Silver And Gold (rough draft chapter 1)
#1 of (Rough drafts)
The usual disclaimers here .
. All characters are copyright me.
Any resemblance to any actual folks is purely coincidental (probably don't need that one)
This is not a short story so get comfortable
Hope everyone enjoys the story
Silver and gold
A gray wolf walks across the deserted lot of a group of warehouse buildings in one of the low class areas of the city his breath steams in the bitter cold. He stands about five foot nine and moves with a smooth grace his eyes are alert and he carries a holstered pistol on his hip and a small radio attached to the pistol belt and a dark blue cap with a badge that reads "security".
Seth wrinkles his nose at the sharp smell of smoke coming from the vacant building that had caught fire earlier that day. His gaze shifts out beyond the warehouse fence to the blackened skeleton of timbers that is all that remains of the building. "That sure went up fast" he mumbles to himself. His eyes drop back to the fence and narrow. A section of the fence is loose again. Just then a voice comes over the radio. "Seth you ready to call it a night?" Eyes still studying the fence he grabs the radio and thumbs the mic "Your early tonight Bernard." The radio bleeps as he releases the key and Bernard's voice cuts through the static again "Yea well it's your last night so I wanted to give you a going away present and let you get out early." Seth chuckled to himself. Bernard was usually late. Keying the mic again He answered "Got a loose section of fence and the shipping building to check yet then I'll call it a night." "Told the skinflint to fix that fence" Bernard's voice crackled back "See you in a bit"
Seth walked to the fence and inspected the loose section it had been haphazardly repaired with a piece of wire looked like it had come unwound. Pulling the fence back in place he rewound the wire and continued on to the shipping building. Walking past the employee parking area that set next to the shipping building he reached into his pocket and thumbed the automatic starter button he had a long drive ahead of him and didn't want to start out in a cold truck. He was on his way to a new job as sheriff in his hometown. I can't wait to get out of the city he thought reaching for the handle of the side door to the shipping building it opened easily. Seth automatically went on alert. The building was not heated at night and he usually had to shoulder the door open because the seals leaked and froze in the winter. Someone had been through the door recently and other than Bernard who had just arrived he was the only one who should be here.
His paw on his pistol he peered into the depths of the building. Seth had excellent night vision it was one of the things that had landed him this job. That and the fact he could move in utter silence and he did so now as he stalked forward through the building ears, eyes and senses alert. He heard a shuffling sound coming from the packing area and ghosted forward eyes searching . Turning the corner into the packing area he spotted a large cardboard box that was shaking slightly and he heard soft breathing coming from inside it.
He touched the silent alarm button on his radio to let Bernard know he needed backup and standing back with his paw on his pistol he barked a command at whoever was inside the box "Whoever you are hiding in there put your hands in the air and stand up very slowly!!" A small scream came from the box and two hands appeared in the air above it. "I c-c-can't s-s-stand up-p-p" a small voice stuttered. Seth's ears went up in suprise. A Female??? He reached over and punched the light switch. Sure sounded like it. Watching the hands above the box he moved slowly to where he could look inside. His sun gold eyes widened. Sitting chest deep in foam packing peanuts was a shivering and bedraggled young female wolf dressed in what amounted to rags and smelling of smoke and cinders. Head drooping in exhaustion eyes shut against the light. He relaxed a bit seeing no immediate threat. "You shouldn't be in here you know." Seth said in a lower voice. "I'm s-sorry " She sobbed shivering "I was c-c-cold" he shook his head. No need to scare her any more. His sensitive nose picked up another scent ..blood! He looked down at the young female.
"Are you hurt?" He asked quietly. She slowly shook her head yes. Remembering the first thing she said he made a guess "your legs?" Again she slowly nodded. "Both ?" he asked This time he got a headshake no
"ok then if I help you could you stand up ?" a pause and then a nod. Seth heard the door to the building open . Good, Bernard can help me lift her out. "Ok ... What is your name? Well just grab my paw and I'll help you stand." She spoke in a whisper as she took his paw. "M-m-my name is Argent" She rose to her feet leaning heavily on his paw and in obvious pain. " That's a pretty name" Seth said trying to calm her
"it's b-b-because of my eyes" The young she wolf looked up at him for the first time. He found himself gazing into eyes the color of liquid silver. His mind seemed to short circuit. Gold stared into silver and silver into gold, time seemed to slow. "FREEZE!!!" Bernard popped into view behind her. pistol leveled. Argent whirled her head toward Bernard and unintentionally put weight on her wounded leg. Letting out a yelp she fell out of the box and into unconsciousness.
Moving without even thinking Seth caught her before she hit the floor. "What the?" " Where did she?" "damm" Bernard spluttered . Seth spoke not taking his eyes off the slender and worn form in his arms.
"She's hurt Bernard." The big German Shepard immediately transformed shedding his gruff security guard
Persona and becoming who he really was. The best EMT in the city. "where" He said kneeling beside Seth
His eyes serious. "her right leg" Bernard nodded and began examining the young wolfess now cradled in Seth's arms. "it's not good Seth" Bernard shook his head "it's broken and she's in shock. I'll immobilize the leg but we have to get her warmed up and somewhere where we can get an x ray and set the leg correctly." The wolf looked up from his burden "My trucks warm I started it before I came in here"
"and you have that big crew cab" Bernard paused then spoke again "we'll take her to the clinic. Rose is working tonight." Seth nodded. Rose was Bernards Mate and the clinic was why he was usually late.
Both the big shepherd and the stunning collie he was mated to donated much of their time to the local free clinic She was a doctor and surgeon and one of the best. "that would be the good Bernard" The wolf looked again at the thin form in his arms "I think we better hurry."
The white walls of the free clinic reflected back the glow of the fluorescent lights. The starkness of the walls broken by splashes of color. Crayon drawings made by the children who had come here and thank you cards also drawn in childish hand.
Seth sat in one of the waiting room chairs his attention fixed on the swinging double doors where moments after their arrival Rose had disappeared with Argent the latter still unconscious and on a rolling bed.
The clock ticked the seconds away sounding loud in the general stillness. The nurse sitting behind the check in window rustled papers softly. Voices murmured in the background unintelligible even to the wolf's sensitive ears. His golden eyes locked on the door he waited for Roses familiar face to appear while the clock ticked loudly marking the passing of time.
"Seth?" The wolf started from his chair looking quickly around. A paw settled on his shoulder and a tall green eyed collie looked at him with concern in her eyes. Her slender form haloed in the light She wore a white lab coat a stethoscope dangled from her neck and a pen and several lollipops were tucked into the pocket of the coat "You ok there?" The wolf relaxed. "Yea Rose just jumpy I guess." "That's understandable." She Replied. "Want to see your prowler?" Seth nodded his head quickly. "Follow me but please be quiet." Nodding his head again the wolf followed Rose through the double doors and into the long hallways of the clinic.
Speaking softly Rose told him about Argent "We set the leg. It was a clean break and should heal. She's sleeping at the moment. Cleaned her up the best we could. Had several minor burns that needed attention also." The collies soft voice paused "In here." Putting her finger to her lips she reached up and slowly opened a blue colored door. Quietly Seth slipped in behind her.
Laying on the bed was the wolfess he had Carried in the door of the clinic several hours ago. Her eyes closed, the soot and ashes gone from her face. A cast encircled her right leg. Laying on the hospital bed tucked into the soft blankets she seemed even more waiflike and thin. Seth gazed at her face remembering the silver eyes now hidden . Several minutes passed. "We should let her rest" Rose whispered. "Ok Doc" Seth replied Taking a last look at the sleeping form. They turned and silently slipped out the door.
"She'll be ok then? " Jack asked as they walked back down the hall. Rose sighed then frowned her ears flattening. The wolf frowned then said "But you said she would heal??" Seth's ears also went flat. "Seth." The collie said in a quiet voice "She lives on the streets and it's winter. She is thin and weak and has no energy to spare for healing. I can only keep her here for so long. The shelters are full And she would probably run from them anyway. She will heal but only if she can have warmth, food and
Someone to care for her. Without them I'm afraid she won't see spring. Rose looked down at the floor and shook her head. "This is the part of being here I hate Seth. I can't give them all a home." Putting his arm around her slumped shoulders Seth gazed back toward the door a faraway look in his golden eyes. "I'll take her home with me Rose." The collie lifted her gaze "Seth...what ...but your moving?" His gaze still locked on the door behind them the gray wolf replied "To a big house out in the country with plenty of room for guests" Rose looked up at Seth her eyes studying his face and the abstracted gaze that she followed to the door. " Is that ok Rose ?" His gaze swung from the door to Roses green eyes. The collie studied him for a moment then a smile split her muzzle. "Yes I would say it's ok. She has nowhere else to go and she trusts you ." The wolf smiled his gaze returning to the door "It's settled then as soon as you release her we head for home." Turning toward her small office Rose pointed at a chair "I'll get the paperwork finished and you can go. Just make sure to keep her warm and the leg elevated." "Will do doc." The wolf replied seating himself in the chair his gaze returning to the blue door down the hall.
The Collie turned to enter her office then stopped and looked hard at the wolf as he sat gazing down the hallway noting his expression and the direction of his gaze. She studied him for several seconds tapping her finger on her muzzle. Then her eyes brightened and a sly smile crept across her features. Glancing once more at the gazing wolf she chuckled softly and entered her office still smiling.
Hummmmm. Th thuck hmmmmm Th thuck hummmm. The tires of the truck sang as the miles disappeared beneath them the tar strips on the highway tapping counterpoint. Seth glanced away from the night shrouded highway and toward the east. The fires of sunrise had begun to roll back the darkness.
Good thing I planned this trip with several days free. He thought. Shaking his head and rubbing his tired eyes He turned to check on his passenger. Wrapped in soft blankets with a pillow under her leg Argent slept soundly in the back seat of the big truck. Her head rested on another pillow. Her coloring was gray and white the same as his but with tracings of almost a metallic silver. Her muzzle was slim and fine boned but thin too thin, whipcord and wire and nothing else. Seth studied her face and those silver tracings the same color at those eyes of hers .. those silver eyes..... BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. The wolf's gaze whirled back to the road where the truck had drifted onto the rumble strip off to the side. Correcting the slight drift He mumbled to himself "Watch where your going numbskull." Quickly scanning the gauges and settling himself the wolf continued to guide the truck down the brightening highway for the next hour.
The graceful tones of an old waltz pulled his golden gaze from the road. Slowing the truck and pulling onto the shoulder Seth reached for his cell phone. Very few People had this number and only one had her own ringtone programmed in. Seth put the big truck in park and snapped the phone open. " Hello Mrs. Whitney" A soft spoken voice answered from the other end "Hello Little Greytop How did you know it was me?" Seth smiled Mrs. Whitney had been his neighbor and second mother since he was 4. He had grown up out in the country in a huge farmhouse. 400 acres of fields and woods had been his playground. His mother and Mrs. Whitney had been good friends The older vixen helping his mother cope with a rambunctious boy
Full of questions and boundless energy. Her own son acting as an older brother to Seth and sometimes getting them into more trouble than either one could have dreamed up on their own. "Modern technology Mrs. Whitney." Seth answered with a grin. "Oh that calling I.D. that the telephone man keeps pestering me about" Mrs. Whitney still had an old rotary phone and didn't want to change it " Still grinning the wolf answered "Sort of. Let's just say on my phone you have your own special sound." The Vixens voice brightened "Well that's sweet dear. Will I be seeing you soon. You should be about here." "No Mrs.
Whitney I still have about 3 hours to go" the wolf glanced up at the rear view mirror checking on his passenger still sound asleep. "And I have a couple favors to ask." The wolf proceeded to tell her about what had happened . "So could you please get the second bedroom ready for her." "That's easy " answered the vixen. " Just a few towels and fluff the pillows. Do you think young man I would let things go?" Mrs. Whitney had been taking care of the old house for him since his parents had died in that plane crash 3 years ago. "No chance of that " he answered "I know better." "I would hope so." Said the Vixen rather stiffly. There was a pause and then a soft sigh "You have a heart of gold you great gray lump. Get moving
And get her here. I'll have everything ready." The wolf smiled "Thanks Mrs. Whitney you're a treasure."
A soft chuckle sounded thru the phone "Don't treasure me you hellion. And be careful." "Yes ma'm
We'll see you in 3 hrs" "Alright greytop I'll be waiting. goodbye" "goodbye Mrs. Whitney" The wolf closed the phone and glanced in his mirrors before pulling back out on the highway and bringing the truck up to speed.
Three years he thought to himself. _three years since he had left for the city to escape the memories.
Three years since his life had been shattered by a phone call. Three years since that frightful night
When he lost both his parents_ . The big wolf punched the cruise and settled in. Three years in the city
_And he had dealt with his sorrow . Three years away from everyone he had ever known. Three years
And he began missing. The brighter memories rising in his mind. The big old house with it's shutters open in the summer breeze. The fields and woods where he ran as a child. His mothers smile as she kneaded bread in the kitchen. His fathers patience as he taught him how to fix things around the farm.
These and a thousand more memories rising, Glittering, Calling. Yes Calling. Calling him home._