collin's tits fell out of the bottom of his shirt not just a little as he struggled to pull the massive tent of shirt material up over his head. They did not slap so much but they did wobble hugely, especially at Collin's gelatinous sides. Collin threw the huge wad of bundled fabric onto his chest, it really would have made for a decent small tent for someone of Ora's stature, and had to pull his arms out of his tight sleeves because of their girth. Once free of their confines, Collin's upper arm meat was able to hang even more unrestricted, having the consistency of warm cookie dough. The young man's elbows were completely obscured, however he moved his arms, and indeed, they had gotten so big around that they were now visibly sagging down the front of forearms as well as low down on the posterior sides, so Collin had a very deep "Y" crease at the joint of his arms nearly all the time. Collin left the shirt sitting on his chest where it rested comfortably as Collin's front was deep enough to make a good platform for it, despite the vast quantity of cloth. Collin took a deep breath or two after the effort.
"I guess if you've seen this much, I wouldn't mind a little help with my sweats. I just need a couple of quick tugs though..." The leopard was still feeling dreadfully uncomfortable with the whole situation. No one but those in his immediate family had ever seen him in so little clothing and despite the fact that his regular clothes did not do much to hide his shame, even his family had made it clear that taking care of Collin like this was a burden rather than a blessing.
[Gahtren]: "I know how you feel Collin, but Ora's been pretty trustworthy so far, considering how much we sweated before coming in here, I wouldn't be against having assistance in putting on clothes for tomorrow." The dragoness looked away slightly, giving the leopard some privacy as he could see out of the corner of her eye Ora starting to assist the leopard in taking off his sweats.
"I just hope the rest of the staff is neutral about large individuals like us, the more the better, I'm not trying to say that I think we'll be singled out, but we'll get through it! We got up here after all, that's a start at least." She threw in some positivity in her remarks, her feet were soon starting to get tired again, so she waddled down the hallway to plant her wide rear end on the couch, not to mention giving Collin the privacy he needed. Though it was still probably embarrassing for him, the dragoness sighed, pondering how a massage would work in this place with them being so excessively fat. She was already trying to think ahead of how to do certain events, the first day of course would just be them relaxing and recovering from their trip up here, maybe having their clothes washed (not to say she didn't bring extra pairs).
While waiting on Ora, Serka looked out one of the nearby windows to gaze at the miles of sea, it was hard to tell if the ship was even moving at first. Leaning back to the best of her ability had her rear end smothering the couch some more, idly rubbing her black scaled stomach as it pushed out a little more from her shift in seating position. She was mostly glad that they were out doing something new, confident in Ora that the staff would help them out, she didn't want to overwork the bovine after just meeting her after all.