Wrath of a Hellhound Chapter 1

He glanced over at bernard and growled. "hurry it up! we haven't got all day" bernard scarfed down what was left before he jumped out of his seat, which fang stopped in his tracks noticing bernard now being an inch taller than him.

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The Best Job in the World

"my name is bernard," bernard said quietly. he gingerly shook the paw that jay had offered. jay continued: "if you could help me out, that would be awesome, bernard. my usual helper is in the infirmary.

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The Night Shift1.txt

Fergus drops the knife from his hand and raises his other hand to his muzzle. ear god bernard bernard arms were covered with multiple thong lines bleeding. bernard tries to cover some of them up with his paws.

Bully or Buddy, Part 2

Door mr bernard knocks on it, after a few seconds the door opens to reveal a husky clad in an expensive suit, mr bernard introduces us to the husky.

[Commission] Monsieur Louis Bernard's unlucky day

"i'll be sure to have documents ready by the end of the week" monsieur louis bernard said and took a sip of his water.

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Zombie apocalypse: chapter 4

bernard was the first to spot the blackhawk helicopters "looks like the calvary's here" bernard yelled.

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Silver And Gold (rough draft chapter 1)

"her right leg" bernard nodded and began examining the young wolfess now cradled in seth's arms. "it's not good seth" bernard shook his head "it's broken and she's in shock.

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The Spy That Was

bernard: right, we've never met in person. i came here last year during the assault in montana. the name's bernard. shadow: nice to meet someone who understands the situation. now what actually brought you here?

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"my name's bernard. 'burr-nerd,' not 'burr-nard.'

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Traitors Among Us

(soon every researcher, scientists, and agent left the room, until bernard stopped.) bernard: whoops...almost forgot. (he quickly ran back into the room and back out with a device in his hands.) shadow: what's that?

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2023-09-11 Writing in 3D Excersize: Mall, Cooking Pot, Father and Son

The father's name was bernard. the son's name was gregory. "tacos, gregory. tacos and pizza," bernard was saying. "right, okay."

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A Different Kind of Tank

The saint bernard shouted with a growl and all was silent. "now...as i was saying, they are not water tanks..." the saint bernard glared at the hare. "...or gas tanks." then he glared at the stallion.

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