Dr. Von Zeppelin for M&M 3E

Story by betterwatchit on SoFurry

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This is the Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition build forIB: norithics' villainous persona, Dr. Von Zeppelin.

Norithics Kusemerai AKA Dr. Von Zeppelin - PL 10 (NPC)

Strength 1, Stamina 1, Agility 5, Dexterity 5, Fighting 5, Intellect 10, Awareness 2, Presence 2

Advantages: Attractive, Benefit, Wealth 4 (multimillionare), Equipment 4, Hide in Plain Sight, Inventor, Ranged Attack 5, Second Chance: Deception rolls to seduce someone, Second Chance: Persuasion rolls to seduce someone, Skill Mastery: Stealth, Skill Mastery: Technology, Ultimate Effort: Stealth, Ultimate Effort: Technology, Well-informed

Skills: Athletics 9 (+10), Deception 8 (+10), Expertise: Sex, Fetishes and Kinks 10 (+20), Insight 3 (+5), Intimidation 3 (+5), Perception 3 (+5), Persuasion 8 (+10), Stealth 10 (+15), Technology 10 (+20)

Powers: Raccoon Senses: Senses 2 (Acute: Touch, Ultra-hearing)

Equipment: Bulletproof Vest, Castle Von Zeppelin (HQ)

Castle Von Zeppelin (HQ)

Toughness 10, Size Huge


Concealed 4, Holding Cells, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System 2, Workshop

Power Points: Abilities 3 + Features 12 + Defenses 2 = 17 EP


Initiative +5

Grab, +5 (DC Spec 11)

Throw, +10 (DC 16)

Unarmed, +5 (DC 16)


Motivation: Thrills: Von Zeppelin just wants to have fun. He puts as much effort into keeping up appearances as other villains put into real villainy.

Reputation: It's common knowledge that Von Zeppelin is the kinkiest supervillain around.

Responsibility: To his minions Carmine, Keco and KG.

Defense: Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 5, Toughness 5, Will 5

Power Points: Abilities 62 + Powers 2 + Advantages 23 + Skills 32 (64 ranks) + Defenses 7 = 126