First and Last
The fortress monastery seemed so...forbidding from the outside looking in.
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 3: New Home, New Teachers
He asked, "calhoun and i were not the only students at the monastery, caulin." he stopped there, letting the meaning of his words sink in. "w-wait, you weren't?"
Betrayal (Kreet - 38)
Some goddess of the drow if she remembered right from her training at the monastery. she couldn't remember anything more though. they rounded the corner and looked up. indeed it was a stairway, perhaps a hundred steps and at least as many feet across.
Counsellor (Kreet 12)
Since accepting the position of master cleric at the monastery he had trained two other sets of clerics. some of his pupils were the pride of his life, while others were complete disappointments.
A Patient Death 13: Tied Down
"if this monastery was so good, why come back at all?" erasmus looked up and smiled wanly. "i met someone." he said plainly. "a soldier. he was a deserter fleeing the war, and missing an arm. he saw our monastery and came through, begging help.
Blue Roses (prologue)
They thrived in the city and built many beautiful monasteries and temples using their secret knowledge of the magical arts. they also created a powerful stone called a geotrix that, although very fragile, could "shape" and alter anything they pleased.
The Outlander 3 30
Wataru thought hard on the matter, "well, i do remember seeing her at tin-jins' monastery after niji gate fell. losing ryu broke her heart, i hear she lives out her life alone in the foothills of kuma mountain."
Bishop - Kreet 66
Kreet bowed again, in the prescribed manner she had learned years ago in the monastery. the church of pelor had no figurehead. the god himself was their ruler. but this woman was certainly the most powerful religious leader of her sect in the region.
Adoption (Kreet 17)
There is a maxim at the monastery that took me years to understand, but i am beginning to. life is not light, and death is not darkness. it is a hard precept to grasp, and only experience can illuminate it.
The Tail End - Kreet 68
You still seek your old monastery?" "to be honest, i seek my old tavern more. i miss my friends." "granted. you come to service at the cathedral, and i'll grant you access with the head of the archives for as long as you need.
Letting the Days Go By (Kreet 14)
As planned, karl and his wife moved into the shack outside the monastery and made a home there. karl was promoted to first level cleric some months later and began teaching the other acolytes.
Thrygon: The Unknowing God
When wwii began, he had no intention helping either side, having settled down in a monastery in tibet to learn to control his powers more. he had almost mastered them when he got the first news of what the war was really like.