Laugh at a dragon, go to jail.

The merchant stared at the magistrate for some time then burst out laughing.

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Carnival of Traitors - Chapter II

"upon hearing these words, my lord, my soul is at ease knowing there is bright future before stimarch under your rule," answered the merchant, bowing his head.

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The Wastes- Chapter 5: Get yourself acquainted, son.

Around the back side of the store was the merchant's row, or stage, where nicholson had been greeted by the people of the settlement the previous night.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 14

The merchant started to examine the axe " as much as it is dangerous it is also very fragile, a couple of swings and this thing breaks" the mole shrugged " you can't have everything" the merchant cleared his throat " you know the reason why i said that you

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The Bread Also Rises, Chapter 1

We are merchants. that is a correct assumption you have made." you blink at the sudden change in her nature, but the black cat continues speaking. "however, being merchants, we have sold the last of our bread.

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A Bard's Tale - Chapter Four.

"faral, zerah, you have been stalwart companions and my door is always open to you, look for duloren's fabric shop in the merchant quarter here."

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Razgriz: The Legend

Whereas merchants under the laws would be required to deliver goods to the walls of terradawn for lawdic use, under the reliance treaty merchants began to flood the walls with goods and services, turning the aristocratic bunker into a thriving marketplace

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Tales in Vladini

The sounds of the market filled the air, merchants hawking their goods, the giggles and excited words of children, and the occasional words exchanged between merchant and customer.

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Shadow's hunt, part three

Hours later, the merchant fortress at shonan heaved into sight above the great forest that surrounded it. the merchant fortresses were an invention of the various merchant guilds.

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"The Thin Line," Part E

"would you like me to try to sort things out with the merchants, sir?"

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DRAFT The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 3: Life in Aht'Regenia)

"hand cart, merchant cart, or goods cart." minetz asks hanging on the door by the handle. "merchant cart." the voice states blankly. renno comes around the door behind minetz. "by miran there are two of you now." the male anoran states.

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Found and Lost

The sign did not need to proclaim the nature of the goods being offered, as it was obvious that these merchants provided the best in gold, silver, and precious stones to a wealthy clientele.

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