other story
And alistair as the main characters, until alistair is replaced by alice(kendo and alice are from my kendowolf story), they travel to different places to save all these different worlds from the psychos(yes, the ones from power rangers in space) and their minions
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 23
The demon of darkness then turned towards one of his minions and said, "what is the situation with the gates?" "it is progressing as planned, master," said his minion, a hellhound.
Best Day EVER!!!! (pt:2)
You yell to the minions. you do the spongebob dance. everyone stares in amzement. you look back at bowser.....again.....he looks so stunned. you stop. walk behind the stage. everyone watching you. "you are perfict. i-i love your moves, your voice.
GoD-Ep12-Exploring the Dreamstalk-
The king of nightmares with his minions of sorts can be seen in a silhouette type shadow as the queen had spoken behind her in a flashback of sorts.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 6
minions did not like each other, that was just facts, they did not trust each other and they did not want to talk to each other. even the open-plan office they had was miserable, they _wanted_ to be separated into tiny isolated cubicles!
KoD-Ep2-Existence of the dreamworld-
He gave us the name of the knights of darkness, his personal minions to do his bidding as he leads them as i demetrius was chosen to lead in which i accepted.
Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:23) <- already °__°
You relize that sharbert is the only girl minion! you run off. you run right to the bathroom. you look at yourself in the mirror. you`re growing red and black fur everywhere. you look like a wolf on two legs! "awsome..." you say.
GoD-Ep26-When Dreams collide-
"well why not my former minions with the team my wife had put together... give up it's far too late so give up" the king had laughed evilly before teleporting away as more of the dream world on the dark side was being fused with the real world.
Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:22)
The minions clean te castle. it`s 4:30 am. you feel tired. you send you kids to bed, and you walk to the main room. yu hear knocking. you answer the door. it`s bowser! "oh.....shit!" you think to yourself. bowser comes in. he`s still a little wobbly.
Dr. Von Zeppelin for M&M 3E
Responsibility: to his minions carmine, keco and kg. **defense:** dodge 5, parry 5, fortitude 5, toughness 5, will 5 **power points:** abilities 62 + powers 2 + advantages 23 + skills 32 (64 ranks) + defenses 7 = 126
Was so hard to understand why a girl like meg (an orphan like penny) became a minion in that plain too evil? thanks to jake (kangaroo rat) is a master of radio technology.
Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:10)
About 3 minutes later, you hear minions. "again?" you wisper to yourself. you climb higher. everyone passes you. bowser walks by with bowser jr in his arms. one of the koopalings see you. you put your finger on your lips. telling him to stay quiet.